
Chapter 1543: See ``page''

A phantom that was narrow at the bottom and wide at the top, like an inverted deep well, appeared above the main island of Naga in the Red Sea.

The huge spatial energy accumulation caused the free energy of other attributes around to be strongly dissipated. The resulting wind vortex was reflected by the bright moon, making the sea people who have been staying outside the red sea naga cordon. All are shocked!

The Naga guards who were in charge of confronting him, at this moment, realized that the altar had been successfully activated, and the channel connecting the space where the Well of Eternity was finally created, everyone smiled.

And the Mugel fish people who were placed on the cordon and formed a system, cheered and jumped for joy, so excited that they couldn't control themselves.

It’s just that the guards who celebrated did not relax their guard on the sea tribes because of this, but the occurrence of such an abnormality also made the gathered sea tribes more uneasy, where would it be at such a moment? Clashes with the usual strong Red Sea Naga.

The strange appearance that appeared on the top platform of the mountain top of the main island also dispelled the doubts of the witnesses.

What's more, the representatives of the Sirens and Medusas who have accepted Jennifer’s invitation are also the leaders of the tribe. The elders of the Sirens, Nanya and Medusa the wise Melinda, will even accept Jeanne. Fu's invitation followed her into the space channel.

For more than three months, the various ethnic groups of Naga living in other waters were the first to respond to and accept the sign of the Red Sea Naga Jennifer. Therefore, the representatives of each ethnic group are basically the scattered Nagas. The strongest of the Jia family.

So when the six-armed Naga Rosetti stepped into the space channel and disappeared, Shaliman, the single-pupil Shariman who stepped onto the altar with Shalena, immediately suffered the dissatisfaction of the other naga!

Neither a member of the Red Sea Naga, nor a vassal of a certain Naga tribe, although no one dares to underestimate the strength of the Shariman Shaliman, it was the altar it stepped on under such a major event. In the minds of many naga, it is like a holy place!

There was a complaint that Raymond didn't allow it to merge with the cliff in front of him, so when the buzzing voice of **** gradually sounded, Shariman, the single-pupil sandman who suddenly turned around, stared.

The single pupil on the forehead. It immediately turned into a pale gold color, and the fierce light in its pupils. Along with its own momentum no longer converging, it also caused a gust of wind around the altar.

She was only at the waist of Shalena, but the shariman, the one-eyed sandman with a full face and fierce gaze, just glanced, so that the previous Naga masters who had opened their mouths were all silent, and bowed their heads and no longer dared. Instead of looking at each other.

Shalena, who was planning to step directly into the space passage, was stopped by a six-armed Naga standing beside the space passage. "Master Shalena, you need someone to protect you before you can enter the space channel. The pressure of the space channel formed by the altar is extremely unstable. Those who enter before the transformation stage will be at risk..."

After hearing the sound, Shariman, the single-eyed sandman who turned around, glared at the six-armed Naga and started growling. "I will protect Shalena, but there are still questions!"

The six-armed Naga, who was originally Jennifer's attendant, saw that Shariman, the single-eyed sandman, had a misunderstanding, shook his head and smiled bitterly and stepped aside.

Shalena, who knew that the other party was kind, turned her face and gave Shariman a dissatisfied white one, and then stood on her side and squinted her face.

Shariman, the single-eyed sandman who released his own breath, was stagnant. Thinking of Raymond’s previous explanation, he couldn’t help but sullen his face, and quickly covered the barrier it released to cover Shalena, and then stepped forward. . A few steps into the space channel with Jennifer.

Only Shalena would feel the initial dizziness.

But Shariman, the single-pupil sandman, who had reached the dawn level, had arrived at the opposite instant. He came to sober.

It's just that the scene before him broke its original imagination, making it instantly shocked.

Under the environment of emptiness, a path that seems to be nothingness winds and twists, and its end is like nothingness, there is no material existence, but the obscure force field fluctuations here still make the lone pupil sand people. Shariman realized that he had come to a strange plane.

Just seeing that Jennifer and others who entered first have gone away, Shariman, the single-pupil sandman, converged the barriers he released after checking the surrounding environment. Leaping up the trail with Shalena.

The texture, like layers of film, made the body of the sandman Shariman who had been protecting Shalena stepped on suddenly sank. Under shock, even suspended.

And Jennifer, who entered here first, was already leading the Siren Elder Nania and Medusa the Wise Melinda at this time. Following the six-armed Naga Rossetti, he was about to reach the end of the path.

The path in the void, before approaching the center of the void, there are many more statues of the three races on both sides of the path.

Each of the delicately repaired statues as high as 100 meters is as if they are real.

Six-armed Naga, holding various weapons, looks majestic and solemn.

The siren with a human face and a bird body has a variety of rays of light around the body.

The statue of Medusa had his eyes closed and his expression calm.

It was just the momentum of each statue that made Nanya, the elder of the Siren clan, who was moving forward with Jennifer, became more and more frightened.

And Melinda, the wise Medusa, who also had his eyes closed, knew everything about her body as if she knew everything about her. After following Jennifer to the edge of the central land, she immediately asked. "Master Jennifer, is this the space where the Well of Eternity was originally located?"

Jennifer, who was blocked by a concealed barrier, placed her hands on the barrier, and only then softly responded after the entire barrier was revealed. "Yes, this is where the original land is located, but its area is less than one ten thousandth of the original..."

Melinda sighed lightly, with a sigh in her expression, hesitated and stretched out her hand to touch the barrier and said. "The past of the year, I don't know if it will happen again in the future..."

After hearing the sound, Jennifer frowned slightly, waited for a while without hearing the follow-up words, then turned her face and said solemnly. "The integration of the three clans is the beginning of a new search for the ancestor Goergong. I don't think the Medusa clan will have any more doubts, right?"

Melinda, the wise Medusa, who became more and more weird after hearing the sound, began to recite the spell after thinking about it.

And the barrier that his hands touched gradually brightened with the chanting of her spell, and after a while, it seemed to begin to melt, causing his hands to sink into the barrier, and his palms The melting at the edge of it also makes the scenery behind it can be vaguely seen.

Seeing this, Jennifer looked slightly surprised, and Nanya, the elder of the Siren tribe, opened her eyes even more.

Melinda, the wise Medusa with closed eyes, was unconscious. The hands that had penetrated into the barrier gently pulled to the sides, and the barrier that had begun to melt was completely torn. Cracked, so that a passage for people to pass through appeared in front of him.

Shaliman, the one-eyed sandman who rushed here with Shalena~www.ltnovel.com~, couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the scene behind the barrier.

Because within that barrier, there is actually a vast and seemingly boundless world.

A phantom like a deep well suspended in the center penetrates the entire world.

The mist-like energy surging inside and erupting upwards, after leaving the wellhead, it is like a fountain, so that the invisible and rich energy is scattered in this space, forming layers on top of it. The thick clouds of energy drifted slowly in all directions.

"This is where the Well of Eternity is located, and it will also become the permanent habitat of the three races..."

Jennifer, who hadn't stepped inside, turned around and raised her arm, and spoke to the naga who were still arriving here one after another. "You are all witnesses to this historical moment, but for the sake of safety and future planning, you cannot enter it at this time!"

The dozens of naga, representatives of the Sirens and Medusas, together with Shaliman, the single-pupil Shariman who accompanied Shalena here, have truly become witnesses of the reappearance of the Well of Eternity from this moment. Who... (to be continued)

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