
Chapter 1303: Harvest two

Under the long skirt are the toes painted with Dancome.

The white and slender toes paired with this bright red cardamom made Raymond's eyes pass, and he noticed the difference.

"Why didn't you wear those riding boots?"

The atmosphere is very wrong, so Raymond is purely looking for words, but the girl Becky, who was still hanging her head and full of resentment before, was stunned. She raised her head, although there were still tears in her eyes, but her pupils But there was a little smile and gratitude that was hard to detect.

But immediately following the smile on her face, she quickly constricted her face, sternly trying to explain.

But Raymond, who felt that the atmosphere was relaxed, did not give her a chance to speak. Instead, he handed the purple-red sphere and purple-black scroll to her eyes and asked. "What is the breath that overflows in this scroll?"

The little mouth opened slightly and there was distress in her expression. The girl Becky just wanted to say something was blocked back and made her slightly annoyed, but after hesitating, she sighed and sighed to explain. "This scroll is a treasured artifact called the'Minglu'. It was written and recorded by the blood of each member before the expedition by the ancient wizards. Therefore, the longer it is preserved, the heavier the aura contained in it. For the pure spirit The body is an extremely rare nourishment!"

The scroll that had been rolled up was re-unfolded by Raymond, and the purple and black names on it were actually fading at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was as if the scroll was immersed in hot water, except for the Lord of the Desert. All the names except Si's name are quickly fading away.

The entire scroll unrolled has a length of nearly two meters, and the extremely thin parchment paper seems to be transparent. So when most of the names faded and faded, the purple-black name of Silas, the foremost desert lord, became particularly conspicuous.

Holding the scroll, carefully feeling the **** killing spirit inside Raymond who is no longer strong, and after a while, he saw most of the names become unrecognizable to the naked eye. Only the name of Silas, Lord of the Desert, still shows no signs of fading as before.

Leimen, who turned his face, cast a puzzled look at the girl Becky, but before he could ask the girl Becky, he gave the answer directly. "Silas shouldn't be dead yet, otherwise his name should fade until it disappears completely."

"Not dead? How could it be possible!"

Raymond's surprised question made the girl Becky curl her lips and looked a little contemptuous, and immediately sarcastically said. "That's an old monster whose strength has reached the peak of Tier 8, do you think he will die so easily?"

Lei Meng, who had only reached the dawn level in his own strength, had no ability to refute or question such ridicule, so he had to continue to wait for explanation.

Seeing this, the girl Becky who mumbled something. After thinking about it, I continued. "Since the name of Silas, Lord of the Desert on the Scroll of Fate, has not faded, there must be a fragment of his soul or a soul seed elsewhere!"

But the extremely affirmative tone of the young girl Becky made Leimeng's expression more doubtful. But the girl Becky, who had been paying attention to him, paused and continued. "And since he can reach the strength of the eighth-level peak, the remnant soul under the emblem in this temple can survive for so long, then obviously he has a back hand back then, so he should have the ability to resurrect himself Method!"

After hearing this, Raymond still didn't believe it. But Silas, Lord of the Desert, left a retreat for Shariman, the single-eyed sandman, before the war of destruction. Then he left room for himself and can be understood.

And following the girl Becky also pointed to the scroll to tell Raymond that because this kind of destiny is extremely difficult to make, the name of Silas, Lord of the Desert, can be regarded as his life mark. The name on the sky faded and disappeared, then it really represents his body.

Listening to the explanation of the girl Becky, at this time, all the names on the unfolded scroll except for the name of Silas, Lord of the Desert, have completely disappeared. I can barely see the traces of the original name, but I can't make out what was written.

It's just that Raymond, who had more and more doubts in his heart, put the scroll in place. After thinking about it, he asked the girl Becky. "Becky, you claimed to be an ordinary girl born near a certain forest, but how did you know what you just said?"

There is no panic between the eyebrows, but the distressed girl Becky has a temper in vain. "It is the memory contained in the stream! Although it is extremely messy and numerous, I feel that a lot of it is forced into my head every day. I can't do it if I don't want to, and I'm so annoying!"

With a thought, Raymond took out the girl's riverside picture from the storage ring and re-examined it in front of the girl Becky.

Except for the lack of the silhouette of the girl by the stream, there is no obvious change in the whole picture, but the stream seems to become clear.

When Leimen’s mental power penetrated and checked, he noticed that the remnants of the monsters that had originally piled up at the bottom of the stream had become very few, but in the stream flowing from the forest, there were strands of inexplicable water. Surge quickly in the stream.

Seeing that Raymond took out the picture of the young **** the riverside for inspection, the girl Becky with a gloomy face pursed her mouth and plunged into it like a puff after the inspection, but Becky who appeared by the stream was Turning her body in the direction of the forest, Leimeng could only see her thin and depressed back.

Knowing that the conversation just a moment ago made her a little irritated, Raymond sighed for a moment before putting back the picture of the young girl by the creek, taking out the dark compass he had obtained from the temple, and began to check.

The compass, which is only a few tens of centimeters in diameter, is extremely thin, but there are densely engraved patterns on the front.

The non-metal, non-stone, and non-wood material is extremely heavy, and there is no energy fluctuation like an ordinary compass.

But when Raymond immersed his spiritual power in it, he quickly noticed that an extremely powerful spiritual power was entrenched in it. After discovering his spiritual power, he roared and tried to attack his spiritual power.

Raymond, who was ready to suffer an impact, immediately stopped penetrating inward, but after this extremely powerful mental power approached, it was just bluffing and continuous roars, but did not launch an attack at all.

After confronting this for a while, Lei Meng, who felt the aura resembling Silas, Lord of the Desert, began to urge his mental strength forward, while the tyrannical aura that roared and roared constantly retreated until it retracted. The core of this compass.

Knowing that this is the spirit of Leimen in this magical device, only now is he relieved.

The compass, which is hidden within the bluestone and concealed the breath of the entire temple, is obviously in a state of energy shortage due to time, and therefore it appears weak.

It’s just that although the tool spirit in this compass is extremely weak, the strength of the desert lord Silas who injected it into it is far more powerful than Raymond, so after trying several times, he discovered that he can suppress it for a short time. This weapon is spirit, but it can't make it truly surrender.

Lei Meng, who recovered his spiritual power, was a little helpless. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, this seemingly ordinary art tool actually has the existence of a tool spirit. Although it has increased the power of this art tool by several levels, it is for him at present It is a tasteless one.

But now that he has got it, he will eventually find a way to subdue it, so Raymond, who is no longer entangled, sealed the dark compass and put it away.

Not far away, the single-eyed sandman Shariman who stopped crying, looked at the collapsed sand dune in front of him with a dull expression, without saying a word.

It is not clear what kind of relationship is between Shariman and Silas, Lord of the Desert. After he came to him, he sat cross-legged and accompanied him until the setting sun set and the moon rose.

Staring blankly at the location of the original temple, I don't know how long it took before Shariman, the Shariman Shaliman, spoke. "Master Raymond, is my master dead?"

Raymond thought about the fate that the girl Becky mentioned before, and replied after thinking about it. "I can't say that, only when you can integrate the seed of memory, maybe you will know the truth of the fact..." (to be continued...)


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