
Chapter 1533: Dispel doubts

‘Praise the Lord of Light...Glory will also be attributed to my Holy Lord, the Supreme Lord, is the Almighty Lord of the world, all the brilliance belongs to my Holy Lord, and those who believe have eternity...’

Creeping, pious and fearful, Adolf said something.

It can be seen that the original worship ceremony should be to spread the hands up and place his ears, but Adolf's palms, which are twice the size of his head, make this ritual which should be extremely solemn, especially funny.

It was just Adolf's low and peculiar voice of prayer, which quickly changed the expression of the chief priest Mioli, who accompanied Raymond as his witness.

Leimen, who noticed such a change, turned around, but before he could even speak to the priest Mioli, he spread the voice. "Dear Lemmon, you will ask questions after Adolf has completed the prayer ceremony..."

Full of doubts, but the look of the chief priest Mioli became more and more solemn, and after thinking about it, he followed the rhythm of Adolf's chanting, reciting similar prayers with him in a very light voice.

In the beginning, there were occasional errors and omissions in the chanting of the main priest Mioli, but she quickly picked up the speed. The prayers she chanted were actually half a beat faster than Adolf's prayers, just like this. Adolf was following Mioli chanting.

Adolf, who devoted himself to the chanting of the prayer, no longer felt anything outside, but Raymond was more and more puzzled because of this strange phenomenon.

The prayers containing all kinds of beautiful words finally took half an hourglass time, and Mioli, who was able to chant in advance, gradually increased the speed of chanting, and it was actually a few ten breaths before Adolf finished the prayer. It is over.

However, at this moment, there was an unconcealable shock in her expression, the snow-white feather wings that closed and wrapped her body. There was also a slight tremor.

As for Adolf, who had completed the prayer ritual on the ground, at this time, the hands spread flat on the top of his skull began to swell at a speed visible to the naked eye, although they still looked a little swollen. But it has changed significantly from before.

And after he straightened up, Raymond also found that his chest was extremely magnificent before. It also shrinks inward unconsciously, and it no longer feels so happy.

But Adolf, who was sitting there on his knees, didn't get up, but after thinking about it, he turned to Raymond and opened his mouth. "Master Raymond, give me a piece of ore first, I'm going to starve to death..."

After throwing a piece of ore containing the energy of the light system, Raymond waved his hand and released a one-way barrier, placing himself and the priest Mioli within it.

But the priest Mioli, who had already turned his face, shook her head. "Master Raymond, I understand what you want to ask. Please wait...I need to sort it out..."

The main priest Mioli, whose eyebrows were tightly furrowed into thinking once again, shook her head and whispered from time to time, obviously not a short time to end.

And Adolf who completed his prayer, after taking the ore containing the energy of the light system, he was not as excited as before, but after smashing it thoroughly, he carefully smeared it like a powder. All over.

The fine sand-like ore powder flashed with fluorescence when it was just applied, but after a short while, when the light system energy contained in it was absorbed by Adolf, the powder that became more and more finely fell off his body. Large patches of dust accumulate on his side.

Adolf's expression became more peaceful, the light in his pupils was restrained but his eyes became clearer, and he ignored the barrier set by Raymond. Instead, he pressed his hands together, and started chanting a certain mantra with a word in his mouth, which gradually caused a faint energy fluctuation around his body, as if he had started a meditation, his breath gradually became imperceptible.

Raymond, who was able to see everything about Adolf through the one-way barrier, quickly became more and more surprised.

Therefore, as Adolf’s mood stabilized, the free energy around his body slowly penetrated into his body, not only making his body stable, but also an extremely subtle energy from between Adolf’s hands. Gush. A closed circular energy field was formed around his body!

Therefore, Raymond guessed that this might be the exercise method that Adolf was practicing. The reason why he can absorb free energy in the environment like a carbon-based creature, and finally make himself stronger.

Just thinking about it. The chief priest Mioli, who was still frowning before, finally finished his contemplation and said. "Master Raymond, the content of Adolf's chanting is fully recorded in the inheritance of the chief priest I inherited. Although I did not find the description, it is really exactly the same as Adolf's chanting just now! "

Speaking of this, seeing Raymond's expression thinking about it, the priest Mioli shook his head with a wry smile. "Although I think this is some kind of practice method, I didn't notice any changes in myself when I chanted before. Obviously this is a unique method of the'Holy Light' and only suitable for Adolf. use."

Nodding, Raymond removed the one-way isolation barrier, came to Adolf and asked. "What did you recite before?"

"This is the word of prayer given by the teaching of the Holy Light, which can stabilize the heart, make the faith firm and fearless..."

Balabala is another big-sounding and highly inflammatory dogmatic rhetoric, but this time with Adolf's narration, his body is actually covered by a layer of radiant light.

Such a strange phenomenon made Raymond unconsciously release his perception and wanted to check Adolf, but this seemingly thin layer of light has a blocking effect. Even if he bounced his perception away, he was aware of it. Adolf who was probed was extremely annoyed.

Just before he could speak, Raymond, who came directly in front of him, put his right hand on his shoulder and asked while feeling the intensity of this layer of light on his body surface. "Can the prayers gradually increase your strength and allow you to accumulate the kind of strength that was previously extracted?"

When his body became stiff, Adolf glared at Raymond with anxious eyes, but Raymond's right hand, which had too much power over him, made him unable to move at all. After a while, he had to give up the struggle and begin to explain.

"The Prayer of the Holy Light is a special prayer given by the bishop, and immersion in it will strengthen the faith of the believers and..."

It feels like Adolf is about to start reciting those dogmas again. Even if Raymond burst into flames, he sternly stopped him to abandon the lengthy part and directly tell what he knew.

Reluctantly, but Adolf still rejected those gorgeous rhetoric, and in his narration, Raymond finally verified his previous point of view.

Adolf believes in the teaching of the light ~www.ltnovel.com~ The core principle of its doctrine is unconditional loyalty to the lord of the light.

With the faith of the believers firm, Adolf can gradually increase his strength through the chanting of various prayers, and the'wrath of the holy light' he released in the underworld before is to call up the accumulation in his body. The power belonging to the'Master of Light' can purify various ghost-like creatures and make them completely disintegrate into free energy in the environment.

It’s just that in Adolf’s understanding, the “wrath of the holy light” that he released is not called “spells,” but as “sacred light”, but he is holy. The unique methods of the Cult of the Light cannot be mastered by ordinary people.

"Every time the art of holy light is released, the power of the Lord of Light will slowly accumulate in my body. The greater the number of evil beings purified by my hand, the more the power of holy light that can be accumulated through the chanting of prayers The more massive and pure..."

When talking about this, Adolf, with red eyes, started howling in vain. "You are all accomplices of the evil ones! You are all shameless and despicable! The power of the Holy Light that I have accumulated over so many years of hard work has been so easily stripped from my body by you, I don't want to live anymore. ……" (to be continued)

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