
Chapter 1320: relationship

Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha...

It was as if he heard the funniest joke, the old dean, Xiura, who laughed in vain, seemed to have changed in an instant!

And Talister, standing not far away, standing straight, with a snow-white towel on his right forearm and treating himself as a waiter, there was a thick smile in his eyes, his body swayed slightly. He pressed his lips tightly, but his shoulders were shaking uncontrollably!

Raymond, who was still very nervous before, was a bit at a loss. After recalling what he had said before, he was confused and didn't understand that there was a laugh in the words, so he soon became a little annoyed.

Just before he could speak, the smoke from his right hand holding the teacup was condensed into the appearance of a young girl Becky. She stood on the edge of the teacup in Raymond's hand, scraping her fingers against her cheeks. Yelled at the old dean Xiura with extreme disdain. "Too little insight! Even if you don't know what a pure spirit body is, you can laugh so freely, are you ashamed..."

When the smoke appeared, the old dean Xiu pulled his pupils abruptly, but when he heard this, he stood in front of Talister and pointed at the girl Becky and cried out. . "True Spirit Projection!"

The girl Becky, who was stunned, was a little anxious and immediately defended. "I am not a true spirit projection!"

"You are the true spirit projection!"

"No! I am not..."

"You are!"

"No, no, no..."

The old dean Seura insisted, but the girl Becky categorically denied it!

Both sides spoke extremely fast, so before Raymond reacted, they were already quarreling, both of them stared angrily!

Raymond, who didn't expect the girl Becky to appear at this time, dropped the tea cup when she loosened her right hand. The girl Becky, who was standing on the edge of the cup with her toes, was caught off guard, and fell along with it.

Although the girl Becky’s reaction was not slow, she wanted to jump before the tea splashed, but the maroon tea still poured on her body, making her snow-white dress that fell on the ground seemed to be dyed. The color is average.

The old Dean Sura, who was stunned, laughed again, and Talister peeked out half of his face from behind her curiously. Finally couldn't help laughing.

But as the girl Becky's annoyed yelling appeared, the old Dean Sura, whose body suddenly became stiff, turned around and slapped Talister on the shoulder, slapped him away!

After turning around, the old Dean Xiu stretched his face full of anger, with fierceness in his eyes. But Raymond, who had seen the heat rising in his back, already understood what had happened before. In order not to embarrass the old Dean Xiura, he quickly stood up and wanted to block the sight of the girl Becky.

But she had already noticed the large tea-stained girl Becky on the back of the old dean Xiula, but she shook her figure and stood on Raymond's shoulder, leaning forward and backward and pointing at the old dean Xiula and laughing.

The crisp laughter of the young girl Becky was naturally very harsh to the old dean Sura, but she did not take any action. Instead, she turned her gaze to Raymond, and looked up and down for a long time in her eyes. There was an inexplicable regret.

Raymond didn't understand why. The emotions revealed in the eyes of the old dean Xiura made a little hairy, and after drinking the girl Becky's laughter, he bowed and apologized. "I'm really sorry, she has a childlike nature, without malicious intent..."

But before Raymond had finished speaking, Becky, the girl with bulging cheeks, grabbed Raymond's ears and pointed at the old dean Sura and shouted. "This old woman doesn't understand anything at all! You even apologized to her! Ignore you!"

The girl Becky, who turned into a smoke, got into the storage ring. Annoyed, she returned to the picture of the girl by the river.

Raymond, who was full of black lines, didn't know how to explain it, but the shocked old dean Shura closed his eyes after a while!

As if calming down, the old Dean Sura, whose chest was violently ups and downs, opened her eyes again after a while. She glanced at Raymond and immediately walked to Talister who was photographed flying onto the grass. , Lifted Talister, who was lying on the ground with his head, and sighed at Raymond. "Little guy, you really don't know how to live or die. The True Spirit Projection dare to stay by your side, you go quickly..."

The voice was flat, but what was contained in it was not anger, on the contrary, there was an inexplicable regret. This made Raymond feel hopeful for most of the chill. "Dean Seurat, can you tell me how to get the fruit of the soul sacrifice?"

The expression became increasingly helpless. But the old dean Xiura, who took a deep breath, said slowly. "The Fruit of the Soul Sacrifice is only effective for pure spirit bodies. Even in the ghost plane, it is a very precious resource. Why don't you understand?"

The careful and earnest warning made Raymond feel warm in his heart for no reason, because of such a way of speaking. It was like the tone his mentor Edgar used when he made a mistake!

After hesitating for a moment, Raymond immersed his mind in the rusty badge on his chest, trying to wake up the sleeping Cristal.

Raymond, who was rarely able to awaken Cristal before, did not know why this time, Cristal, who was sleeping in the badge, quickly awakened and appeared in response to his request. His shoulders!

After rubbing his eyes with a sleepy look, and after his little hand blocked his mouth and yawned, Crystal stared blankly at the old Dean Seura and Talis standing on the grass in the distance. Especially, the little mouth gradually pursed and seemed a little unhappy.

But the old dean, Sura, who had already opened his eyes, was shocked. After releasing Talist's right hand, he shuddered and pointed at Raymond's shoulder. His mouth opened wider and wider. It's incredible!

But Talister, who fell on the grass again with a sound of ‘Oh’, sighed at Crystal after lifting the long hair that was in front of him. "It's really a pure spirit body, my God..."

The old dean, Xiu, who was stunned, instantly regained clarity in his pupils, and the detective hand lifted Talister up and asked. "you're awake?"

Talister stared at Crystal intently, but after standing up, he wrapped his left hand around the waist of the old dean Xiura very naturally, and responded in shock. "Wake up, wake up..."

Seeing this, Raymond's eyes widened was stunned, and the old Dean Shura was also flushed, his left hand seemed to want to push Talister away, but in the end it fell on the back of his hand. Turning his face to watch Talister's expression softened.

And Crystal, who looked around with his small mouth pouting higher and higher, pulled Raymond’s hair extremely unhappily, then yawned and returned to the host, and re-entered Sleepy.

The calm scene was a bit embarrassing, and Raymond, who understood the relationship between Old Dean Seurat and Talister, didn’t know what to say at this time, but Cristal appeared in his feelings. , It should be that some kind of change is about to happen~www.ltnovel.com~ Moreover, this change should also be a change for the better...

But the disappearance of Cristal made Talister, who had recovered his sanity, become extremely regretful. He smacked his lips but took the old dean Sura in his arms. Her cheek leaned into her ear and started talking.

Seeing this embarrassment, Raymond quickly turned around. Although he could still hear what Talister was saying if he concentrated, after thinking about this kind of behavior, Raymond, who was a little disrespectful, finally let him Perception ability is reduced.

In the green grassland, every grass is very ordinary. After Raymond's line of sight crossed the edge of the grass, all he saw were the schools of fish swimming beyond the invisible barriers, and that was the number of ten. The dolphin-like creature that followed him here.

I don't know how long it took, and from behind Raymond, there was a somewhat awkward dry cough from the old dean Xiulaliu, as well as her emotions. "Boy, there is a pure spirit body and a true spirit projection beside you. I really don't know whether you should say that you are extremely lucky, or whether you should say that you are the worst guy in the world..."


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