
Chapter 1532: Carrier Two

The tall bulge of the chest, although its shape may feel a little weird if you observe it carefully, its magnificent size will make the females who are proud of it embarrassing, and then produce irresistible jealousy!

It's just that such a magnificent chest, for Adolf who is purely composed of light energy, is an unbearable shame, and it makes him feel uncomfortable after realizing it.

Of course, because he was reckless and greedy to completely absorb the energy of the light system contained in the ore, his hands were also swollen, even twice as big as his head, and his short fingers could not bend or stretch. .

Therefore, Adolf sitting in the corner slumped with grief and indignation, while Raimon, who pulled the chair and sat in front of him, invited the priest Mioli to also, and continued the previous topic in front of him.

"If the Lord of Light that this guy believes in is actually an extremely powerful existence, what realm can you reach according to your estimation?"

Raymond’s question caused the Lord Siren’s priest Mioli to fall into contemplation, and only after a while hesitated to say. "Master Raymond, when the laboratory was destroyed before, the power released from Adolf's body seemed to make the altar fearful. Even Miss Becky was very hard to resist, so I didn't dare to make further calculations. , Because that is definitely not something I can bear..."

Hearing this, Raymond also woke up, the kind of power in Adolf's body was triggered and released, which led to the appearance of inexplicable power. If even Becky resisted is quite hard, it also represents this kind of power. The strength of the owner absolutely surpassed Tier 8.

Therefore, for the chief priest Mioli, letting her, who did not even possess the strength of the dawn level, calculate the existence that may have exceeded the eighth level, is simply looking for death.

If the difference in level is too large, it will cause the calculation to fail or even suffer backlash. This is the biggest taboo for wizards of the prophecy type. I believe that for the chief priest Mioli, it is because of this that she believes in Adolf. The strength of the'Master of Light' she believed in must be so powerful that she couldn't understand it.

Only in this way, the question of letter arises.

After the real body was released, Raymond was able to reach the strength of a Tier 8 wizard, but after fusing the real body, he still couldn't make the girl Becky feel fearful, so if he calculates based on this, the'lord of the holy light' It should have reached the realm of the ancestor.

And the existence of the ancestor, no matter what kind of history and ability it possesses, can never be measured by the power gap of the ordinary class.

The control of energy, the understanding of energy, the use of energy...

Only those who have thoroughly mastered the true meaning of a certain energy can be attributed to the category of the ancestor!

And such a category is still a bit far away for the current Raymond, so after thinking about it for a while, Raymond asked. "Could it be that an ancestor-like existence can show its power in this way?"

"There are not many memories of the ancestors in the inheritance, and many of them are beyond my understanding..."

There was an apologetic head priest Mioli, who seemed to be reminiscing. After thinking for a moment, her expression became solemn, and then she continued. "It's just that Mr. Goergong, the guardian of the three tribes, cannot be directly watched or felt its existence! But in the inheritance of the chief priests of the Sirens, existence has a way of descending like a projection, so Master Gore can show his power and magic..."

Because the control of energy has reached its peak, some of the ancestors were too large to be able to accommodate the middle and low planes.

The space where the Well of Eternity is located was opened up by Goergong. There is a guess in the inheritance of the chief priests of the Siren that the Well of Eternity is actually made by Goergong, the ancestor of the three tribes. A special art tool made, not only possesses certain characteristics of the spatial plane, but also protects the existence and development of the three races.

"It is said that some ancestors can survive and inhabit the chaos plane, but the inheritance memory in this regard is quite fragmented and chaotic, and I will not tell them one by one..."

Listening to the introduction of the chief priest Mioli, Raymond also retrieved the information he collected about the ancestor, but the rumors and records about the ancestor were mostly imagined out of thin air, and it is difficult to be regarded as real and useful. Comparing and verifying the data makes it impossible to find some laws about the ancestors.

Therefore, after dispelling the continued understanding of the ancestor's situation through the priest Mioli, Raymond turned to Adolf who was still facing the mirror with a sad expression, and after taking out the cluster of fluorescence, he asked. "Adolf, where does the power in this come from?"

Adolf, who was blushing when Raymond took out the fluorescence, roared. "You are blaspheming the Lord of the Light! The Lord of the Light will definitely bring down the wrath of thunder, so that all blasphemers will be thoroughly purified! No one can be forgiven, no one can escape..."

It was the old dogmatic rhetoric, even if the annoying Raymond interrupted. "Shut up! The dark energy rope that bound you before, I can also release it!"

A faint light gleamed at Lemmon’s fingertips as he spoke, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a smoky rope tens of meters long, circling and turning in front of Adolf’s eyes, so that the anger in his expression was replaced by panic. .

When that You Mang appeared, Adolf's eyes shrank suddenly, and he shuddered uncontrollably, and the body that had just been straight also paused.

"There is still a similar power remaining in your body. For the current research, the power extracted from your body is still not enough..."

Speaking of this, he deliberately paused for a moment, and after Adolf's face became paler, Raymond continued. "It's just that if you continue to peel and extract this energy from your body, I am worried that it will cause irreparable damage to you. That's why I want to have a detailed understanding. Of course, you have the right not to say..."

Adolf finally jumped up when he heard the grief and anger in his expression at the end, but the weight of his swollen hands did not make him able to jump very high. Instead, it was the chair underneath him when he fell and sat down. Sitting down, the chief priest Mioli on the side couldn't help but chuckled while covering her mouth.

Adolf sitting on the ground became more embarrassed, and after a moment of stunned, he roared. "What does it mean that I have the right not to say! How can I have the right not to say! You are a naked threat! Despicable, shameless..."

Leimen with a smile on his face didn't get annoyed. After a move of his mind made the rope formed by the dark energy disappear, he looked at Adolf without speaking, and just waited like this.

After a while, the poor Adolf lowered his head and muttered after a long silence~www.ltnovel.com~ I am the most pious believer. Both my body and my spirit belong to the Lord of Light. of……"

"It doesn't matter, I can put you into a deep sleep before the draw, and I will never let you violate the rules!"

Raymond said very easily, but Adolf's face turned green when he raised his head, and he stared at him fiercely for a long time before he said with some struggle. "You, you can't persecute me like this..."

Before Adolf finished speaking, Raymond waved his right hand in front of him, and hundreds of ore containing light energy were piled up together, making Adolf look straight.

It's just that Adolf's body just wanted to lean forward, and Raymond, who flashed his right hand over the ore like lightning, took the pile of ore back into the storage space, and followed him as he stared at the stunned Adolf. "These ores can be used as compensation for you, but I am afraid you can't bear it for one-time use!"

Adolf, who had a brilliant light in his eyes, was even more angry, glaring at Raymond for a long time before closing his eyes extremely unwillingly and saying. "You, you are simply the leader of the evil, it is simply shameless to entice a devout believer in this way..."


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