
Chapter 1534: Light's Fury One

Adolf was very regretful.

Of course, apart from regretting, he quickly found the reason.

First of all, his own disguise ability is too low to effectively paralyze the opponent.

Secondly, the guy in front of him who was given the ‘Operation of Obedience’ by himself is too careful to observe, and he is not easily confused by his own appearance, even if he sees through his own tricks.

In the end, nature is because the temptation formed by the ore containing the energy of the light system is irresistible to Adolf.

That is the ‘Essence of Light’, in the Church of Light, only those high-ranking priests and bishop-level high-ranking priests are qualified to own and use rare ores!

That is the grace of the Lord of Light, a treasure that can only be bestowed upon those who have obtained great merits!

Thinking of this, the piece of ore covered by his swollen hands was also tightened by Adolf. Although he knew that it was definitely not the time to continue using it, the desire in his heart still made him a little hard to restrain.

But immediately following Adolf, he thought of everything he was about to face. Adolf sighed in his heart and placed the ore beside the altar before closing his eyes and resolutely walked to its center and sat down.

The chief priest Mioli who led Leimen to the grotto where the altar was located in the clan, saw that Adolf sat down honestly without saying anything, and couldn't help being more surprised.

On the way here, she was extremely curious, because she didn't know how Raymond reached an agreement with Adolf, let alone how he judged Adolf's willingness to cooperate.

So when the altar was activated, and the one-way barrier was released by Raymond again, she finally couldn't help but ask. "Master Raymond, how did you reach an agreement with Adolf? Why did he take the initiative to follow you here. Voluntarily accept further inspections?"

Having just completed the release of the spell, Leimen turned around and looked strange.

Before, Adolf seemed to collapse after speaking, but in fact, there was an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes when he was howling. Moreover, the obscure energy field surrounding his body has not changed a little because of his howling. Obviously Adolf's mood at that time could be controlled by himself.

Because the "Oath of Obedience" must be obeyed by his orders, but why it collapsed after the general reason has been explained clearly is something worthy of intrigue.

Therefore, after careful observation, Raymond noticed that Adolf's swollen hands were still rapidly swelling, and the firmness of his body had also been greatly improved, so the reasons for it were self-evident.

It's just that Raymond didn't break it on the spot. Instead, he took out a higher-quality and larger-sized ore containing light energy and played it in his hands.

Sure enough, this guy has no resistance to this kind of ore containing light energy. Although still pretending to be collapsed and howling, his gaze was no longer willing to move away from the ore, even after verifying the judgment made before.

When the crux is found, everything that follows is naturally much simpler.

While Lemmon promised not to cause serious harm to him, he also promised to provide him with an unlimited amount of this ore containing light energy, so Adolf also very readily agreed that he would fully cooperate with the follow-up inspections. .

After recalling everything that happened before, Raymond, who had a smile on his mouth, finally decided not to tell Miori the truth, and directly changed his story to cover up the past.

Seeing that Raymond was unwilling to tell the reason, the priest Mioli was very depressed. But at this time, Adolf had already started to chant a weird spell according to the previous agreement, causing a faint light to shine around his body. And the appearance of a faint barrier of light made his breath no longer be felt.

Witnessing the release of ‘Holy Light’s Fury’ once again, although Raymond’s perception could not penetrate the barrier, he could control the changes in the surrounding environment.

The Wrath of the Holy Light released by Adolf in the underworld before, because of the environment of the underworld, caused it to have no special signs before being released.

However, in this grotto where the Sirens resided in the Wizarding Plane, Adolf only chanted for a moment, and the light energy in the environment was as if flooding, gathering quickly from all directions. The barrier that penetrated his body entered his body, causing the hemispherical barrier to gradually expand outward. After a short while, it occupied the entire altar!

The low-pitched curse with a strange rhythm is still being chanted by Adolf.

But the grotto on the top of the west side of the cliff. After dozens of breaths, there was a slight tremor, and the wizard's eye, who was placed outside the grotto by Raymond, also found the strangeness produced by the sky above Adolf.

The center of the thick lead cloud first began to twist and deform, and soon a tiny whirlpool quickly expanded outwards, and finally formed a huge funnel-like energy vortex with a diameter of more than 100 meters, which would rise from the sky above the sky. The gathered light system energy is released downward in the form of a beam of light, and instantly penetrates the top of the grotto, and penetrates the spherical barrier released by Adolf!

So far, the obscure coercion is also generated from the altar, and Adolf, with his eyes closed and lips moving slightly, is still continuing to chant the spell as if he has no feeling, but his whole body is like being It became transparent and dazzling.

No one had expected that the wrath of the Holy Light that Adolf was preparing to release on this altar would cause such an abnormality, so the entire Sirens had been in a mess.

The sirens who were in charge of patrolling the outer waters all turned around and sprinted towards the lonely cliff, and the sirens who were located in the lonely cliff also came out of their residences and gathered together quickly, raising their vigilance.

When he saw the beam of light, he knew that there would be a problem, and promptly sent the stunned chief priest Mioli to go out to inform the people of the situation, and he himself finally felt the beam of light betting from the sky. In, the invisible power contained in.

It is very similar to the power that was stripped from Adolf's body before, but its concentration and power are worlds apart.

If the power stripped from Adolf's body is regarded as a unit, then the strength of the power felt by Raymond today is as high as hundreds of units!

Therefore, the one-way isolation barrier set up by Raymond was quickly destroyed by the breath released by Adolf, and the extremely dangerous feeling mixed in his breath also made Raymond retreat. In the corner of the grotto, after improving its own force field protection, it resisted the invisible pressure.

There is a red-lighted Raymond in the pupils. At this time, the energy vortex inside and outside the grotto and above the cliff are all under his observation, and the various data collected by the chip are quickly being sorted and analysis.

Adolf who has already completed the chanting of the mantra ~www.ltnovel.com~ closed his mouth and opened his eyes, face up to the sky and raised his arms, as if he was embracing the top photo of the entire grotto. The beam of light reflected on his spherical barrier instantly merged with him.

Pang however also possesses powerful coercive power, sweeping the grotto where the altar is located like a shock wave, causing all free energy except the energy of the light system to be instantly emptied.

Raymond, who also suffered from the impact of this kind of breath, completely revealed the force field protection on his body surface, and he couldn't help but make Raymond's pupils shrink slightly.

It's just that after this powerful rejection was completed in an instant, the Adolf who raised his arms released the Wrath of the Holy Light.

With a soft buzzing sound, the beam of light bet on from above the sky disappeared instantly, but the spherical barrier released by Adolf suddenly expanded outward, like an invisible light, making the place where the altar was. This grotto became transparent in an instant, and everything in the outside world could be clearly seen by Raymond.

Time seemed to stagnate in an instant. Before the eyes of the wizards released by Raymond were defeated, the guards of the Siren who had surrounded the grotto where the altar was located, the consternation on every face was taken by Raymond. See, record... (to be continued)

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