
Chapter 1289: Void

Just when the Slayers and Beast Army under Dmitry entered the nightmare world and began to move, the endless void that was feared by many creatures was not completely emptiness.

Although the air in the void is extremely thin, and the light here is rare like a luxury, there are still creatures in the void.

Of course, some powerful wizards occasionally use the void's characteristics of almost non-existent time and distance to tear apart the barriers between planes for long-distance teleportation.

It was just a pair of travelers who broke the tranquility and silence here, adding a touch of color to the void out of thin air.

Yes, it's just a bright color.

Ten meters high, it looks like a dill plant, the whole body is covered by a faint fluorescence, but on top of its complex umbel, there are countless human faces densely packed.

But the expressions on these faces that are as thin as cicada wings are almost all negative emotions.

Anxiety, tension, anger, depression, sadness, pain, fear...

As if they are showing expressions, these faces are like tiny greasy bugs sticking to the complex umbels, but if you look closely, you can find that these faces are just masks with a white background. , And the facial features are all black, as if they were carefully drawn with an eyebrow pencil.

But because there is no concept of time and distance in the void, time can only be calculated by the passing of life here, and the distance can be estimated with the shining light that occasionally flashes.

It’s just that this plant of dill wrapped in fluorescence, but the umbels on the top of it will split a gap in vain when the fluorescence fades slightly, swallowing the clown masks attached to its surface. .

At the moment when these clown masks are swallowed, the expressions of all clown masks attached to the complex umbels will also change accordingly, and sometimes they will open their mouths and let out a heart-piercing cry.

It's just that this time there were two gaps in the umbel of this dill umbel, which appeared in vain, so when two masks were swallowed at once. All the clown masks issued a grieving roar at the same time. "Don't be so good, I have already admitted my mistake and prayed for forgiveness. Why should I devour my vitality to maintain the strength of the barrier..."

The sound of the clown mask made the original complex umbels quickly converge to form an old and majestic face. His expression was full of anger. "I never said that I would forgive you! Secondly, do you want me to maintain your integrity if you don't draw on your vitality!"

With angry interrogations, the expressions on all the clown masks turned into pleadings and deep apologies. "Master Rodriguez, you can just forgive me. I was blind and didn't see the true face of that old guy. I was confused by shit. I didn't expect that old guy was so vicious. It was myself. If you can't blame others for death, just let me go..."

It's just that this kind of self-pity and self-pity is very resentful, but it makes the expression on the old face more irritated, and in vain a gap is opened in its straight stem. Swallow a clown mask stuck there again!

The expressions on the clown masks that were still trying to explain and begging suddenly stagnated, and then all turned into anger, and issued a furious roar. "Roder Lijia! You old woman wants to attack Lao Tzu again! Believe it or not, Lao Tzu will blew up and die with you now!"

Hearing that the expressions on the old faces gathered by the umbels became disdainful, the ridicule and sarcasm in the appeal was not concealed. "If you want to explode, please do it yourself, but if you want to survive in this void, just shut up!"

"I won't shut up! I won't shut up! No one can make me shut up..."

The clown who yelled and screamed like being confused. However, he did not get a response from the Speaker Rod Rica, because such a situation would happen several times a day in these days.

On the one hand, it stems from his fear of the void; on the other hand, it is because only in this way can the anger of some big speaker Rod Rica be reduced, so that she will not be ruthless to deal with him.

Although it was not because of him that led to the great speaker Rodriguez being expelled into the void, he accelerated the process and caused him to be abandoned by the deputy speaker Belozovo, even himself. Driven into the black hole. He had to rely on the Speaker Rod Lijia to survive in this void.

Yes, it means survival.

The void is a forbidden zone of life for any wizard who understands its true situation.

There is no free energy here, but there is an irresistible spatial turbulence!

It is difficult to find a plane barrier that can be broken here, but there are space traps that are difficult to detect!

There are no creatures in the ordinary sense, but there are void creatures that make high-level wizards extremely headache!

Fear can make you silent. But it will turn the clown into a complete chatter.

Therefore, after getting acquainted, the speaker Rodriguez, who kept Dill's true body wandering in the void, automatically blocked his clamor, threats, and bitter pleadings, even crying confession.

Although the third speaker of the Supreme House, the clown, has always been mysterious, for Rodriguez, who has been in office for a thousand years. The third speaker, the clown, is just a child.

It’s just that this encounter really exceeded her expectations. If she hadn’t understood after being driven into the void, she would probably fall into a protracted state of wandering, and she would have killed the clown in extreme anger. Up.

So although the clown is attached to her in the form of a real body, slowly absorbing the energy of her real body, for the speaker Rod Lijia, she only needs to devour a few clown masks on time, not only can To make up for the energy drawn away by the clown, he can also find the true place of his body by the way.

There are tens of thousands of these clown masks attached to the real body, but only one of them is the body of the clown.

The Speaker Rodriguez and the Joker, who knew this issue clearly, knew that the entanglement between the two sides currently belonged to each other.

Because if you want to survive in this void, how to find a plane barrier that can be broken and escape from the void, only those who save energy to the extreme can persist.

The two speakers who rely on each other but are in a predator and prey relationship between each other spend such temptations, curses, resistance and compromise every day.

But Rod Lijia, the more powerful speaker, has a keen intuition, and he can avoid the invisible space turbulence and space traps in advance.

Therefore, the clown has been constantly suffering from Rodriguez’s energy stripping process, and has always adopted a bitter attitude. Although he has been severely hit by Rodriguez because of his words, he has even swallowed most of his clown masks, but However, both parties are aware of the bottom line that the other can tolerate, and instead it has become a strange companionship of mutual dependence and mutual alertness.

There is always endless darkness around the body, an empty endless end, only those shining and then extinguishing lights can make the two of them know that they are still wandering in this void. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

Rodriguez, who is only different from the extremely pessimistic mood of the third speaker, the clown, is not as desperate as him, because as the head of the entire wizarding world's Supreme House, she still has a lot more to the void than others. To understanding.

What made Rod Lijia extremely deplored and regretted a little was that her water heart was damaged.

Because she really didn’t expect that Belozovo would take the Soul Eater out of the Tower of Heaven and use it. This led to her eventually blew up the Heart of Water and failed to break free from the black hole and put her in Such an awkward and dangerous situation today.

Of course, Rodriguez, who has been at the top for a long time, has been able to conceal her emotions and emotions. Although the threat of a clown blew up all the time, for her, such a void must not be able to hold her for long. limit.

Therefore, although the current situation seems extremely unsuitable, the calm speaker Rod Rica is actually waiting.

Waiting for the moment when she leaves the void and returns to the wizarding world...


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