
Chapter 1275: The first way

The appearance of Vadim of the Inspectorate officially announced a change in the strength of the two sides.

But what puzzled Twovna was that the Falcon Legion that had released the Aggregation and Transferred Assault spells never showed up. Even after Donald blew himself up, his remnant soul rushed back to the bottom, even if it was a deputy. Speaker Belozovo came out of the valley immediately, but the valley where the Falcon Legion was located had not been any movement, quietly looking very strange.

However, because the Legion-level isolation barrier set up by the Falcon Legion still covered the bottom of the valley, everything at the bottom of the valley could not be explored, and Tvovna's doubts could only be suppressed by force.

It’s just that as the Space Gate at the Secret Forces Inspector’s Office was stabilized, the attack intensity of the other four Space Gates also dropped sharply. Obviously, when all of these Space Gates were firmly restored to their teleportation capabilities, they would be Lan Zhijiao. The legion was defeated and even destroyed.

But for Tvovna, the commander of the Lan Zhijiao Legion, as long as the Speaker Rod Lijia can persist, she would rather die than give up!

Therefore, it was found that Vadim and the high-level wizards around him had not participated in the battle, and Twovna could not participate in such a legion-level attack, and could only exist as a commander!

Only after the Space Gate was stabilized, the members of the Supervisory Office led by Vadim did not seem to violently attack the Lan’s Flood Dragon Army’s defense line. They just maintained the stability of the area and launched a confrontation with the Lan’s Flood Dragon Army. Form a containment.

Knowing what this meant, Twovna couldn't help worrying more, but she turned her attention to Rod Lijia, the speaker. It was discovered that she was still confronting the rebel Belozovo, and did not start a real battle!

I was puzzled, but Twovna had nothing to do. We can only pin our hopes on the strength of Speaker Rod Liga, and the power loyal to Speaker Rod Liga can arrive in time...

As for the deputy speaker Belozovo, who stood in front of the speaker Rod Rica, he was talking about the serious rebellion that the Supreme House suppressed.

"There are more than three hundred wizards who believe in evil spirits, and more than 20,000 poor people living near the lake. The order to remove these evil spirits polluted by evil spirits is your order, but the old man accused of killing But it’s been three hundred years ago..."

Hearing contempt on the old face formed by the complex umbels, he finally sneered. "Belozovo don't pretend anymore. You know what happened back then, and you can be so frantic for the resources of refining the culture solution. Among the more than 300 wizards, there are dawn-level wizards. ..."

"They hinder the refining of the culture solution and are the enemy of the Supreme Court! It can even be said that they hinder the powerful drag on the surface plane. Death is not a pity!"

Belozovo's righteous remarks made the Speaker Rod Riga even more disdainful and growled. "Don't always talk about the'Supreme House', they just hinder you!"

"Hindering the old man is obstructing the Supreme Council! It is obstructing the entire plane! It is the enemy of the entire plane! It must be completely eliminated! There is no room for negotiation!"

Belozovo roared like this. But it surprised the Speaker Rod Lijia. The face made up of umbels was stunned, but in the end it turned into disappointment and sorrow, shaking like a head!

It's just that the big speaker Rod Lijia's reaction made Belozovo's anger in vain to become exuberant, he raised his hand and hammered on his chest and shouted. "Rode Rica! Everything you do in the old man is for the prosperity of the entire plane, and all obstacles that hinder his strength will be completely removed by the old man. If it were not for you to delay the start of the battle on the plane, the old man would not need it. Clear you too!"

Speaking of this, Belozovo's eyes were a little red. After taking a few breaths, he barely suppressed the grief and anger in his heart, and bowed again to the real body of the Speaker Rod Lijia. "Dear Lord Rodriguez. The old man is not willing to be an enemy of you. On the contrary, he sincerely admires and admires your dominance and strength. As long as you are willing to push forward the battle of the plane with all your strength, the position of the chairperson is still yours. As long as you can promote the plane and make the entire plane more prosperous, afterwards, you will want the old man to commit suicide, and the old man will be happy, without any complaints!"

The eyes of Belozovo who raised his head were red and the eye sockets were moist. The expressions of absolute and sincere expression were undisguised.

But the Speaker Rodriguez became more and more angry. Her complex umbels were erected like scales, and she was very heartbroken to persuade. "Belozovo! Wake up! You are using the entire plane as a bargaining chip! You cannot represent the entire plane, nor can you represent the interests of those who are not willing to participate in the battle of the plane, let alone be like this Win the battle of the adventurous planes!"

Hearing goodbye to Lozovo was not angry, but there was a deep regret and a light pity in his expression, and he said after a deep sigh. "Dear Lord Rodriguez, your time seems to have passed. Your conservative and cautious have become obstacles to the ascension of the entire plane. Although this is not your fault, it is for the prosperity and prosperity of the entire plane. The wizarding class has entered a new era, so you should withdraw from the stage of history...Leave the future to those who are prepared, determined, and capable!"

Speaking of the end, Belozovo became extremely proud, and there was a madness in his eyes.

But the Speaker Rod Lijia seemed to have lost his defense with him, and sneered after he had finished speaking. "This is the reason for your rebellion?"

"The old man is not rebellious! The old man is fighting for glory! Fighting for the vast majority of brave people! Fighting for many who have expectations for the future! Fighting to restore the glory created by the ancient wizards... …"

With a confident and proud roar, Belozovo confided all the long-cherished wishes buried deep in his heart.

But the big speaker Rodriguez, who was too lazy to continue the rebuke, suddenly twisted the umbel that formed his old face, and the fluorescence that covered the whole dill also disappeared at this moment.

But Belozovo, who was immersed in such a beautiful future that he had constructed, saw his eyes shrink slightly, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The great speaker Rodríguez, who was already about to break free from the black hole, suddenly pierced the edge of the black hole with a large number of roots at the end of his thick stem. With the vague aura released from his true body, it turned out in vain. Break free of half a meter!

Belozovo, with a smile on his mouth, finally ended his defense of his behavior. He clenched his right fist and then punched out!

Can't describe his punching speed!

Because of his punch, the air was compressed in an instant and a bang burst out. I saw that the suddenly compressed air actually produced a clear shape and trajectory, and instantly hit the thick rod. On top of the stem, not only has it dented inward, UU看书www. uukānshu.com also left obvious fist marks on that stem!

The sudden attack caused the grand speaker Rod Lijia’s complex umbel of the dill real body to shake, and the powder that looked like pollen exploded in vain from the complex umbel, and it instantly spread a radius of tens of meters. The scope is completely covered.

Just as these powder-like substances appeared, there was fear in the eyes of Belozovo, who was retreating, but his hands clenched and slammed continuously, attacking the thick stem of Dill!

A shock wave with a clear trajectory and shape, with the sonic boom and sharp slam hitting the stem, the muffled sound is like a muffled thunder in the sky!

But the speaker Rodriguez, who tried his best to break free from the black hole, ignored the attack at all. Instead, he caused the pollen-like powder scattered in the umbel to continue to spread around. expansion.

Seeing this look, Belozovo hesitated, but seeing that the roots sucked in by the black hole before were swayed and pulled out of the black hole, the eyes of Belozovo, who was tightly squeezing his mouth, flashed. There was a touch of cruelty, and the figure shook and rushed into the area covered by the powder like pollen...


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