
Chapter 1545: Communication two

"What is your expression! What are you thinking about in your head..."

The sudden scolding made Raymond feel a little at a loss for a while.

It's just that after the old Dean Xiura finished roaring, seeing that there was nothing wrong with Leimen's expression, he thought about it for a long time, and then he sighed. "Talist must not know about the elders' association and the place of the tower. Otherwise, even if he knows that he is going to die, he will immediately rush back to his family..."

Raymond couldn't understand the feelings between Old Dean Seurat and Talister.

However, it was obviously not the time to discuss this. Leimen, who quickly turned the topic away, also asked about the situation of the Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy.

The old dean Sura, who was in a bad mood because of mentioning the Talist and the Enmir family, became more and more annoyed. Under her narration, Raymond realized that it was not only Hongze. The wizarding apprentices of the Wetland Wizarding Academy are leaving in large numbers. In fact, the entire underground plane of the wizarding apprentices belonging to the academic school are now leaving, and it has been reduced by more than half in half a month!

"After I received the news, I started preparations, but who would have thought that the Supreme Court would give such attractive conditions and promises..."

Speaking of this, the old Dean Seurat, who kept shaking his head, was a little frustrated, and Dang Even sent all of the conscription order issued by the Supreme House to Raymond.

And under her explanation, Raymond knew that before the old Dean Seurat arrived at the college, one-third of the students and a small number of college tutors had already affected the call-up order and started to rush to the college. The land of the tower!

Sura, the old dean who rushed back to the academy, was naturally very upset. Even if a prohibition order was issued, the apprentice wizards and apprentices who were dazzled by the conditions given by the Supreme Court were totally unwilling to do so. Accept the jurisdiction of the college. I would rather leave Hongze Wetland Academy, but also go to the high tower.

Because the old dean Shura, who had to close the Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy, also encountered resolute resistance from the academy tutors. It makes her very annoyed nowadays!

"These idiots! They thought that the terms of the Supreme Council were given away for nothing! That requires their lives to exchange! Besides, they are allowed to freely choose the way to participate in the war, but waiting for them, there are no formal wizards. After the little guys who have reached the tower land and joined the formed wizard army. How can they have the qualifications to argue..."

The more he talked about it, the more and more fierce the old Dean, Xiura, was very disgusting, and raised his voice and roared. "What's more, who dares to say that you can get absolute security by staying in the tower? Is it safe to be promoted to an official wizard? Is it possible to be granted a legion-level spell learning qualification to be considered a gain..."

The anger was quite big, the old Dean Sura, making Raymond really speechless.

Enclosing the entire Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy seems to be able to solve the temporary contradiction, but in the face of the extremely tempting enlistment order of the Supreme Court, such a method is a bit thankless.

And if even the tutors in the academy want to go to the high tower, then just rely on the method of ‘blocking’ and ‘forbidden’. Obviously, the dog cannot solve the problem.

It's just that according to the character of the old dean, Shura, stopping in this way is also an inevitable move.

Although the Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy has a lot of resources, it is really far worse than the Supreme House.

It’s just that, judging from the information leaked by the old dean Sura, the Supreme House seems to have really reached the point of serious lack of combat power. Otherwise, how could it not even count as cannon fodder as a wizard apprentice? , Do you need to win on favorable terms?

What's more, the Supreme House, which has dominated the human wizard group on the surface plane for many years, has been preparing for the invasion of the nightmare plane for a long time, and the measures and methods it has taken also represent its certainty.

Why at this time of initial setbacks. He panicked and began to unify the low-level combat power, and for this, a lot of resources need to be paid?

Of course, it may also be because of the resources reserved by the Supreme House. It is indeed plentiful to the extent that it can be allocated at will, and it can make the Supreme House want to forcibly promote many apprentice wizards to the ranks of official wizards at any cost.

Thinking of this, Raymond couldn't help but become more indignant, so he had witnessed the way the Supreme House raised resources before.

Before embarking on an expedition to the world of nightmare, it used nearly extinct means to collect resources. It can even be said that the inland of the surface plane currently ruled by the Supreme Court has reached three feet of ground. Degree!

Moreover, now it has the Supreme House supported by the Senate, and its subordinates have also added many high-level wizards who have been avoiding the world for a long time, and its strength is believed to have expanded to the point where it is impossible to guess!

But it is a comprehensive symptom of this level. In fact, it also represented the critical situation, so after persuading the old dean Seurat not to be too anxious about the problem of the college. Raymond also made his suggestion.

"It is not an option to simply close the Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy. Many instructors want to go to the tower. I believe that in addition to the honor of human wizards, it is also related to the conditions set by the Supreme Court. ..."

After obtaining all the contents of the ‘Calling Order’ of the Supreme Court, Raymond started a targeted enumeration in accordance with the various conditions listed above.

For those wizard apprentices in the academy, it is naturally difficult to refuse to have the opportunity to be promoted to a formal wizard.

As for the mentors in the academy, I believe they were also moved because of the special resources promised by the Supreme House and the way they could freely choose to participate in the war.

"The Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy is naturally unable to provide such huge resources. Therefore, when faced with the temptation, neither the students nor the instructors in the academy are obviously unable to resist such temptation, so I feel that today It’s not the best time to forcibly block..."

Speaking of this, Old Dean Xiura was naturally more uncomfortable, but then Raymond directly gave two suggestions.

The first is to simply respond to the call of the Supreme House and bring together all the major colleges of the entire underground plane to form a force that the Supreme House cannot directly suppress, and then lead the colleges and mentors in each college. Together, head to the land of the tower!

In this case, even if the Supreme House wants to treat these wizarding apprentices as cannon fodder, with the joint support of various universities, then the Supreme House needs to be wary of ~www.ltnovel.com~ and the second kind, it is. The method of delay is adopted.

After the apprentices and mentors who went to the tower in advance have received the corresponding treatment, it is confirmed that the Supreme Council strictly follows the distribution and use of the content of the conscription order. At that time, it will be considered whether to release the academy. These wizards and apprentices are going!

Raymond's suggestion caused the old Dean Seurat to fall into contemplation, but after she finished thinking, Raymond added. "Of course, there is another possibility. That is that the Supreme House is preparing to create a large number of slayer beasts, or the low- and medium-level combat power called'shadow puppets'. For this, I suggest you It’s good to understand and be prepared for it!"

The old Dean Xiura, who thought that Raymond's advice was very good before, was shocked when he heard this, and immediately screamed. "Impossible! Shadow puppets are the most evil way! Could it be said that the Supreme Court dares to do this!"

"The method of refining the shadow puppet is a unique method of the Sith who invaded the northern frontiers of the nightmare plane. I have had contact with many planes before, and when I left the high tower, I was sent by the Supreme House. There are also a large number of these shadow puppets in the wizarding army that has come out to attack the beasts..." (to be continued)

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