
Chapter 1290: King of the desert

When Belozovo in the land of the towers took the perfect first step for the invasion of the nightmare world and celebrated, when Dmitry led the slayer beast army looking for a way in the nightmare world, and became the chief speaker Rodley When Jia and the third speaker clown wandered in the endless void in a weird symbiosis relationship, Raymond was in trouble.

He had predicted the vast area of ​​the Tarrigan Desert.

But when he really stepped into the center of the desert and was about to look for the golden sandman with a single pupil, he discovered that the harsh environment, the mighty power of the sky, and the harsh restrictions on him were beyond his expectations. .

After leaving the oasis, Raymond sprinted westward, and when he approached the central area of ​​the desert, the intensity of the sandstorms that appeared regularly every day suddenly increased, until he realized that forcibly moving forward when the sandstorm was raging would cause an abnormal loss of mana. After that, Raymond had to slow down the speed of advancement.

But when he really entered the central area of ​​the Tariqan Desert, the sky here was completely obscured by the dust in the sky, and the dim sunlight that could still be seen vaguely before could no longer be seen directly by him. , Everything that caught the eye was pale yellow sand and dust, and huge sand dunes that stood in the sight forever.

Raymond, who thought he was about to achieve his goal, couldn't help but lift his spirits. After he entered the central zone, the sandstorm no longer appeared. However, the extremely chaotic magnetic field and the forbidden air force field made him move forward on foot. This way of walking is to find the golden sandman who is regarded as the king of the desert by Toby hidden by the bottom of the oasis.

The natural speed of walking on foot was greatly reduced, but for the extremely harsh environment and the appearance of the forbidden air force field, Raymond finally had doubts about it.

Raymond, who has been in and out of many planes, admits that he has seen many harsh environments, especially the extreme north of the nightmare world, where the harsh and weird environment is only awe-inspiring even now.

But in the central area of ​​the Tariqan Desert, he always felt that there was something wrong.

Because the natural environment here is in his feelings, the traces of man-made are a bit too serious.

Everywhere on the surface of the wizarding world. Although there are huge differences in the concentration of free energy, he has never heard of only the area filled with soil energy.

In the periphery of the Tarrigan Desert, although the frequency of sandstorms seems to be too high, he can still feel the traces of other types of energy. Even if it is difficult to be mobilized and absorbed by him, it does exist.

However, after he truly entered the core area of ​​the desert, the free energy of other types could not be sensed at all!

Of course, such a strange phenomenon actually strengthened his confidence, because the lord of the oasis Toby once introduced that the golden single-eyed sandman that exists here is the caretaker left here by the ancient wizard.

Since he was called the guardian, he would definitely guard something. Therefore, since the sand crystals in the Sandman alone are effective for Kristel, then while collecting the sand crystals for Kristel. Raymond didn't mind taking a look at the treasure guarded by the desert king.

one day……

Two days...

Three days...

But after he wandered in the desert for a week, Raymond finally found the reason why he felt wrong.

Because the sand dunes around the body are not only the same height and size, but the density of the fine sand that makes up the sand dunes is like a meticulous stacking after measurement. This is obviously intentional!

To be able to use such a big hand to shape sand dunes, in this area, only the golden single-eyed sandman can do it.

Raymond, who had been unable to recognize the direction for a long time, stopped searching in vain after carefully analyzing this possibility. Instead, he chose a sand dune to climb to the top and roared after releasing the sound reinforcement technique. Up. "come out!"

The roar resembling a thunder, caused the air in front of Raymond to tremble and twist. As the sound waves spread out rapidly, a channel was formed in the sky full of yellow sand, and there was no sand in the entire channel!

Raymond, with his pupils shrinking slightly, cast his gaze towards the end of the passage, and soon saw a figure wrapped in yellow sand appearing between the sand dunes in the distance. It turned out that Shi Shiran slowly walked towards it. He came over.

Understand that this is the Raymond of the Lord. Knowing that the golden-yellow sandman called the "king of the desert" by Toby was confident, he lowered his original expectations and stood on the top of the dune and waited.

It was just that as the figure wrapped in yellow sand gradually approached, Raymond, who was standing at the top of the dune, felt that he was descending, and he was stunned after turning his gaze to the other dunes around him. It was only then that the sand dune he was on was sinking slowly!

The sinking speed is not slow, but Raymond standing at the top of the dune can't feel the energy fluctuations in the dune.

With such exquisite control methods, Leimen couldn't help but raise the strength of this single-pupil sandman a lot, but after the sand dune under his feet sank into the ground, he came along the passage where there was no sand. The figure in front of him laughed loudly without waiting to get closer!

The angry and jealous Raymond would naturally not stay in the bunker to look up, but when the guy wrapped in a cloud of yellow sand revealed his true face, he was a bit stunned.

He is only one meter tall, but this golden sand man, who is extraordinarily sturdy, is no different from ordinary people. It's just that the big head that shines with golden light is extremely inconsistent with the whole body, making people stare at it. I couldn't help but set his eyes on the bald head!

Moreover, the sand man who came to Raymond laughed heartily and apologized. "Hahaha, it was discovered, sorry, sorry..."

With a slumped Leimen in his chest, he naturally didn't have a good face, and he sneered. "Is it fun to behave like this?"

The sand man, whose thick palm was rubbing his bald head, seemed a little embarrassed. "Hey hey, you have only been a visitor for thousands of years. Please forgive me if you are rude, forgive me..."

If only by its opening, it would be impossible to regard it as the single-pupil sandman of the'king of the desert.' The single-pupil sandman that Raymond met before were mostly those with low intelligence and only knowing to fight by instinct. , So after seeing each other with this human-like sandman, Raymond directly asked why.

The Shariman named Shaliman didn’t care about Raymond’s somewhat rude inquiries, but as if he hadn’t been able to communicate with others for many years, after telling his own history, he turned to Raymond. It feels like the grievances in the heart need to be vented.

Shariman, who originally had only one eye pupil, has never seen its owner after being released and thrown into the Tarigan Desert by a certain wizard.

And it can’t leave the central area of ​​the Tarrigan Desert, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com so it seems to be imprisoned here, and survived here alone.

The body, which is completely converged by the energy of the earth element, has gradually undergone mutations in the lapse of tens of thousands of years, so that after it has sprouted its mind, it also has great powers. Through continuous shaping of the low-level The sandman alone turned the entire Tarrigan Desert into its territory.

But because its body cannot leave the central area of ​​the desert, and its perception cannot break through the restrictions imposed on it by the ancient wizard, it caused the low-level single-pupil sandman it created to be unable to leave this area. Controlled by it!

"Those Shamans who have been shaped have low intelligence, and they rarely return after leaving here, so although I control everything in the central area of ​​the Tariqan Desert, I still have nothing to do with the outside world. know……"

Speaking of this, Shariman, who looked a little sad, looked at Raymond with very sad and begging eyes, and folded his hands in a bow and salute. "Master Raymond, Shariman sincerely pleads with you to help me out of this prisoner-like fate..."


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