
Chapter 1536: Hate

The abnormal condition that occurred on the lone cliff of the Siren made a mountain that belonged to the lone cliff as if it had been shoveled away, missing a large part of nearly fifty meters in height.

But fortunately, the ancient altars handed down from within the Sirens were preserved intact because of Raymond’s timely action. It was a great fortune in misfortune.

I thought that I would be blamed or reprimanded by the patriarch Kalami, and even prepared to apologize to the chief priest Mioli to the elders of the clan. In the end, he did not wait for the expected punishment, and even the patriarch Kalami performed her After reporting the loss, she didn't even have a single word of seriousness. On the contrary, as she used to be when she was still serving as the maid of the priest, she was touched by the patriarch Kalami and was let go.

It was puzzled, and Mioli didn't know how the whole incident ended.

She is like all the sirens. When an upward vortex was produced in the heavy lead cloud, she fell because of the invisible but extremely powerful pressure. Fortunately, there are the people who fell down earlier. With the meat pad, Mioli would not be injured.

But because of this, Mioli had to deal with more things, and finally after she was busy, she thought of the instigator Raymond, and the self-proclaimed ‘pastor apprentice’ Adolf.

Angrily came to the single peak arranged for Leimen, Mioli, who didn't notice any measures, naturally rushed in, kicked the door of the cabin and rushed into the room.

With a loud bang, the wooden door that hadn't been closed was almost kicked, but it was facing Raymond at the door, but she looked up at Mioli, and pointed her left hand to the chair next to her. He signaled that she could sit down, and then turned his gaze back, watching the frustrated Adolf continue to wait.

Mioli, who was full of anger and ready to get angry, couldn't help but froze. But the Adolf who covered his face with his hands was like a stone sculpture, staring at his toes in a daze, without any reaction to everything around him.

Mioli, who stood at the door and didn't know what to do for a while, was a little confused. However, seeing her still standing there after a while, Raymond turned his head again and spoke to her. "Come in. The door has already been kicked by you. Wouldn't it make me stand up to welcome you?"

I could hear the teasing in Raymond's words, and Mioli, whose face instantly swelled red, came to him with her head high and her anger was instantly vented.

"Master Raymond! You have to compensate for all the previous losses! Do you know how many people were injured? Do you know how many buildings were damaged? Do you know how many important facilities need to be rebuilt? Do you know how many defense barriers need to be repaired..."

The more she talked, the more annoyed she became, and Mioli, who felt more and more wronged, couldn't help but blush.

Because her words gradually became louder, she finally made the startled Adolf tremble, and sighed immediately.

Ignoring Mioli's questioning, Raymond, who turned his face immediately, scowled. Shouted in a deep voice. "Adolf! You have heard all the losses clearly, and all losses will be offset by those ores!"

When he said this, Raymond turned his face and cast a look at Mioli. "Well, now you can report all the losses of the Sirens. If there is any omission, I can't guarantee that Adolf will have the opportunity to bear it in the future!"

The blinking eyes of Mioli became more and more confused, but Adolf, who appeared in the pupils of Raymond's eyes with a flash of anger, raised his face full of anger. "Why! Why do they use my light concentrate to compensate for their losses! It's not what I wanted to do like this! None of this is my fault!"

"Then just say it! Why did the phantom of the eyes disappear suddenly? And who is the owner of those eyes? Why did it show up when it heard your compliments and flattery Is it disgust?"

"I said before, that is the Lord of the Holy Light enshrined by the Teaching of the Holy Light! He is great and wise, graceful and generous..."

Hearing these words, Raymond furiously stood up, pointed at Adolf, and roared. "Shut up! If this is the case, why would you hear your praise and disappear! Why are you so sad after those eyes disappear!"

His expression was stagnant. Adolf whose cheeks twitched as if he had been stabbed in a painful foot, his chest rose and fell violently, and after a while he jumped out of his chair and roared in vain. "How could I know the reason! That is the Lord of Light I have believed in for a lifetime! When I noticed it, I naturally used the provisions in the doctrine to welcome him! But I also saw the eye The disgust in the middle. I also felt the feeling of disgust, how would I know the reason..."

Roaring and roaring, Adolf, whose expression became aggrieved, also reddened, and tears fell down, and his whole body was trembling. Finally, he raised his fist and slammed his head violently!

The muffled sound of bang bang bang reverberated in the wooden house, and after a short while, Adolf's cheeks swelled.

But his tears grew more and more, and finally fell to his knees in vain. He roared with a cry. "That's the Lord of Light, it's very few who can see it. The doctrine says that only the most pious believers can get such glory, but why I am greeting the Lord of Light when I come. I only feel the disgust of the Lord of Light...

I am really a devout believer...

Please believe me, I really am the most devout believer in the Great Chapel of Diss City...

Even when I was trapped in the world of evil creatures, I never abandon my faith, and I never had any doubts about the Lord of Light...

Why would the great Lord of Light treat me like this..."

The clenched fists that had beaten him before, hammered heavily on the floor, and the thick floor was actually splashed with blood-like light spots.

Adolf who was crawling on the ground seemed to collapse, and this time Raymond also decided that he was not disguising.

The phantom in the eyes that made him feel astonished before, when it disappeared, was completely different from when it appeared.

Because just as Adolf began to chant those beautiful words, disgust and irritability appeared in those eyes that were not emotional before. Without even the slightest hesitation, he directly twisted in that space. Disappeared.

And with the complete disappearance of those eyes, Raymond, who was still palpitating before, felt the pressure around his body loosened, and the ray of'primitive power' captured by him, the intensity of the struggle was also rapid. Lowering, after a few breaths, it automatically condenses into a light-spot-like substance, which is firmly imprisoned by the isolation barrier.

Could it be said that this suspected ancestor-like existence that Adolf called the "Lord of Light" ~www.ltnovel.com~ is so disgusted with the believers of the religion of the light, which led to its own roots The power is no longer reclaimed, but chose to leave immediately?

Many speculations had been made before, but when such an idea emerged in Raymond's heart, it became more and more recognized by him, and he quickly replaced the many possibilities formed by previous thoughts!

It's just any guess that needs to be verified before it can be confirmed, so Raymond squatted down and lifted Adolf up, looking directly at his eyes and saying. "Could it be said that the teaching of the Holy Light you believe in has made the Lord of the Holy Light so disgusting? Even your exquisite words are not willing to listen to it, and even a ray of the source of power would rather be abandoned and left quickly ?"

The tearful Adolf was stunned, but the eyes that followed him became red, and invisible force field fluctuations also occurred around him.

The body surface became a little dazzling, but Raymond, who was staring at him, had the same expression and was still waiting patiently!

Furious emotions accumulated in Adolf's heart. After the powerful aura was released, Mioli was affected, and she had to retreat to the corner of the room, her face full of shock... (to be continued)

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