
Chapter 1010: Healing

The lop-eared jackal who was left not far away gradually became stiff.

The green eyes that protruded from the eye sockets were shocked, stunned, and hopeless.

And Raymond sitting next to it, after checking his physical condition a little bit, had a mood similar to the lop-eared jackal he had strangled to death.

But the most obvious difference between the two is that he is still alive, and the lop-eared jackal with a slumped stomach has become a corpse.

The reality that he was still alive made his mood a little more cheerful, and he let out a sigh like self-deprecating. The Sandstone Orcs’ Cage Talisman Formation is indeed extremely powerful. If the last ball of light also falls down, it is estimated that it will be bombarded and smashed..."

Thoughts became a little erratic, and the last scene in the square could not help but reappear in front of him.

The nine black hole-like spheres of light under the crossed energy beams formed by the four black stone pillars, each of them will have a rapid increase in their power when they erupt, so after the seventh one falls, Raymond finally cannot bear.

After the fusion of the real body, the protective field that was as strong as the eighth-order wizard was immediately defeated, but the eighth ball of light was followed by no time to think about it, and after the explosion, he was hit and seriously injured.

The strong defensive power brought by the huge body was torn like layers of thin paper when the ball of light broke out, and his arms in front of him were also broken, and the sprayed blood evaporated under the high temperature. It got up, forming a blood mist that filled the entire square...

His vision had become blurred at the time, and even if he had expected it, he clearly remembered that he was still a little confused.

The fan cage talisman array set up by several talisman talismans with Chenxi level strength even had such a powerful attack power after the illusion effect was broken. This was something he had never thought of before.

And the damage caused by the eighth ball of light also completely shattered his desire to resist to the end. He had to struggle to rush to the center of the square, and proceed to the final one according to the previous assumption. Beat.

The incredible energy that was instilled in that space gate almost caused him to be pumped into human work, but fortunately, at the moment before the mana was exhausted and the energy accumulated in the body was exhausted, the one who sent Willard away The door of space was finally activated by him.

The sound of the sonic boom from above his head made him unable to look up in the end. Then the embarrassed end of the real body fusion slammed into the door of that space.

At that time, consciousness was about to be lost, but in the memory it seemed that the space coordinates of the underground plane were set, and then he fell into a coma until just now...

Leimen, who roughly recalled the cause and effect of the incident, turned his gaze to the deadly lop-eared jackal in a daze, staring at the bleak green eyes protruding from the eye sockets. The only left hand that could be controlled couldn't help but probe Past. He stroked the eyelids of the lop-eared jackal, so that its expression became more serene.

It was just this kind of action that once again pulled the injury on his left shoulder, and the intense pain suddenly occurred unsuspectingly. The dark Raymond before him was shocked, and immediately gave the chip an instruction to check his body.

Red dots flashed in the pupils, and a large amount of data began to refresh in the line of sight.

With the body three-dimensional model is simulated. The physical condition of the whole body was shown in light red, so that the corners of Raymond's mouth once again piled up a helpless wry smile.

More than 70% of the skin is torn...

The muscles and bones of the right arm are all shattered...

All the organs in the body have undergone strong vibrations, and it takes a long time to fully recover...

There is only a trace of energy accumulated in the body, which is barely able to enable him to open the storage ring through a single thought...

Moreover, inexplicable toxins are also stored in the body, entangled in the body and even mixed in the mana. Obviously is it something that is beneficial to physical and mental health...

The real body has also suffered severe damage. Not only has the fit dropped significantly, but it is very likely that it is currently in a dormant state, requiring a lot of energy and time. And the massive resources can be warmed up to be able to integrate with the ontology again...

The data refresh rate in the line of sight gradually slowed down, and the chip revealed all the conclusions after a while, which was basically in line with his inference.

That is, the ambush encountered in the square before, caused his protective field to be defeated, and he was still in a state of mana depletion and serious lack of energy in his body, which made his current self-protection ability drop to an extremely dangerous level.

One living person, one wolf carcass.

Raymond at the bottom of the huge pit stared at the lop-eared jackal whose eyelids were smoothed. In my heart, I knew how lucky he was this time.

At the bottom of this huge pit where only fluorescent plants are faintly reflected, Raymond did not rush to recover his shattered right arm, but raised his left arm and brought his palm to his eyes, turning a simple shape with his heart. The ring appeared.

A protective device equivalent to the strength of the protective force field that a Tier 8 wizard can release. But what Gracie gave before, but in Raymond's mind, has never been inspired under such circumstances.

As a low-level monster, you can be regarded as dead and proud of this protective device of mine..."

With a ridiculous sigh, Raymond's vision became a little fuzzy again.

Knowing this was a sign before the body fell into a coma, Raymond, who bit his tongue fiercely, didn't dare to delay any longer.

As soon as his mind moved, dozens of bottles of medicine appeared beside the right hand drooping beside him, scattered in the line of sight.

Quickly picked out the potions that made up for the mana, Raymond, who bit off the bottle cap with his teeth, began to drink.

After the cold potion entered the body, it was like a line of ice entering the body. With the generation of the slight drunkenness, the refreshed Raymond mobilized the energy remaining in the body and slightly repaired his damage. Serious body.

Before stepping into the door of the space, he had to dissolve the fusion of his true body, although it was only a moment of time, but the chaotic and violent energy turbulence in the square still caused additional damage to him.

So after treating the injuries on the body surface first, Lei Meng took advantage of the time he was still awake, and after setting up a simple warning protection array at the bottom of the huge pit, he quickly folded his knees and resisted the dizziness. The feeling of entering meditation.

The only remaining mental power crystal in the sea of ​​consciousness seemed to have fallen into weakness, and the speed of rotation became extremely slow.

The only thing that comforts Raymond is that after many expansions of his sea of ​​consciousness, it has now been expanded a lot, but the energy accumulated here has been completely drained, making this piece of The world is like a desert.

With physical exhaustion and serious injuries, UU reading www.uukanshu.com made Raymond's consciousness a little erratic. After checking the condition of the sea of ​​knowledge, he began to meditate on the runes of the Phantom Festival.

The body does not have a large amount of spatial energy, so Raymond can only constantly re-outline the runes that he has mastered. After this behavior becomes an unconscious instinct, the groggy Raymond sinks into Unconscious situation.

While sitting cross-legged at the bottom of this pit and using the phantom rituals to enter meditation, Lei Meng did not know that because of his behavior, he gradually led to a black hole-like sucking phenomenon formed from the bottom of the huge pit. .

The free energy in the environment, after he fell into that state of unconsciousness, he gradually received traction, causing the mountain breeze whistling in this hilly area to gradually change the original chaotic trajectory, pushing the free energy in the environment toward him. Spin and keep getting closer.

Time passed slowly, and Raymond, who had fallen into an unconscious state, began to recover from his injuries, and the energy gathered from all directions eventually formed an extremely spectacular scene at the edge of the foothills where he was. .

The energy rays formed by the massive accumulation of free energy gradually become shining, so that the rays of the fluorescent plants growing in this environment are replaced...

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