
Chapter 1266: confused

Beyond the barriers formed by the gaps in space, the three-tiered and three-tiered legion wizards who have arranged their battlefields, constructed their spells, and are waiting for them, are a little bit of a headache when Lei Meng is surprised, because The quantity will still play a containment effect at some point.

Especially for the leaders in front of the team, the light of the spells that they quickly constructed and completed were obviously all of these state-imposed types.

It was just that when the old-looking Belozovo arrived, Leimen sank in his heart and concluded that he must be a high-level wizard above the dawn level realm.

But after the big speaker Rod Lijia appeared on crutches like an ordinary woman, he suddenly felt the smell of danger!

And the light red mist around the old man is even more unclear about what kind of existence it is, but after seeing the three people holding horns and keeping a distance from each other, the feeling of danger that makes him very nervous, but It fades down for no reason.

This sense of danger, or the ability to predict, should naturally appear after the strength reaches a certain level, but what makes him very puzzled is that whether it is the old man or the seemingly ordinary old man who arrived later Women, the pressure brought to him after the gathering was not as good as those formed by the wizarding troops, as if their hostility was weaker.

However, when these two people confronted the pale red fog, the dangerous feeling in Raymond's heart quickly faded, and he felt that he would not encounter unexpected danger.

But this kind of thought just surfaced in Raymond's heart, it made him extremely confused, and thereupon a question.

Because the weird monster that appeared before, after he got rid of the illusion, there was almost no chance to show its strength, so he was beaten and smashed into such a miserable state, and then sealed it up. He also understood the significance of the barrier, which was obviously because the force that sent the beast believed that it would win, and took corresponding measures to prevent himself from retreating or even running away.

Thinking of Raymond here, betting on the eyes of the old man and the old woman outside the gap of space. There was a deep jealousy, thinking that since the monsters dispatched before were beyond the existence of Dawn, then the two people in front of them should be at the level 7 or higher...

Such a comparison of strength caused him a bit of a headache, but the plane repulsion currently imposed on him was gradually weakening. The density and number of the space gaps surrounding the body also rapidly decreased and decreased as the plane's repulsion weakened.

It's just that the plane's repulsive force collided with his own protective barrier, but the dazzling brilliance on his body surface did not reduce the brightness and intensity, making him seem to be marked and invisible.

Not to mention the encirclement of the wizarding forces on the periphery, nor what kind of existence is in the pale red fog, the old man and the ordinary old woman in front of him, if he does not merge with the real body, he wants Resistance is absolutely impossible.

But at this time, the barrier formed by the gap in the space that blocked him finally created some gaps, so that the outside voice could finally be heard by Raymond.

But Donald, who also kept a close eye on the space gap barrier, raised his right hand at this time. However, the commanders of the sharp falcon regiments in the front of the battlefield had the desire to launch a tentative attack after perceiving the attack points generated by the gap barrier in this space.

Seeing these commanders cast their inquiring gazes, Donald, who had not received any other orders, nodded slightly at two of them, indicating that he could conduct a trial.

As the leader of the elite troops of the Falcon Legion. But they weren't the middle-level wizards who hadn't seen blood battles. The two commanders in different positions, after exchanging opinions with each other with their eyes, released the prepared spells!

The gloomy light that appeared from under Lei Meng obliquely inserted into the barrier formed by the gap in the space that had just leaked out of the gap like a poisonous snake, and accurately hit Lei Meng's back!

But the very thin beam of light lasing from above the other side of Raymond was when it reached the gap barrier in space. Not able to pass through the gap that was just revealed, but instead hit a gap in the space that suddenly expanded outward before the collapse!

The gloom that hit Leimen's back could not break through his protective barrier, but because the plane's repulsion had not completely disappeared, Leimen's body was shaken slightly.

But the beam of light that hit the gap in the space that was about to collapse suddenly stabilized the gap. The bang expanded outwards by more than a foot, swallowing all the space gaps that were about to disappear and linked them together.

And the explosion produced by that space energy also made this fire-like attack attracted the attention of the three major speakers who were still in conversation!

Even though Belozovo's face was darkened, his eyes were widened, but gloating laughter came from the pale red mist around him, and the large speaker Rod Lijia's palm with a cane suddenly tightened.

And Donald, the initiator who allowed such an attack. However, he was full of regret and waved his right hand at the commander who caused the mistake to stop all actions.

However, Raymond, who was within the gap of the space, woke up in vain when he saw this, a smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and found that the problem that had plagued him before was inexplicable!

At this time, the squeeze caused by the repulsive force of the plane is getting weaker and weaker, and he understands that although the opportunity has appeared, Raymond has a way to escape, but in the situation like this, even if he escapes through these gaps in space, It is better to rely on your own strength.

So after immersing his mind and feeling that the repulsive force applied to his body disappeared, he wanted to release his true body again.

The phantom of the real body, like a giant bear, appeared in the fading barrier of the space. Although its outline was extremely obscure, its mighty and mighty aura was uncontrollable.

The first to bear the brunt are the three speakers standing not far away, and Tvovna standing next to the big speaker Rod Lijia.

The lowest strength Tvovna only felt that she couldn't breathe under the suppression of this kind of aura. After being excited, the self-protective barrier made a creak, and she was actually trapped in the oppression of the indiscriminate force field. The panic in her heart also made her exclaim involuntarily.

But the Speaker Rodriguez frowned, and after releasing his own breath, he blessed Tvovna, and the drop-shaped surgical instrument also appeared in her palm, spinning rapidly to release a soft touch. Strength, so that she can easily resist such pressure.

However, Deputy Speaker Belozovo had his pupils shrinking slightly, and he did not see any measures taken by him. A layer of fluorescent light was blocked in front. Although the fluorescent light appeared inwardly dented by the indiscriminate force field. It is much easier than the Speaker Rod Lijia.

And the elite of the sharp falcon legion that had opened up the formation to form an encirclement before, but suffered the oppression of the indiscriminate force field when Lei Meng's real body appeared just now, and the formation was in a mess!

Only the light red fog group remained unchanged. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com only heard a slight shock from the inside, as if it were a bit of an accident.

But at the moment when the phantom of Lei Meng Zhen appeared, a cloud of dark clouds suddenly appeared on the sky that had already restored calm!

An unimaginable power strikes down from the dark clouds like lightning, and is added to the real phantom like thunder in vain.

This is the tentative release of Raymond who is trying to fuse his real body. Even under this irresistible pressure, the real body phantom is unable to persist at all, as if being punctured. Burst like bubbles!

Lei Meng, who had a bad heart, didn't dare to move rashly anymore. The power that seemed like the might of heaven made his mind shake, and he actually gave birth to a fear of being destroyed.

But even if the real figure had disappeared, the gaps in the space that had surrounded him within a few meters before suddenly appeared like bamboo shoots after a rain, and wrapped him in the blink of an eye!

And the speed at which these space gaps squeeze inward makes Raymond feel extremely dangerous...


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