
Chapter 1319: Old dean


The inexplicable creature guard at the bottom of the cold lake was actually a ghost fish.

A ghost fish with a very strange ability from the underworld.

As long as its body is not found to be shattered, it will be able to recover in a few days.

The head and body of the fish actually exist on two planes, so after capturing it, you can borrow such characteristics to create a magical space, making it a powerful guard.

After listening to the explanation of the old dean, Seurat, Raymond was surprised at the same time letting go.

Because in any case, he came here to ask for help. The owner killed the gatekeeper before he saw it. No matter how he thought about it, he would feel a little wrong.

Looking at Lei Meng who stood up and apologized solemnly, the old dean Xiura, who was holding a cup of scented tea in his hand, nodded slightly, and the unnoticeable annoyance between his brows also faded a lot.

"Sit down, that little fish originally had a very special ability. If it weren't for its body being imprisoned in the tower, it would be difficult for you to enter, so everything is destined, there is nothing to be sorry..."

While speaking, the old Dean Xiura, who pointed to the chair to beckon Raymond to sit down, turned his gaze to the old man who was still busy on the side, and the flow of his eyes became calmer.

Lei Meng who had just seated saw this a little strange, but the old Dean Xiura who immediately turned his gaze away asked casually. "Who told you?"

Raymond opened his mouth to answer, but thought of Titus' warning in vain, and quickly changed his words and replied. "I only found out when I left the Wizarding Academy a few months ago... But I did not expect that Kelan Hill would be so peculiar, and the way to enter here is so difficult, especially the weird blue smoke contained in the fence. , Until now I have lingering fears..."

Raymond, who explained how to get here, naturally exaggerated everything, and the old dean, Shura, with his slightly narrowed eyes, was actually listening patiently and nodding slightly from time to time. approval.

But when Raymond said that he was following the old man and was preparing to enter here, the old dean, Xiura, who opened his eyes in vain, shouted. "Say! Who on earth revealed it!"

In vain, anger was raging and there was the fierce old dean Xiura in his eyes. Although no coercion was released at this time, the unquestionably powerful aura that was condescending to make Raymond a little surprised!

Although he couldn't judge the strength of the old dean Sura, but his aura alone could make him feel this way. Obviously his strength is much higher than what he had previously guessed!

It's just that when he was thinking about it, the old dean Xiura became more and more angry, and after taking a deep breath with sharp eyes, he was about to get angry.

Thinking of coming here to ask for something, Raymond quickly answered. "Meneshi of the Array mentioned it before, but it did not veto it when it confirmed with Acting Deputy Dean Renoir!"

Hearing the sound, the momentum was stagnant, as if some old Dean Xiula who didn't understand was confused, but after a while, he looked at Lei Meng with dissatisfaction and blamed it with a smile. "Cunning little guy, didn't you talk like that when you were in the college?"

"Naturally it was not good when studying, but now this method would be more appropriate..."

"Forget it, Menez is an old fool. Renoir should let it go back to experience it, otherwise it's still a little unfaithful..."

The old Dean Xiura, whose expression eased, raised the teacup in front of him again while he was talking, but turned his head in vain when preparing for the entrance and shouted at the old man. "The tea is cold!"

The old man with his back to the round table shook his body, and immediately ran over with the teapot in his hand, smiling all over his face again after changing the hot tea to the old dean Xiura. Only then eagerly ran to Raymond, ready to change his tea.

Raymond, who learned about Talister’s situation from Titus, was a little puzzled by the old man’s attitude, and after he was scolded by the old dean Shura, he turned his puzzled eyes to the old courtyard. Long Xiura.

After sighing slightly, there was a desperate and helpless old dean Xiura between his eyebrows, but he turned his face and looked at the old man's back for a long time. Then he opened his mouth quietly. "Talister was not like this before, if it weren't for my stubbornness back then, he wouldn't have fallen to this point..."

Shura, the old dean of Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy for hundreds of years, originally stayed at Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy because of his old friend’s entrustment, so he was no longer willing to participate in management after the academy stabilized. Interests and hobbies look for those gaps in time and space. Explore the planes she has not set foot on.

And Talister is a member of the Enmir family of the Senate. After hearing that the old dean Sura had entered the plane of the ghost, he actually came to seek help with the token of the elder of the Senate.

It's just that when Talister came over, the old dean Sura had been in the ghost plane for many years. He didn't know how to activate the plane teleportation array of the Red Ze Wetland Wizarding Academy, and he chased it in alone. Want to use Seurat's token to find her in the ghost plane!

"This guy is full of fantasy in his head, and he doesn't want to think about the place of the ghost plane. Any living creature enters like a bright light..."

Speaking of this, the old dean Shura's expression became more and more weird, and then he continued after a pause. "Although he also wears some magical instruments to cover his breath, but in the end he had to traverse the territory of the Illusory Demon, but he was trapped there for hundreds of years, until I chased and killed a dead spirit. He returned to the plane of ghosts and rescued him from it..."

Following the intermittent recounting of the old dean, Seurat, Raymond finally partially restored the incident that happened that year.

This old man with long beard and long hair who seemed to have a mental problem was the Talister he was looking for, but what actually happened to Talister was very different from what he knew.

Talist, who wanted to obtain a certain special resource more than two hundred years ago, was quite strong in his own strength. Therefore, relying on his powerful magical equipment, he arbitrarily activated the old dean Seurat to stay in the red. The interplanetary teleportation array of Ze Wetland Wizarding Academy followed her breath into the ghost plane.

It’s just that he couldn’t find the old Dean Sura in the end and was trapped inside. When the old Dean Sura entered the ghost plane more than a hundred years later, it was because something that Talister was carrying by his side belonged to Old Dean Sura's token, and the old Dean Sura found and rescued him.

But Talister, whose body and spirit had completely collapsed, was unable to return to the wizarding plane to survive, so he was unwilling to watch him become the unconscious ghost of the old dean Sura, so he placed him here.

And for more than a hundred years here, although Talister's situation was much better than when he came in, his mind has always been in a state of ups and downs, making the old dean a lot of trouble.

And even though the old dean Xiura was consciously twisting his emotions in his remarks, Lei Meng still heard a little bit of meaning from the book www.uukanshu.com.

I don’t know if it’s because of Talister’s own background, or because of his own behavior, or because of some special factors that caused the old dean Seurat to look extremely harsh on him, but in fact Is concerned about it!

Just thought of this, Raymond's inadvertent gaze caused the old Dean Xiura's vain irritation. He actually took the teacup off the table and stared at him with anger as if it would explode in the next moment!

Leimen, who quickly dispelled the speculation in his mind, immediately asked. "Old dean, do you know where to get the fruit of the soul sacrifice?"

The pupils shrank, and the old dean Xiuradang, who was on guard in vain, questioned. "Sacrifice the soul fruit? How do you know this kind of thing?"

The old Dean Xiura in front of him, although Raymond couldn't judge her attitude until now, Raymond still felt that it would be safer to speak straight, so he spread his hands and explained with a wry smile. "The Spirit Minersh told me that the fruit of the soul sacrifice has a great effect on the pure spirit body, so I took the trouble to come here, wanting to find you through Talister..."


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