
Chapter 1542: See ``page''

The Red Sea, which is half a month away from the lone cliff where the Sirens reside, is a very rare calm sea area.

The ocean here is magnificent but not full of waves. Although there are also monsoons and undercurrents, these factors have not made the living environment worse. On the contrary, it is because of the existence of many trenches and coral reefs on the seabed that make it adaptable. The marine clan who moved into the Red Sea became leisurely and gentle.

Of course, this is also related to the strength of the Red Sea Naga.

Because the sea clan who originally lived here but were aggressive and difficult to communicate with each other have been expelled, wiped out, or persuaded by the Red Sea Naga over the course of thousands of years, so they can still live in This sea race naturally became gentle and no longer aggressive.

The most critical point is that there is no longer any existence of the sea clan who has malicious intent towards the Red Sea Naga.

Of course, after Jennifer, known as the ‘king of Naga’, returned, the black shark clan who had been extremely close to the Red Sea Naga disappeared into the Red Sea overnight, and only the two clans themselves knew the reason.

For many years, the Red Sea was calm, but with the vain return of Jennifer, the Naga clan of the Red Sea, the atmosphere in the entire Red Sea became tense unconsciously.

Especially in recent months, a large number of unfamiliar naga have gathered from all directions, occupying the scattered islands on the periphery of the main naga island in the Red Sea.

Moreover, these naga who arrived one after another not only brought a large number of Mugel murlocs, but also the elderly and young people in their team, just like the migration of a tribe, but after they were stationed, they did not Establishing permanent residences on those islands is as if they are still migrating.

In addition, the strongest members of the clan also joined the original guard team of the Red Sea Naga, participating in their inspections and guards of the Red Sea waters.

So even those who live here have always been gentle sea people. I also feel that something big is about to happen.

Sure enough, on a sunny and sunny day, the sea area occupied by the Red Sea Naga was closed in the early morning. The sea tribes who had been restless for a long time became more and more nervous, and then they united many sea tribes in negotiation. It also sent a representative to get to know it.

However, the representatives of the Sea Clan did not even have the opportunity to enter the Naga Sea.

Because at the edge of the hour half an hourglass from its main island, it has been closed by the naga, although the familiar naga leaders who were able to talk, laugh and communicate with each other in the past are also very nervous. The appearance of the sea clan strictly prohibits any sea clan from approaching, and the representatives sent by the sea clan have to return in anguish.

Time passed slowly in the urgent consultations among these sea people, only when it was evening. As the Red Sea Naga closed the sea area it possessed with a large barrier, the sea tribes gathered around it became more and more tense.

And when the barrier that completely closed the seas of the Red Sea Naga was raised, the top of the highest peak located on the main island of the Red Sea Naga, there was an ongoing relationship with the Naga, Siren, and Medusa. An important ceremony for the future destiny of the three races!

The dress that is only worn during the Naga clan's grand ceremony on weekdays makes Jennifer look solemn facing the northeast.

And around the altar in front of her, there are hundreds of four-armed Naga Talismans who are undergoing final inspection.

A huge six-pointed star-shaped rune array occupies two-thirds of the top platform of the mountain, and the force field barrier of the ring platform also makes everyone on this platform wait. Can't see anything but the sky above the head.

The old patriarch of the Red Sea Naga clan had actually retired from the management of the group because of aging and physical decline, so Jennifer stood on the edge of the giant rune formation. It became the focus of all eyes present.

Jennifer, wearing a silver-white tulle, has an extremely tall and graceful figure, but in the eyes of the non-Naga members who have gathered, there are hopes and fears.

Because Jennifer had three pairs of slender and slender arms, on both sides of her slender waist, there are now a pair of white and tender arms staggered across the lower abdomen.

The six-armed naga is already a top-tier powerhouse who has entered the ranks of the dawn, while the eight-armed naga belongs to the realm that can only be reached in ancient legends!

The legend and past history of the Well of Eternity. It is no stranger to everyone who appears here today.

And for the eight-armed Naga image that Jennifer has at this moment. Very strange to everyone.

The Naga clan who had moved from the blue waters a month ago was due to the fact that they had the sole-pupil sandman Shaliman who had reached the dawn level realm. So its leader Shalena was also fortunate to be invited to be one of the witnesses and appeared here.

It's just that because of Shalena's low strength, she was naturally rejected by the high-ranking naga who had moved from other sea areas.

However, among the witnesses of this ceremony are Nania, the elder of the Siren clan, Samuel, who once appeared on Black Coconut Island, and Melinda, the wise man of the Medusa clan.

Among these witnesses, apart from the Siren elders, Nanya and Shalena, who were not familiar with each other, the others had experienced the Battle of Black Coconut Island, so they gathered for various reasons. By Shalena's side.

"...It requires the joint efforts of the three tribes to establish the plane channel of the well of eternity. This ceremony is to invite you to witness the true existence of the well of eternity. After thinking about it, the three tribes will truly take out the holy artifacts of each race. So that the plan of migration can be carried out smoothly..."

The six-armed Naga Rossetti, who was once the personal maid of the Red Sea Naga Jennifer, is still talking about the purpose of the ceremony. Although all the titles are in the name of the "three clans", in fact everyone is also It is clear that they are referring to the Sirens and the Medusas.

Therefore, even if she did not clarify the words, the representatives of the Sirens and Medusas who appeared here were very clear.

Different from the integration of the Naga tribe, for the Siren and Medusa tribes, only if they see the existence of the Well of Eternity with their own eyes, then the agreement reached with the Red Sea Naga Jennifer will be formally implemented. The stage.

Because of her low strength, Shalena, who was invited as a witness, was a little shy and timid.

But Shariman, the single-eyed sandman standing next to him, was a little unstable soon after he was promoted, and it was difficult to control his own aura. His fierce and arrogant aura even felt the six-armed Naga Rossetti To discomfort.

The sharp and sharp aura makes the boring sandman Shaliman more fierce, but the giant rune array prepared from the early morning is under the efforts of the Naga rune array masters. , Was finally completed.

Jennifer, who stood in front of the talisman before sunrise, looked even colder and arrogant under the cold moonlight.

But the corners of his lips have already been raised, making his facial contours a little softer.

The fourth pair of arms placed in the lower abdomen~www.ltnovel.com~ Although it was not fully materialized, after being slowly raised by Jennifer, the group of witnesses with the sound of the urn suddenly closed. Mouth.

Jennifer, who slowly turned around, had a slight emotion in her eyes. After scanning each of the invited witnesses present, she smiled and opened her mouth with a sigh of relief.

"The future of the three races will soon be officially opened after the space channel is opened. Ten thousand years of sinking and the misfortune suffered by the three races will also become permanent history..."

Speaking of this, her gaze turned to the corner where the Sirens and Medusas were, and Jennifer thought about it before continuing. "Only the day when the sacred artifacts of the three races gather can be the moment when the spatial passage is truly stabilized. After the passage is opened this time, I hope the witnesses of the three races can step into that magical space together!"

After speaking, Jennifer turned back and let out a whistle.

And the holding symbol array that had been checked several times was finally activated and opened.

When the wave generated by the accumulation of space energy forms the wind whistle, the thunderous cheering sound will also be produced... (to be continued)

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