
Chapter 1276: The first way

The area almost completely enveloped by the colorless powder covered an area of ​​100 meters in a moment, but Belozovo, who was no longer retreating to escape, flashed into it and broke into it.

But these dust-like powders in the air seemed to be strongly attracted the moment he entered, and suddenly gathered towards him!

The sound of slaps and slaps is continuous, it is as if a calm pond is being baptized by torrential rain. The powder that hits from all directions, each particle is like a heavy and strong hammer, making Belozovo The force field defense on the body surface was passively revealed!

Although the speed of Belozovo dropped sharply due to such an attack, his fists were still constantly swinging, causing dozens of vacuum-like passages to appear in front of him instantly, and it also made the Speaker Rodley Jia's sturdy stem could not evade at all, but could only resist.

It's like the real body of dill rooted in the black hole. Before, it only broke free from the black hole. However, under such continuous blows by Belozovo, most of the roots suddenly appeared. Pulling out from the black hole, it pierced Belozovo's body like lightning.

But Belozovo, who had always hidden his strength, finally became solemn at this moment, and saw an invisible halo appeared around him in vain. Under the rapid rotation, it turned out that these roots were rooted in him. He couldn't get close, and the powder attracted by him was completely blocked by this halo.

It's just such a way of resisting it, but it made the jingle sound like a musical note, and it finally made the old face formed by the complex umbels surprised.

But the halo surrounding Belozovo. However, his speed suddenly increased, and he appeared in the middle of Dill's real body in an instant, and a two-meter-long black giant axe suddenly appeared in his raised hands. He was suddenly lifted and chopped to the thick stem!


The seemingly bladeless giant axe was cut directly into the depth of the dill stem and the stem, causing the entire dill tree to shake violently!

There was no expectation that after Belozovo’s close up, the Speaker Rodriguez would break through his defenses in this way. Even though he let out a cry of pain, there was a sudden burst from the broken stem. Turquoise juice.

The appearance of this juice made Belozovo's color suddenly changed, and a huge light yellow energy barrier appeared in vain, blocking him strictly.

But the turquoise sap splashed out, it seems to have a sticky corrosive effect. After sticking to the energy barrier, it immediately disintegrated the barrier and turned into a thick smoke. It took almost no time to completely corrode the energy barrier, making Belozovo exposed. !

Fear flashed in the eyes of Belozovo who was horrified and then withdrew. The Speaker Rod Lijia roared even more. "How dare you use the Soul Eater enshrined in the Sky Tower! You are crazy!"

And Belozovo, who blocked the face of the long-handled axe in front of him, once again flashed a force field brilliance on his body surface, and the invisible halo turned rapidly to resist the turquoise juice attack, pulling away He sneered while retreating. "Since the battle of the plane will be controlled by the old man. How can such a sharp weapon stay in the tower of the sky to be dusted. Naturally, it needs to be taken out and used..."

But before he could finish his words, the frightened Speaker Rod Lijia shouted. "The Soul Eater is the weapon of the tower! If you release those evil spirits, aren't you afraid that the whole tower land will be overwhelmed!"

Belozovo, who had already circled the thick stem a few times, laughed. "What are you afraid of! As long as the Soul Eater is in hand, you can naturally control those weird existences. Sending them to the nightmare world during the battle of the plane is naturally worry-free!"

After that, the soul eater in his hand suddenly swung out, and it was exactly cut on the wound formed before, causing the newly healed stem to be broken again!

The Speaker Rod Lijia, who had suffered two consecutive blows, did not speak any more, but above the complex umbel, there suddenly appeared the drop-shaped surgical device: the heart of water!

The crystal clear water heart was completely pitch black at this time, and the thick black mist completely covered the water heart. The breath it released became extremely cold.

There was a slightly unwilling big speaker Rod Lijia in his expression, but he hesitated before causing the heart of the water to fall into its complex umbel. Immediately following a huge breath, it swept to the surroundings extremely violently, making the area where its main body was located as if it was closed, and even the air stopped flowing instantly!

But Belozovo, who was about to pick up the Soul Eater and slam it again, was pushed away by the powerful force formed by this breath, and rolled all the way to be driven out, which is full of protection like a force field. The area of ​​the powder.

The cut cut into one-fifth of the stem, healed automatically in an instant, but the swift fight just now caused Dill’s real body to be sucked in by the black hole again, and all the roots at the bottom were submerged. Inside the black hole!

The original ten-meter-high body suddenly sank, and the Speaker Rod Lijia, who understood that the situation was a bit unpleasant, no longer hesitated. After being released, the force field barrier belonging to his seventh-order peak strength suddenly emerged from the middle of the stem. The branches and vines that came out are like countless legs and feet, stepping on the black hole to make the body escape.

And that Belozovo, who was pushed away by the breath of the great speaker Rod Lijia, grabbed the Soul Eater in his hand after standing still, and continuously smashed the dill that was standing in the air.

After the pitch-black Soul Eater was actuated by him with all his strength, it seemed to be able to cut the space open. The gaps in the space that disappeared were like countless poisonous snakes, with a series of afterimages towards them. Speaker Rodriguez's body dill rushed!

In the space of more than two hundred meters between the two, countless thin shadows suddenly appeared. After appearing on the force field barrier of Dill's body, they made a sharp and stern explosion!

The original invisible force field barrier immediately revealed its shape, but the cutting force formed by this soul eater, but it only caused the force field barrier to appear many depressions inward, but it was not able to Its defeated.

But the Speaker Rodriguez, who took back all the pollen-like powder that permeated the barriers of the force field, did not pay attention to Belozovo’s wild attack, but focused all his energy on breaking free from the suction of the black hole. .

But at the moment when her sturdy stem was just pulled out of the black hole, space distortion suddenly occurred outside the barrier of the force field on her side, and the light red fog appeared there!

The initially extremely thin light red mist became solid and firm in an instant, and countless clown faces appeared on the surface of joy, sadness, distress, or dumbness!

Seeing the appearance of these clown faces, Belozovo lifted his spirits, and the Soul Eater that was picked up by him again flashed a faint light. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was thrown out of his hand after him, and he threw it towards him. Speaker Rodriguez's force field barriers away!

It’s too late and it’s fast, this soul eater arrived before the force field barrier the moment it was released, and the bladeless soul eater had torn apart the force field barrier like a tear. , So that the faces of the clowns who followed them swarmed in, and rushed on the real dill of the Speaker Rod Lijia!

The faces of the clowns that spread on the surface of dill instantly like a plague, opened their mouths and began to gnaw indiscriminately.

But at Belozovo, a hundred meters away, the flesh on his forehead suddenly opened up at this moment, and a vertical pupil with no emotions appeared strangely.

Suddenly the big speaker Rodriguez, who was gnawed by many clown faces, turned the face made up of umbels to Belozovo like a sense of emotion, and roared in anger. "Belozovo! You actually..."

It’s just that she hasn’t finished her words yet, a red glow shot out from the vertical pupils of Belozovo’s forehead, but like a mountain, it pressed on the body of the Speaker of the Speaker Rod Rica and spread it all over the body Together with the clown faces, they were forced into the black hole...


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