
Chapter 1011: Meet

In the dim environment, a strange team was slowly marching along the foothills.

The whole body is pitch black like a giant rhinoceros, but with three sharp-horned jackals in the forehead, a hundred-meter-long giant python, a brown strange bird that flutters its wings wildly but cannot fly, and even has dozens of upper bodies that look like humans. But the lower body is a scorpion-like creature.

These monsters, which do not have a dependency relationship with each other, are somewhat inconvenient in their actions. If you look carefully, you can find that they have almost all suffered trauma recently, and some of their injuries are relatively serious, which slows down the whole The speed of the team.

Moreover, at the beginning and the end of this team, there was a man wearing leather armor and a muscular bulging mane, but it was like a human being who was driving them, keeping them moving at a steady speed along the established route.

And some huge torches were tied to the single horns on the heads of huge jackals, and the crackling sound of the flames, the hot grease dripping from the torches from time to time also made these jackals bark. .

But as long as they dare to break the silence of the team, a slender but black whip will accurately appear on their backs, and a slap will be printed on the jackal’s neck. It is neither light nor heavy, but Welts enough to make them shut up.

The team composed of hundreds of beasts does not move fast in this dim environment, but apart from the breathing of these beasts, the crackling sound of burning huge torches, and the occasional cry of the jackals. Besides, there was no other sound strangely.

But when the long whip made a continuous sound of ‘Pap Pap’, all the beasts immediately stopped advancing, either lying down or lying down. Either he started to lick the wounds on his body, but he started to rest or heal in an orderly manner.

But the shorter guy who had been walking at the front of the team heard the sound of the whip flower being squeezed, and immediately stopped moving, turned around and ran all the way to the end of the team, facing the burly and physique. The sturdy but black-faced burly man opened his mouth with a smile. Black face, why do you need to return without seeing the striker this time..."

The voice was crisp and soft like a natural sound, but it was completely inconsistent with the body shape of the person who spoke, but the brawny man who was rolling up the whip in his hand became angry. Don't call me a black face! I am your brother! "

Cut... Every guy who sees you will call you a black face, why not let me shout. This is not fair! I'm going back to tell my mother, let her judge! "

In the beginning, it was still a bit of resentment, but in the end it became very aggrieved, with a little coquettish intimacy.

The slender and flexible long whip was re-wrapped and hung around his waist. The sturdy guy who sighed slightly suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed it on the head of the person in front of him, rubbing it hard and let out a hearty laugh . Sister, mother must know the reason and promise to punch you in the ass. This time we brothers and sisters don't know we are lucky! "

The younger sister, whose hair was tossed by a black face that was only one head higher than herself, shook her body and retreated to the side, holding the head of the tossed hair in both hands, and screamed angrily. Don't rub my head! I don’t know how many times, I’ll turn my face on you again! "

The sturdy black-faced man who smiled happily ignored his shy sister, turned around and took a package from the back of a rhinoceros-like creature with a one-horned forehead, and then proceeded to prepare for camp.

And that sister who is also like a rash man. After losing his temper, he started to help. Soon the tent was erected and the bonfire started to burn.

The ingredients that were grilled on the bonfire quickly exuded the smell of meat, and the steam in the pot beside it also appeared to be boiled.

The younger sister, who was much stronger than the average man, began to throw various ingredients into the pot, and the black face, one head taller than her, took out a sand tray from the package on the back of the one-horned rhinoceros. Something like it, check it carefully.

The gentle mountain wind passed by the camp. Gentlely touched all the creatures in the camp, but the younger sister who was preparing dinner had her nose stirred in vain, and she quickly stood up with her face changed greatly.

And the black face under the bonfire, as if sensing something, suddenly stood up with his fingers and flicked the coiled whip around his waist, and he held it in his hand, followed by a big step and appeared at his sister’s. By his side, he cast his eyes on the dark place on the edge of the foothills on the left!

These weird creatures surrounding the camp. One by one, they became vigilant. These monsters, either sturdy, fierce, or cunning, seemed to perceive the arrival of danger, and one by one became cowered.

The black face holding the long whip tightened in his heart, but the sister beside him had her eyes brightened. Suddenly drew the double knives from his waist, he was ready to rush over when he was short.

But the more responsive black face suddenly reached out and pressed her shoulders, shouting in vain. Friends over there, please come and have a roast! "

Thank you..."

A hoarse and slightly low voice came from the shadows on the edge of the foothills. There was no sound of footsteps, but after a while, a thin figure wrapped in a robe was reflected in the creatures of this weird team. In sight.

It seems that there is an injury on the body, the thin body shape can be blown away by a gust of wind, the lower part of the person is still a little unstable, the whole face is covered by a silk scarf with invisible texture, and the height is less than a black chest , But they have a pair of particularly bright and clear eyes, and when they slowly walked over, the monsters in the camp gave out a low but terrified whimper.

The dark face, whose complexion changed greatly, placed the right hand holding the long whip behind him, and bowed slightly in a salute two steps ahead. We are the black faces returning to Lugu Lake. This is my sister Mi Rou'er. I wonder if this adult is going to the front line? "

The thin man who came slowly to the campfire did not answer but asked rhetorically. Striker? Hehe, can you tell me where it is first? "

The black face raised his head in amazement, a little dumbfounded. This is a hilly land leading to the front line..."

The thin man standing opposite the bonfire had a flash of embarrassment in his eyes, scratching his head and continuing to ask questions. Uh... Then let me change the question. What plane is this? "

The younger sister who was blocked behind the black face opened her eyes when she heard the sound, and appeared next to her brother with a pair of knives tightly clasped. Plane? where u from? How could it appear behind the striker! "

The girl who was about to attack was immediately held back by the black face, and he opened his mouth in amazement as he blocked his sister again. This is the edge of the intersection of the abyssal plane and the underground world. We are just beast drivers who withdrew from the front line, please don't do it! "

As if I didn’t see the girl’s slender man who wanted to attack, UU reading www.uukahnshu. However, com dropped his head and stroked his chin with his left hand, sending out a very puzzled emotion. The edge of the intersection of the abyss plane and the underground world... how come it appears here..."

Seeing this, the harder he pressed behind him and the harder he tried to get rid of the black face of his sister, his tone became more respectful, and he spoke again with a bit of heart. Dare to ask where this adult comes from? "

The thin man who seemed to be lost in thought did not answer, but the younger sister behind the black face finally broke free from the suppression of the black face, and the two knives slammed together and screamed at the same time. Brother! He may be an enemy, have you forgotten our mission and mission! "

The sound of gold and iron clinking in the camp in vain was like a horn of battle, and the beasts who had appeared cringed and timid before suddenly roared!

Either sharp, thick, or low beast roar accompanied by the appearance of chaotic footsteps, all the beasts in the camp were surrounded in a disciplined manner, and the thin man quickly surrounded the bonfire!

But the thin man who bowed his head in contemplation seemed to be totally unaware, standing quietly and letting these monsters surround him...

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