
Chapter 1009: Wake up

The whistling sound of the wind is like the only rhythm between heaven and earth.

The whole is a pitch-black environment, but because of the fluorescent plants that grow among the gravel, the environment becomes a little green, but this green is not a vibrant green, but a dismal green. It resembles the color left over after a poisonous snake loses its vitality.

The endless low hills actually present a sloping upward angle, just like a curve formed by a huge earthworm crawling.

However, in vain, there are weird traces of space tearing in the mid-air, and an elliptical space gap is created immediately with the emergence of a huge breath. After quickly spraying a fuzzy figure, there is no nostalgia. The internal twist disappears quickly.

And the figure that was dropped from mid-air did not descend at the speed of a free fall, but like a bullet that had just been ejected, with the sharp whistling sound, it suddenly slammed into the air. To the surface!

A loud bang, like a meteorite from outside the sky, created a huge depression on the edge of the foothills, as deep as tens of meters, and the violent impact made the ground around the huge crater dense like a spider web. Cracking.

The whole earth also produced a little tremor along with it, and a lot of dust and mist suddenly rose up from the dented huge pit, and countless flying debris shot out in all directions, the sound of that sizzling. Accompanied by the rising dust and the fluorescent plants that have suffered innocent disasters, the hills that were still silent before have in vain discordant tones.

But this hill has always been extremely silent, so even the discordant tone will disappear with the passage of time, so in the end, when everything caused by the crash of the impact disappears. Here again fell into deathly silence.

Like a sobbing mountain breeze, it blows away the dust and mist, but it is entrained in the faint **** smell spreading from the bottom of the huge pit, spreading to all directions.

And the figure that fell from the sky was lying on the side of the pit quietly, motionless as if it were a corpse, but in fact there was a thin man at the bottom of the pit, but his current appearance was really somewhat different. Terrible.

His left arm rested on his chest. The right arm twisted and blocked the face at a strange angle, covering the blood-stained face.

Although the gravel and soil around him have calmed down a long time ago, the blood flowing out of this man has gradually dried up and solidified due to the passage of time, but the faint **** smell that came out followed that The mountain breeze is blowing, and gradually spread over this hilly area.

Under him, there were cracks formed by the violent impact, like the lips of a hungry and dying person. These huge gaps spread to the top in an irregular manner, causing a few meters of fine gullies around the huge pit.

As time passed slowly, there was no sun and moon, and there were no stars, so the sky could hardly be noticed by the line of sight, but only by itself, it would emit the light brought by the green fluorescent plants, but it made life here. The eyesight of Warcraft has already deteriorated.

But this kind of environment makes their sense of smell become extremely sensitive. Especially the lop-eared jackal that lives on the periphery of this hill is the best.

They were no more than half a meter tall, yet they were cleverly built and had extremely powerful bodies, and possessed similar wizard-apprentice-level wind spells. These monsters were still social creatures, and dozens or hundreds of them would hunt together.

It was just that half a month ago there had been a huge number of high-level monsters passing by, so these burrowing lop-eared jackals also honestly reduced their hunting range, and did not dare to appear here again.

But time always produces forgetfulness, so dozens of lop-eared jackals, led by young leaders to hunt for food, finally came because of the faint smell of blood, and finally appeared to the left of the unconscious man. Side ridge.

Dozens of lop-eared jackals looked extremely skinny under the bleak green fluorescence. One by one, they squat or lie down, but their noses are turbulent, because the mountain wind in this hilly area does not have a fixed track, so they need to be patient to distinguish the direction to find the smell of blood. source.

In vain, with the change of the direction of the mountain breeze, a thick **** aura came upon his face!

The long hairs of the young lop-eared jackal leader's neck exploded, and terror flashed in his green eyes.

Although the strong **** gas represents food. But it also represented the coming of risk. The leader's wet nose shook to distinguish the risk contained in this **** gas, but the hungry lop-eared jackals had been defeated by the fear of hunger.

Because the importance of food finally defeated fear. So as the young chief suddenly threw out, the sound of excitement foraging echoed among the hills!

The distance between the two low hills was only more than a thousand meters. After a while, these lop-eared jackals appeared beside the deeply recessed crater, standing on the edge of the cracked circular crater. Looking at the man whose appearance was blurred by the fluorescent light below, they were silent as a chill, and none of them dared to make a sound.

In the center of the huge pit more than ten meters deep, the vague figure shrouded in a strong smell of blood was noticed after they approached. Although the bottom of the pit is dark and without light, the man lying on the side in the center of the pit emits There was an aura of horror that shocked all the lop-eared jackals.

This group of lop-eared jackals, as if they had been shocked, regained their sanity after a long time. All the other lop-eared jackals, except the leader, clamped their tails and made a terrified sound of horror. The road runs wildly.

Only the young lop-eared jackal leader was unwilling to give up such an opportunity. Although his entire body had been erected, he still decided to give it a try.

The huge cracked gap provided countless footing points for its downward movement. The young leader of the lop-eared jackal, who was light and swift, walked down the edge of the pit to the bottom of the pit.

The man lying on his side made no sound, as if he was already dead, but when the lop-eared jackal leader jumped and leaped forward and was about to touch his body, an invisible barrier suddenly appeared. Block it in the air!

With a muffled sound, the powerful impact force brought by the rapid speed made the lop-eared jackal's nose and mouth ooze blood, dizzy and swollen slowly from the invisible barrier, and collapsed here. Half an inch beside the man!

The head of the dizzy lop-eared jackal was a little confused, but what had just happened made it a little hard to understand.

But just when it regained consciousness and let out a scream of want to leave, the palm that came out from the side in vain grabbed its neck and squeezed it fiercely!

With a click...

The eyes suddenly protruded, and the head of the lop-eared jackal, whose body was suddenly stiff, was easily squeezed off its neck. UU read www.uukānshu.com and the blood that came out from the corner of its mouth was a drop. A drop fell on the palm of the hand that held its neck.

The hot blood flowed slowly along the edge of the palm, but the man who felt the temperature slowly sat up.

His sanity hasn't fully recovered, but because of the unexpected attack on the protective force field just now, he finally woke up from the state of sleep before.

The warm blood on the edge of the left palm that pinched the lop-eared jackal's neck made him feel a bit of warmth, but the act of twisting the neck caused the man to finally feel severe pain.

There was almost no whole piece of skin under his body, and the dried and solidified blood stains on his face even blocked his sight.

But the alert man suddenly tightened his muscles, and his left palm instinctively clenched again. This made the neck of the lop-eared jackal who had been pinched to death sighed with soreness. The creak!

In the silent environment, this sound appeared like thunder, and the man whose consciousness finally recovered, after seeing clearly what was pinched in his palm, he smiled bitterly...

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