
Chapter 1538: Preparation

The acquisition of the power of origin is a great harvest for Raymond.

But ordinary methods can't detect it at all, let alone want to feel it.

Therefore, after ordering the Siren chief priest Mioli not to disclose the information she knew, Raymond had a frank and frank conversation with Adolf.

The depressed Adolf was still extremely depressed at the beginning.

For him, the Lord of Light, who has been devoted to him for many years, actually disgusted him, which made his soul suffered very severely, and even almost completely defeated him.

Because this is like the collapse of faith, everything originally believed to be destroyed in an instant, this kind of deep pain is beyond the understanding of Raymond.

But the desire for the ore containing the energy of the light system, coupled with the effect of the "Oath of Obedience" by Raymond, was like persuasion and persuasion, and finally made Adolf have to accept this reality.

That is the Lord of the Light that it believes in, either for all the followers of the Holy Light, or it is because the novel is a misunderstanding that caused the previous situation.

It's just that this kind of explanation still couldn't relieve Adolf who was immersed in regret and sorrow, so Raymond had to make appropriate adjustments at the end, changing to another way of enlightenment.

"For the Lord of Light you believe in, perhaps this time the phenomenon is a certain test for a devout believer. How can you be sure that the'hatred' is real? Can you be sure of what you believe in? Lord of Light, did he really abandon you?"

There is no way to verify this anyway. Therefore, Raymond's rude questioning made Adolf have to accept it.

What's more, for him, now he is like a confused man who has fallen into the abyss. As long as any possibility can prevent his belief from collapsing immediately, then he is willing to accept it, and subconsciously convince him himself.

Now that the enlightenment is effective, the rest is much simpler.

Asked Adolf to narrate the situation of the teaching of the Holy Light he originally believed in.

As for the ‘sacred light art’ he mastered, although Raymond got his release, it was just the same as the guess he had made before. This spell, which Adolf called the ‘Holy Light’, is only suitable for Adolf’s own spell and the spell he chanted before casting the spell. Because it is extremely likely to attract the attention of the ‘Master of Light’, Raymond naturally couldn’t simulate and experiment with these techniques of light.

It's just that the question of ‘faith’ and ‘vehicle’ has been completely confirmed under questioning.

The ‘Lord of the Light’ claimed by Adolf may come by the release of the art of Holy Light. Of course, more is in a way of ‘energy perfusion’. Make its projection or clone appear, show its power or give a more violent blow.

Of course, in Raymond's view, the reason that caused the previous ‘Lord of Light’ to leave soon after he appeared, is that there is a certain problem with the teaching existence of Adolf’s Light.

However, Raymond didn't want to pay attention to everything that should belong to insider or conspiracy.

So after thinking about the problems that need to be dealt with at present, he checked Adolf's absorption speed as promised before. He gave Adolf the ore containing the energy of the light system enough for him to consume for half a year, and opened up a retreat for Adolf next to Raymond's residence. It is equivalent to putting him under house arrest.

Not allowed to leave, nor to communicate with anyone, Adolf is naturally extremely dissatisfied.

However, the ores containing the energy of the light system were unparalleled in the temptation of Adolf. Therefore, without much effort, Raymond successfully confined Adolf in the secluded place, completely isolating Adolf from External links.

And Raymond discovered in the research of that'source power' that this kind of'source power' contains certain rules. It is still somewhat difficult for him to perceive those rules contained in it with his current strength. .

Because even if this strand of'primitive power' has not been recovered by the Lord of Light, its own'rule' attributes make it still retain a strong exclusivity, in terms of the strength of Raymond's spiritual power , It is quite difficult to completely suppress it, a little carelessness will cause the mental power he released to be swallowed by this'power of origin', and then assimilated!

But this level of difficulty is just right where Raymond can barely touch his current strength, and if he wants to be truly mastered and integrated by Raymond, then he can only improve his mental strength. , Or try it through the effects of certain drugs.

As if facing a treasure house but unable to enter, this situation made Raymond have to improve his own strength as a solution.

Therefore, after the chip counted the various resources and artifacts he needed for promotion, Raymond began to contact him.

The old dean Sura had returned to the Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy. He was very happy after learning that Raymond might hit a higher level, and was willing to collect resources and various materials for him.

And when Mario rose poisonous fish in a certain sea area, when he learned that Raymond would attack the realm as soon as possible, he listed the various resources he possessed for Raymond to choose.

Dozens of resources and artifacts that may be needed for various impact realms have also been finalized in negotiations and discussions.

The only thing that made Leimeng a little bit distressed was that neither the old Dean Sura and Samario could provide the kind of ‘ritual pillar’ that could be used before the dawn level.

And among the resources required for promotion provided by the chip, there is also a special resource called the "Marrow of Gray Bone", which must be used within ten hourglass hours after the collection.

With the time limit of ten hourglasses, this extremely precious resource can only be collected and used now, so it cannot be traded away from the environment in which it exists.

And as the time it takes for Raymond to collect various resources increases, the strand of'primitive power' captured by him turned out to show signs of slow disintegration. This made Raymond feel that time is pressing, but finally Reminiscent of the corpse demon Evangeline on the Bone Sea plane that has not been contacted for a long time!

There are countless dead bones on the Bone Sea Plane, and the life forms born there are not understood by Raymond.

But the best gray bone marrow must be produced there, because no plane has more dry bones than the Bone Sea World.

So when the various resources and artifacts provided by the old dean Sura and Samario were sent, Raymond found Mioli, the chief priest of the Siren tribe, and borrowed from his clan as a high-level serenity. After Ren prepared the ritual pillar, he tried to establish contact with the corpse demon Evangeline on the plane of bone sea.

I don't know how far away it is from the Wizarding Plane~www.ltnovel.com~ It took a lot of effort, but Raymond finally got in touch with the corpse demon Evangeline through the communication rune.

Evangeline, the corpse demon who was still fighting on the Bone Sea before and expanding its sphere of influence, is now relaxing.

Because of the offensive she launched, she has already achieved a staged victory, successfully occupying one-fifth of the entire Bone Sea Plane, which is considered to have officially achieved the status of the'Plane Guardian' of the competing Bone Sea Plane. qualifications.

Raymond, who gave a rough overview of the situation, naturally offered to pay a high price in order to obtain the freshest bone marrow.

The only thing that surprised Raymond was that Evangeline the corpse demon seemed to have little interest in cherishing resources, but instead showed a strong interest in the perfume that Raymond had previously provided that could conceal the smell of his body.

The perfume that was able to conceal the body odor was refined by Raymond in the past with special techniques, and it only has meaning for the existence of the corpse demon Evangeline.

Therefore, Raymond, who directly handed over the formula and refining methods, obtained results that he did not expect... (to be continued...)

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