
Chapter 1537: infer

From rage to calm, the time was very short, and finally Adolf's expression appeared extremely sad and sad.

In the eyes that were still red before, there was an indescribable sadness, and the majestic aura that was released by him before was quickly gathered by him.

With a long sigh, Adolf, who was kneeling on the ground, lowered his gaze, staring at the light spots that were concealed in the floor that were hammered by his fists in front of him, his tone dull as if he was talking to himself Generally began to tell.

"I used to serve the Vice-Bishop of the Diss City Chapel, so once the Vice-Bishop hurriedly left, I had the opportunity to see the doctrines he placed in the room, and even some of his own. notes……

But what makes me unbelievable is that it is mentioned in the notes of the Vice-Bishop that the Lord of Light has not reappeared for hundreds of years, and even the brilliance that the Lord of Light bestows on the Church of Light is It is no longer easy to detect...

Although the power of the holy light has not changed significantly, the power of the holy light is declining year by year, so many areas occupied by evil creatures can no longer be pious. The believers entered..."

The story began intermittently, but Adolf sighed from time to time, and the priest Mioli, who was standing by, was very confused.

And Raymond had already had some speculations, so he pulled a chair over and sat down, instead of urging him, he waited patiently.

"That’s because I was young and very curious, so during the time when the vice-bishop was out of the city. I saw many records and notes in his room that shouldn’t be seen, and even issued by the main chapel. Some of the bans, the content mentioned above just scared me to death..."

Speaking of this, Adolf finally got up from the ground slowly. Only a dazed expression remained, and deep sorrow was revealed in the pupils of the eyes. He swayed to the corner of the wooden house, raised the chair there and sat down, then bent down and hugged his head with both hands. Sit down, then continue to speak. "According to the speculation of many bishops and adults in the main chapel, the Lord of the Light may have fallen asleep. It may also be dissatisfied with the teaching of the light, which has caused the power of the light to slowly decline, and the high-level art of the light Can't be released again..."

Speaking of Adolf who fell silent here. After a long time without speaking again, the atmosphere in the wooden house became stagnant and dull.

But Mioli, the chief priest of the Siren tribe, couldn't bear the suppression of this atmosphere, and hesitated or spoke. "Master Adolf. Did you release the high-level light technique before?"

"Me? The Wrath of the Light I released is the lowest level of light art. Only believers who have reached the level of the archbishop can release the high-level light art. I am too far behind..."

The sigh in Adolf's tone made Mioli stand up and yelled in shock. "The difference is too far? The holy light technique you released has shoveled the peaks tens of meters in height. If you let the high-ranking archbishops of your sect release it, wouldn't it be the Siren? All the cliffs will be completely destroyed!"

Adolf, who was extremely frustrated with his head in his hands, put his hands down when he heard this, raised his head slightly, and shook his head blankly. "It cannot be compared like this. The Wrath of the Light that I released today, I don't know why it is so powerful. I believe that even all the believers in the Diss City Chapel will come together. The release will not achieve that power, and it will be impossible to eradicate the mountain as a whole. There is a problem..."

Having been thinking about the message contained in Adolf's words, Raymond asked. "What you mean is that the power of the Wrath of the Light that you released before is not what you should be able to release?"

"Don't say I can't release it. I believe that even the top ascetics in the main chapel can't release it. I can't afford such power at all!"

Speaking of Adolf here, a radiance finally appeared in his pupils, and he continued thinking after thinking. "Master Raymond, the question about the'carrier' you asked before is actually the case. A devout believer can bring the Lord of the Light to come, and use ourselves as a way to release his great power! Only if the faith is not firm, Or if the piety is not enough, then the will of the Lord of Light cannot be carried. Even if the Lord of Light comes, it will definitely cause him to burst into death..."

Speaking of this, Adolf fell silent again, and Raymond, who had arranged his thoughts, asked after a while. "Why is the Wrath of the Holy Light you released in the Underworld so different from what you just released?"

Adolf, who became irritated by the sound, said with contempt in his pupils. "The environment is different! And I don’t know why the Wrath of the Light released this time is so powerful, let alone why the Lord of Light appeared! And, I, I really don’t know him. Why does it make me feel disgusted..."

The more he spoke, the lower his voice, and finally Adolf, whose eyes were red again, lowered his head and opened his hands in front of him, as if he wanted to find out the reason.

And Raymond thought to himself, if what appeared in that space distortion were the eyes of the Lord of Light, then the reason for its appearance should obviously be related to the ray of ‘source power’ he had captured.

Then when Adolf began to chant those beautiful words, there was disgust and hatred in his eyes. Some of them seemed to be unwilling to be praised by Adolf, or to be touched, so in the end even the source of power was Unwilling to take time to take it back, he directly dispelled the idea of ​​descending on the wizarding plane and immediately disappeared.

In this way, the existence that Adolf called the "Lord of Light" should be an ancestor!

Thinking of this, Leimen took out the wisp of ‘Essential Power’ he had previously captured, and after he penetrated his mental power into the barrier, he immediately incurred a counterattack from the ‘Essential Power’!

The strong light that suddenly burst from within the isolation barrier made the entire wooden house flooded with dazzling brilliance, and also made Adolf who was still thinking suddenly raise his head and shouted in amazement. "God! This is the brilliance that belongs to the Lord of Light! You dare to take the brilliance that belongs to the Lord of Light, you are crazy!"

But Raymond, who controls his own mental power within the barrier, wrinkled his head at this moment.

Because this'power of origin' is not only exclusive, but also obviously extremely arrogant. He launched a fierce attack on his mental power that appeared in vain within the barrier, and after a short while, he entered the one that Raymond entered. The spiritual power is swallowed!

Your own mental power is blocked, UU reading www.uukanshu. com made Raymond shake his body, a little dizzy.

But Adolf, who looked stunned, saw the ‘Essential Power’ in the isolation barrier turned into a light spot again, pointed at Raymond, laughed, and sneered. "Hahaha! Even dare to contend with the brilliance of the Lord of Light, do you think your strength can overwhelm the Lord of Light..."

Raymond, who was not annoyed when he heard the laughter, turned his face to ask after the dizziness disappeared. "This is the brilliance you call the'Lord of the Light'? Could it be that the religion of the Holy Light to which you belong has been contended?"

"Contend? That is simply not contendable! The problem of capturing and storing the brilliance of the Lord of Light is already very serious, but anyone who dares to merge or absorb it will not be able to withstand the power of the Lord of Light. , It will explode directly..."

At this point, Adolf's expression suddenly changed and stopped immediately, and then he slapped himself severely, lowered his head in frustration and stopped speaking.

Raymond, who instantly understood the reason, couldn't help feeling a bit amused, and when he came to Adolf, he said word by word. "Adolf! I think any concealment is a violation of the'Vow of Obedience', you must tell me in detail if you have anything!" (To be continued...)

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