
Chapter 1540: Impact one

Because the bone marrow obtained from the corpse demon Evangeline is enough, Raymond agreed to the request of the Siren patriarch Karami, and exchanged one-fifth of the gray bone marrow for the sixteen. The right to use the root ritual pillar.

Because the use of the marrow of gray bones has its timeliness, so after he conducted the final inspection, Raymond took the various resources he had prepared and the corresponding artifacts raised during this time into the plug. A secret place of the Ren Clan, ready to begin a breakthrough in the realm.

Of course, the girl Becky was also called out by him from the picture of the girl creek in advance, making her take care of Adolf.

Raymond didn't want to fall short because of the vain appearance of the girl Becky at the critical moment when he hit the realm.

The secret place is tightly sealed and is located within the main mountain of the lonely cliff. There are a lot of protective measures in the winding passages. Unless the Siren is attacked and the entire mountain is forcibly destroyed, it is here. This is where absolute safety lies.

But because it borrowed the secret place of the Siren, after entering the passage, Raymond removed all these facilities and reset a large number of protective measures, making it impossible for those below the dawn level to go deep.

And near the hidden place, he also set up a hidden means that can trap and severely inflict Dawn-level powers.

After sealing the hidden place within the mountain, Raymond immediately began to prepare the medicine.

The marrow of gray bones given by the sea of ​​bones corpse demon Evangeline, after mixing and refining with several materials obtained by the old chief Shura, gave him 20 standard shares Of the gray pulp,

In the theoretical deduction of the chip, as long as ten standard portions of gray pulp liquid can be prepared, it should be enough, but since the amount of gray bone marrow is sufficient, Raymond will use this medicine after the refining is completed. Claim. Apply it thickly on the back.

Without waiting for all to be completed, the cool feeling from his back refreshed his spirit, the majestic energy contained in it. It was like a spring of ice and snow, making him feel comfortable and invigorating.

After activating the various runes set here before. After carefully inspecting everything, Lei Meng placed the sixteen ceremonial pillars of the Siren tribe, and then piled up a large amount of magic stones around him so that it can be quickly replenished after its internal energy is exhausted.

Lei Meng sitting back in the center of the talisman formation, calmly and calmly, in accordance with the requirements of the Phantom Festival, caused the energy in the body to start to circulate slowly.

Leimen, whose eyes were closed, didn't know the changes brought about by his silent recitation of those weird runes in the Phantom Festival.

In the secret place that was originally illuminated by many magic lights, the light in the environment seemed to become somewhat stagnant as his exercises operated.

It is not that the light itself has changed. But because of the increase in the energy concentration in the environment, the penetrating ability of light becomes weaker and weaker, especially in the central area surrounded by the sixteen ritual pillars. Even the air is solidified and becomes solid. And it became heavy.

And on Raymond’s naked back, the thickly smeared layer of gray marrow liquid also produced wisps of smoke as if it were being heated, hovering and twisting behind him, but in the end it was still hidden. Into his body, it became a part of the energy movement in his body.

And sixteen ritual pillars. Because the wax seal on the surface and the applied seal were lifted, it was also changing because of the operation of the energy storage talisman below it.

On the surface of the ceremonial column, those runes and patterns were carved out by the hollow technique. Because of the gradual brightness of the column itself, it protruded from the surface of the column, as if being pulled by a silk thread, and began to sway and circle around the entire ritual column.

The breakthrough in Chenxi's strength is not the same as the previous promotion.

The gap in realm is essentially a breakthrough and change.

So even though the chip has been deduced and simulated countless times, Raymond is extremely careful and cautious in the execution of each step.

And as time passed, the gray pulp liquid that was smeared on his back gradually became thinner and the color gradually faded. In the end, there were only traces on his back, and he could no longer see it.

There is Raymond who is full of energy accumulation in his body. He opened his eyes only after feeling that the gray pulp was absorbed by the body. Raising the hands placed between his chest and abdomen, he began to outline the runes that belonged to the Phantom Festival one by one.

The rune containing Raymond's own breath, after being completed, was like the phantom of the rune, and began to slowly rotate around his body.



A hundred...

After more than 300 runes were completely outlined by Raymond and released, three layers of barriers formed entirely by rune phantoms appeared around him, so that his vision was shielded from the outside world.

After conducting a detailed inspection of this, Raymond confirmed that the barrier formed by the three-layer rune phantom was perfect. No matter what angle he observes, he cannot make his sight pass through the three-layer barrier. Seeing the slightest outside, Lei Meng breathed a long sigh of relief, and closed his eyes again. With the help of mental power, the sixteen ritual pillars were fully aroused.

After a light buzzing sound, the runes and patterns on the surface of each ritual pillar were instantly submerged in the pillar body of that ritual pillar, making the faint light emitted from the top of the pillar like an electric arc. The shining and twisting at the top of the column, and finally fully converge with each other to form a huge airtight energy network!

The very center of the energy web is where Raymond is.

And the ghosts of the runes surrounding him that belonged to the Phantom Ceremony were separated from the three-layer barrier one by one in the sequence, and after jumping upward and penetrating this energy web, they Falling down again in a free-falling posture. After piercing through this energy web, the rune phantom itself becomes solid and contains a light golden luster, returning to its original position and becoming the barrier. One of them continued to revolve around Raymond's body.

Because only one rune phantom would penetrate the energy web at a time, Raymond could only wait patiently before hundreds of rune phantoms were all dyed pale gold.

But every time the phantom of the rune is dyed into pale gold, the energy running in Raymond's body will also be sensed, and a faint current will be generated, which will make the power of its own operation faster. Come sooner.

After hundreds of rune phantoms were completely impregnated, the energy accumulated by the sixteen ritual pillars was also exhausted, even the magic stones accumulated around them were mostly exhausted. The stored energy turned into a gray ordinary stone.

However, the speed of energy movement in Raymond's body ~www.ltnovel.com~ has been almost raised to the limit at this moment, and his complexion is as if bleeding, turning red.

The invisible air current that continuously expands and contracts from within its seven orifices, as if dyed, becomes scarlet and strange.

It's just that Lei Meng still maintains a stable breath, but as if he hasn't noticed it, he is still continuously improving the speed of energy movement in his body.

And within its spiritual space, its central area, which was accumulated and flooded with rich spatial energy, originally existed here, the four spiritual power crystals, rotating as if they were stalling, swarming all the people over. The mist-like energy was stirred and thrown out, causing the cyclones to blast out in all directions after they were formed.

Within the spiritual space that shouldn’t have made noise, there is a roar like the sound of the wind, and the edge of the spiritual space that is still expanding outwards. At this moment, it is also the effect of these stirred and thrown cyclones. Down, expanding violently outward.

And Raymond, who immersed his mind here, also began to use the extremely compressed mental power as materials at this time according to the requirements of the Phantom Festival, and began to piling and filling the new mental power crystal structure... To be continued)

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