
Chapter 1265: Prey two

The area formed by the elliptical space gap that blocked Raymond on the paint surface was as high as 15 meters. Among them, Raymond, who was opposing the repulsive force of the plane, had brilliance on the surrounding force barrier. The mans are flashing.

The elite troops of the Falcon Legion that surrounded him did not dare to attack at such a moment, because if the gap in the slowly closing space was attacked by a spell, it would draw the energy from it to make itself. Unlimited expansion.

So when the encirclement was formed, Donald, who separated the crowd a little closer, was full of anger and panic after carefully observing the blockade formed by the gap in this space, because he couldn't sense the killer in this area. The existence of war beasts!

And Dmitry, who followed him, also had a gloomy face, and the simple ring that he held high in front of him, no matter how he rubbed it, no light flashed.

Donald, who was slightly pale, turned around abruptly, and then grabbed Dmitri by the collar and roared at him. "What's going on! What's going on! Before you were sure that the Killer beast was in a fully defensive state, why can't you find it now!"

Dmitry, who was suppressed by Donald's breath, was extremely angry, but he couldn't get rid of it, but the coldness in his expression became stronger and stronger, staring at the glaring Donald, saying every word. "I do not know!"

Donald, who was furious upon hearing the sound, stuck Dmitri's neck directly, shook it violently, and yelled at him extremely badly. "You don't know! How dare you say that you don't know! How dare you not know..."

But Donald's questioning was not over yet, and a low and old voice appeared behind him. "Let him go, it's not what his realm can understand now..."

Even though the hands pinching Dmitry's neck stopped, Donald, whose annoyance in his eyes quickly disappeared, after putting Dmitry down, quickly turned and apologized to the old man who appeared behind his back with his hands at his back. "Sir, I'm very sorry..."

Watching the Raymond in the shining light wrapped in the space gap, Belozovo, who frowned slightly, shouted harshly. "I'm just the speaker, I will call the wrong clan rules to deal with it later!"

"Hey, family rules...you old guy still doesn't know how beautiful it is!" But suddenly appeared in the light red mist around Belozovo. But there was a mocking sneer. "Little Donald, just prepare your people for an attack. This is not a place where you can stay..."

But Belozovo, who had already turned his head and stared at the pale red mist, had anger in his eyes. He lowered his voice and cursed. "The third speaker! The old man is not something you can mock at will!"

"Hey, I'm just discussing the matter, you old guy dare to say that such a name will make you really annoyed? What's the problem if I just say it for you..."

Belozovo, who was furious, didn't show any mercy anymore, and even roared. "Joker! Do you dare to say it!"

Donald, who was standing on the side, looked astonished, but Dmitry, who was standing next to him, glanced over Belozovo and the pale red mist called the'Joker' as if watching a play. There was even an undisguised sneer over his mouth.

It's just that with the appearance of the name ‘clown’, the aura released in the pale red mist became gloomy and cold, and a sharp low roar that was different from the previous one also appeared. "Old guy! Don't force me to ally with that old woman!"

Belozovo, who had an extremely ugly expression, did not respond, but turned around and glared at Donald. Then he pointed to the light red mist in the area enclosed by the space gap and asked. "Look at what the situation is now..."

Donald, who was awakened, dare not stay here. After bowing to the two vice-chairmen, he grabbed Dmitry and quickly returned to the siege array constructed by his subordinates, and then transmitted the voice to Dmitry. "Remember! Everything you heard just now must be forgotten! Otherwise..."

Dmitry, who was indifferent in his expression, shook his head and interrupted his voice transmission and said directly. "Don't do it! I know more about some things than you. I know exactly what kind of monster the third speaker is. Just take care of your own mouth!"

Anger was piled up, but the person in front of him was also a member of the Hamilton family, and because of his special abilities in some aspects, he was particularly valued by the patriarch Belozovo, so even if he had anger Donald in his heart, he could not vent it.

It was just that his expression changed drastically after checking the siege formation constructed by the Falcon Legion.

This is because the Lan Zhijiao Legion did not enter together as agreed at all, and its commander Twovna actually came slowly from the outside at this time with the Grand Speaker Rod Lijia.

Donald, who was not angry, wanted to go up and question, but thought that the patriarch and the third speaker were already there. It was just that with or without the assistance of the Lan Zhijiao Legion, so after Ling's subordinates maintained an attacking posture and waited for orders, they retreated to the side.

And Tvovna, who had just entered here with the Speaker of the Speaker Rod Lijia, saw Donald’s expression clearly, and gave up the attempt to come after seeing him stomping his feet, and couldn’t help but laugh. .

It's just that Rod Lijia, the Speaker of the House, who looks like an ordinary old woman. But he scolded without raising his head. "Little girl! Don't think that you can provoke the Hamilton family with me protecting you. The current Belozovo is very different from the previous patriarchs..."

The unsuspecting Tvovna was surprised, but seeing the speaker Rod Lijia's attention was still focused on the automatically rotating drop-shaped surgical device in his palm, she deliberately prolonged the tail and whispered. "Oh, I will pay attention to it in the future..."

Upon hearing this, the Speaker Rod Lijia raised his head. Tvovna laughed as she looked at her with fear but without fear in her eyes. "When I say that, you always don't listen, and you always don't do it. You think I don't know your temperament..."

Tvovna's naive expression was aggrieved, but the speaker Rod Lijia continued to speak. "Well, after this matter is over, you will enter the secret tower for meditation. When will you break through and then come out..."

When she heard this, Twovna finally panicked, and even exclaimed as if she had forgotten the manners she should have. "My lord! The war order is about to be issued. You can't deprive me of the first batch of rights to enter!"

"Whether it will be possible is not certain! Don't think that invading the nightmare world is a simple matter. Perhaps the first batch of entrants will get lost in the turbulence of time and space without seeing the nightmare world and will never return!"

The big speaker Rodriguez, whose tone became severe, made Twovna not dared to argue any more, but she lowered her head but was dissatisfied in her heart, and she couldn't understand why things had become so.

But when he turned his gaze to the great speaker Rod Lijia, who was holding the water heart technique in his palm, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com frowned and sighed. Only then did he put away the drop-shaped technique and speed up towards the bead The group of brilliance blocked by the gap in space left.

Seeing that the Speaker of the Speaker Rod Lijia came before him, Belozovo and the Speaker of the Third Speaker, who had conflicts with each other in private, had to bow slightly to salute.

But Rod Lijia, who had been staring at the space gap area that was slowly closing, directly spoke. "It's better to let the Falcon Legion withdraw, and don't uselessly compromise its combat power before the battle begins."

Belozovo's face was stunned, and he asked. "Roder Lijia! What do you mean!"

"I can't evaluate his combat power, but the high-level wizard who can provoke the repulsion of the plane, do you think the Falcon Legion can keep him? Or do you think you can regard him as your prey?"

Speaker Rodriguez's questioning made Belozovo's face even more ugly, while the third speaker in the pale red mist clapped his hands and laughed. "Hey, it's really hard to tell who is the prey..."


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