
Chapter 1541: Impact two

Every crystal of spiritual power is like a large-scale castle, which needs to be piled up and filled with tens of thousands of crystalline fragments of spiritual power condensed after compression.

This is like a large three-dimensional model. The piecework and stacking at the beginning seems to be the easiest part, but in fact it is the most difficult.

The fragments of mental power condensed by compression are like every cornerstone of the castle. Any small omissions and errors in the initial stage will be infinitely amplified in the future, eventually leading to the entire mental power crystal. The stacking failure.

Even with the simulations and deductions performed by the chip, Raymond paused for a long time before proceeding. After re-dividing the complete mental power crystal into the most basic parts, he recalled and calculated, and then he began to work hard.

The mana and space energy mobilized from the body are compressed by Raymond and condensed into a fixed shape after being mixed with mental power, and then piled and filled according to its location, making its fifth mental power crystal gradually Formed its outline.

After devoting his whole body and mind to the need for fine manipulation, Raymond can no longer feel the passage of time.

However, the various resources and medicines that he had set up before were released in an orderly manner, one by one, so that the area where his body was located was gradually flooded and accumulated by a thick energy mist, which was infiltrating his body. At the same time, it also caused slight changes to his body gradually.

The skin on the body surface bulges from time to time because of the energy in the body.

It was a fair complexion, but gradually became a little transparent because of the surge of energy.

With the operation of the Phantom Festival, the muscles and bones in his body were also trembling slightly, a body that had already been tempered many times. There were even slight impurities being expelled, causing a slightly sour smell to gradually appear in the air.

It's just that the difference between Raymond and other wizards when they advanced to the impact realm is that they have been accurately calculated by the chip. Any kind of resource or medicine that needs to be used can be in accordance with the established time and the previously selected method. Being stimulated and released in time by various talisman arrays, the energy instilled into Raymond's body can almost be kept at its peak continuously, without worrying about the lack of energy and causing accidents.

It's just that as the energy in Lei Meng's body is filled, the extremely cold and frozen air hidden in his body, as if it has received nourishment, has started to spread out from the hidden area.

The energy accumulated around Raymond's body like a mist reduces its activity due to its slow decrease in body temperature. Although the extreme cold and freezing energy has been suppressed to a certain extent due to the operation of the Phantom Festival, the effect previously caused by the core of the phantom demon leader is gradually losing.

The light reflected by the magic lamp hanging on the wall of this hidden place gradually became colder with the passage of time, and due to the continuous diffusion of the extremely cold air in his body, it also made Raymond’s The body surface is covered by a thin layer of frost.

It's just that as the ambient temperature continues to drop, Raymond, who has hidden into his spiritual space, has entered the final moment of the construction of his spiritual power.

A hexahedron mental power crystallization has been completed by Raymond with all the details of the main frame, and he has filled in successively compressed and condensed spiritual power fragments. It also caused this spiritual power crystal to produce a certain faint change, and the four surrounding spiritual power crystals produced a buzzing sound due to the vibration. In the end, there was a tremor as if it had formed a resonance.

But Raymond, who had undergone boundary shocks several times, felt like water at the moment.

Although most of the hexahedron mental power he was facing could not be filled, in fact every position inside it had been clearly remembered and controlled by him.

The filling of any mental power fragment is as easy as putting the material that originally belonged to this location into it. Even if the speed is not very fast, the completion of any step is as smooth as flowing water. .

The crystallization of hexahedron mental power After each facet has been completed, the light refracted from its interior will shine a little later. It becomes round and smooth like a mirror surface, with restrained light.

It is like completing a large-scale three-dimensional puzzle. Initially, the speed was extremely slow, but as each facet was completed, the structure and filling speed of the entire mental power crystal body became faster and faster.

The mist-like energy that fills the entire mental space has also been quickly consumed to make its central area transparent, and the energy vortex thrown by the other four mental power crystals also appears to be growing. The less, the more difficult it is to shape.

However, the edge of Raymond’s spiritual space has expanded a lot at this time. Its edge was originally like a misty area, and it is no longer as fuzzy as before, but gradually has a boundary line. It became clear.

The size of the mental space is directly proportional to its own mental strength.

The huge mental space can make people have stronger mental power, and the sensitivity of mental power will be greatly improved.

This is like turning from the macro to the micro. When the boundary of the spiritual space is revealed, it also represents the success of his promotion.

And the crystallization of spiritual power that will be constructed by Raymond is the most intuitive promotion harvest, and it is a direct manifestation of the ability to make Raymond immediately possess his talent!

Therefore, when Xin Ru Zhishui worked hard to complete the construction of Raymond's spiritual power crystallization, it was inevitable that when he noticed the appearance of the edge of its spiritual space, he finally got so excited.

A wizard with Dawn level strength already belongs to the existence that stands at the top of the wizard class.

Leaping forward again is the most critical pass from quantitative change to qualitative change.

As long as he can break through this barrier, it also means that he has entered the ranks of top wizards, not only able to surpass the wizards below the dawn level, but also has unlimited possibilities for upward impact!

The extension of life span makes the passage of years no longer seem so urgent.

After the realm is stabilized, its own survivability will be further improved due to the increase of natural ability.

The dawn-level wizard already has the ability to transform a clone.

And beyond the existence of the dawn-level wizard, he possesses certain attributes that make him immortal, making his survivability no longer restricted by universal rules.

For human wizards, the life span and the body's bearing capacity are the shackles that restrict their development.

It's like sailing against the current.

Wizards below the dawn level also need to worry about the life span and the pressure they can withstand ~ www.ltnovel.com~ and the existence above the dawn level realm, more consideration is higher realm, more powerful The power of the world, and the continuous breakthrough of its own limits.

Therefore, when the crystallization of the hexahedron's mental power was finally completed by Raymond, Raymond breathed a sigh of relief when he faced the core area that had burst out in vain.

The hexahedron mental power crystal surrounded by the four spiritual power crystals in the center is like a simple and unpretentious raw ore. Although there is warm and moist brilliance flowing in each edge, it has its own introverted attributes. , But it makes it appear calm and solemn.

The four spiritual power crystals that revolve around this spiritual power crystal that has just been perfectly created and successfully created a pull force gradually, but because of their size and attributes, and the cancellation of each other's forces, the central position This hexahedron mental power crystal has been in the process of slow rotation, and with the passage of time, the four spiritual power crystals surrounding it are constantly moving closer to it!

The crystal clear and dazzling spiritual power is a fruitful harvest for Raymond at this moment, but knowing that Raymond has completed most of the impact this time, he escaped from his spiritual space with a thought. To be continued)

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