
Chapter 1304: go away

The bright moon hangs high, and the endless Tarigan Desert is covered with a layer of silver frost. The shadows between the undulating sand dunes are like the mood of the sandman Shariman. Although it is dark, it will soon change. Get brighter.

I don't know if it was because of the collapse of the temple, or because of the termination of the shelter of the Lord of the Desert Silas, the forbidden force field covering the central area of ​​the Tariqan Desert did not know when it disappeared.

And Shariman who was in a bad mood, after Raymond accompanied it on foot for a long time, a little embarrassed to mark the sign of apology to Raymond.

Shariman, with a clumsy heart, is like an ordinary teenager who has become mature and stable after going through the sudden blow, making Raymond feel that his heart has also become calm.

In the past, Raymond came with the purpose of obtaining the sand crystals in his body, but in the end, the relationship between the two parties became close due to many reasons, and because of the appearance and disappearance of the Lord of the Desert, Silas made each other A bond was formed between.

Walking in the desert, so the speed will naturally not be very fast.

But I don't know how the Lord of the Desert Silas and Shariman explained, but Raymond who accompanied Shaliman slowly felt that Shaliman's attitude towards him had changed.

Although Shariman, who originally seemed clumsy, had a good impression of him, he was always wary.

But not long after leaving the collapsed temple, Raymond felt that Shariman had completely opened his heart, and he was almost half defenseless.

Taking into account its bad mood, Raymond's tentative questions are mostly focused on his life over the years, but Shariman seems to have adjusted his mentality, and Jing actually said the reason.

It turned out that in the temple, Silas, the Lord of the Desert, gave it an explanation before taking out the Seed of Memory, and required it to follow Raymond’s instructions for a long time in the future, because if If it wants to return to the plane where its race is, it must rely on Raymond's help.

"The master said, you must seek help if you want to successfully integrate the memory seed. And you are the most suitable person..."

After speaking, Shariman stopped, knelt down on one knee and lowered his head towards Raymond. "Master Raymond, please take in..."

There was a tremor in his voice, and there was anxiety and expectation in the expression of Shariman who raised his head.

Leimen, who bent over to quickly support Shariman up, was very emotional, and felt a little depressed while calming it.

Because Silas, the Lord of the Desert, had revealed that he was good at prophecy-type spells, and apparently Silas had already determined that he would not break his promise before giving the Seed of Memory.

The more he thought about it, the more depressed Raymond felt, but Shariman, who led the way, seemed like a rock in his heart. He actually restored his original enthusiasm and heartiness, with a heartless and optimistic appearance.

There was depression in his heart, but Raymond, whose expression was relaxed, stopped walking with it, and took it directly to the area where it could not be penetrated. According to the spell taught by the desert lord Silas, he lifted it. The barrier of the force field. Sariman was finally able to step out of the central area of ​​the Tariqan Desert and gained the freedom it had longed for.

Standing on the yellow sand that it had never set foot on before, Shariman, who seemed mad, restored its body, and then turned into yellow sand in the sky, soaring, roaring and roaring in the air!

Seeing this sigh of relief, Raymond can understand the excitement of it, because he thought of the days when he was imprisoned in that inexplicable plane for more than a hundred years.

of course. Back then, he was accompanied by the cute and lovely porcelain girl Anita, but the clumsy single-pupil sandman in front of him had been here alone and withstood the long years of waiting and anticipation. If his heart is not strong or simple His mind was already distorted and even mad when he wanted to come to such imprisoned years.

Let alone Shariman Shariman vent its excitement and excitement, Raymond, who repositioned it, signaled it to follow and continued to move towards the west.

The hot and dry Tariqan Desert will always look the same in Raymond's feeling.

But for Shariman, the one-eyed sand man who has regained his life here, this is an area that is both strange and extremely familiar.

So on the third day after hitting the road. Crystal, who had awakened from his deep sleep, came out of the rusty badge and asked Raymond for the purplish red sphere that contained the blood of ancient wizards.

But the girl Becky ran out when Crystal got the purple-red sphere, and she didn’t know how she communicated with Crystal. It was the purple that she was about to be absorbed. The red sphere was returned to Raymond, and he stared at Sariman in the air with a coveted expression.

Recognizing this situation, Raymond can only decisively stop it.

But Becky, a girl who seemed to have resentment against Raymond, found Shariman directly. After negotiating with Shaliman, he actually made it agree to gather the single-eyed sandmen hidden in the desert to provide the girls Becky and Crystal with special sand crystals.

The single-eyed sandman Shariman, who suddenly spread out in the air like a dust storm, stretched its body to cover an area of ​​tens of kilometers within a few dozen breaths, completely shielding the scorching sun above the sky.

And with the emergence of a low whistle. From among the yellow sand, there were solitary sand people who came out continuously and gathered towards the area where Leimen stayed.

Standing on the top of the sand dunes, Raymond discovered that the number of the single-eyed sand people shaped by Shariman was far beyond his imagination.

In the area shrouded by Shariman the single-punched sandman, there are tens of thousands of large or small single-pupil sandals in the mountains, and among them there are more than ten meters tall and high-level with complete facial features. There is a single pupil sand.

The girls Becky and Crystal, who didn't need Shariman's prompting, started collecting them after the appearance of these single-eyed sand people.

The larger the size and the higher the wisdom of the single-pupil sandman, the more sand crystals contained in its body and the higher the quality.

And when a sand dune not far from where Raymond was stationed collapsed, Raymond discovered that the sand dune was a leader-level single-pupil sandman over fifty meters tall, and the unexpected conflict immediately caused it to and Shariman Broke out!

The one-eyed sandman who was once shaped by Shariman, the one-eyed sandman, has the strength not weaker than that of a dawn-level wizard, and its talents should not be underestimated.

But after Shariman condensed his body, the single-pupil Shaman who tried to rebel against it had no power to resist and was imprisoned within a few breaths of time.

But before Shariman killed the sandman, the huge sandman screamed at Shaliman hoarsely for a long time before being completely crushed by Shaliman, turning it into a strange shape. The sand dunes lie in front of Raymond and others.

After losing this leader-level single-pupil sandman, the sand crystals contained in the tens of thousands of single-pupil sandman who were summoned from all directions, UU reading www.uukanshu.com also became the girl Becky and Crystal Trophy.

Only after Leimen took the sandman Shaliman with the sole pupil to set off again, Shaliman, who had always had a faint sadness in his expression, retelled what the huge leader-level sandman Shaliman had originally said to Leimeng.

"It is the leader in this desert, and the one-eyed sandman who was first released by me for exploration, but after it possessed wisdom, it was blocked by the force field barrier set by my master. Isolated, so I can’t come back to me and tell me everything outside..."

"Furthermore, all the sand crystals with rich energy contained in all the dutongsha people are the core of the heart for the dutongsha people, and it is also the basis for them to grow and become stronger, so this one who betrayed me The Hitomi Sharen claimed that I was the betrayer, because I brought people to plunder their future..."

Speaking of this, Shariman, who fell into silence, looked extremely sad.

And Raymond, who also didn't know how to persuade, became heavy at this time, because he finally understood why ordinary sand crystals would have no effect on Crystal...


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