
Chapter 1546: Try one

For those dark methods of the Supreme House, Raymond firmly believes that they have no bottom line.

A large number of low-strength wizard apprentices were gathered to the high tower, and then they were refined into the power of shadow puppets. In his opinion, it is extremely likely to happen.

Because the team belonging to the Supreme House that I met in the Green Haze Forest before was consciously collecting materials for refining shadow puppets, even the remains of the fallen wizards in its legion were well preserved.

So for those second-level wizards and even third-level wizard apprentices, because they must have some kind of energy affinity, if the Supreme Council has such an idea, then it will cost less They are refined into shadow puppets.

Come to think about it, it has the strength of a formal wizard, can fully obey orders, without fear of death, and dare to explode when necessary. Such combat power can be a very important bargaining chip.

The cost is low and the effect is good. The only thing that needs to be faced is how to deal with the forces behind these wizard apprentices.

After listening to Raymond's analysis and explanation, the old dean Xiura couldn't even say what he said to refute or question.

If such a situation really happened, it would mean that the land of the tower was in danger, even at the point of disregarding its reputation.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, the old Dean Xiura, after promising to send the resources of the stable realm that Raymond needs as soon as possible, he hurriedly ended the communication, thinking about if it would happen. The countermeasures that need to be taken in the most serious situation.

The call-up order issued by the Supreme House reminded Raymond of such a possibility, and after he ended his contact with the old dean, Shura, he immediately proceeded to stabilize his realm and test his talents.

The previous realm shock in the secret place of the Sirens. In addition to the small spread of the extremely cold icy air hidden in the body, this promotion should be considered perfect in Raymond's eyes.

The spiritual space not only expands outward, but also has a clear boundary line on the edge. Obviously it is a sign that the spiritual space has stabilized.

The size of the mental space is closely related to the individual's mental strength. But it is not the best to be infinite and indifference.

Wizards below the dawn level can expand their spiritual space indefinitely, but because their marginal areas cannot form an effective boundary, it will appear that their spiritual strength cannot continue to increase after reaching a certain critical value.

And once it crosses the Dawn Level, when the outer edge of the mental space can be stabilized and a clear dividing line can be produced, this is the sign that the spiritual strength can really continue to increase.

Of course, the direct benefits brought by the improvement of realm. There is still that new talent ability: Shadow Points!

Although this promotion has not been able to produce more than two talent abilities, Leimen who has successfully entered the realm of the seventh-order wizard after studying the Phantom Festival still has a lot of doubts about the understanding of this talent ability.

Shadow points can make him form a clone that is similar to shadow in an instant, which has the same effect as the clone technique in common spells.

After he had a preliminary understanding of his specific performance, Raymond was very disappointed.

Because the ordinary avatar technique is only a 4th-level spell, it can be learned and mastered after reaching the second-level wizard.

Even if you study this technique to the extreme, it is said that you can form more than a dozen clones. Enabling its body to be freely converted among all clones not only forms the basis for a concentrated fire attack, but also an effective means of escape when encountering danger.

It was only when Raymond released the ‘shadow’ technique brought by his talent. He immediately noticed the essential difference between this innate ability and the ‘Chapter Art’ that ordinary wizards can master!

Because the shadow division technique actually possesses about one-third of its body strength!

This ratio does not mean that the shadow has reached the strength of a second-level wizard, but it really has one-third of the power of the spells released by Raymond!

The magic power is equivalent to being weakened, but any kind of magic it releases can only be released by a seventh-order wizard.

This is the strength of this talent!

The 9th level spells are completely different from the 8th level spells released by the dawn wizards!

After the Dufeng where his residence was completely sealed, Leimen standing in front of the wooden house stood opposite the shadow he released.

The individual formed by the ‘shadow points’, which is almost indistinguishable from the body, is like making Raymond look in a mirror.

Only those artifacts possessed by the body. But it can't be possessed by this shadow division technique, and it can be used. These are all the magic techniques that Lei Meng is familiar with and masters.

Moreover, this shadow division technique can't make Raymond switch between them at will. And it must be controlled by him in order to form an effective attack and defense.

As a result, Becky, the girl who ended up taking care of Adolf, was a little puzzled when he witnessed the release of the low-level spells of the "Shadow Points" he controlled. "Even if such a shadow clone is used to confuse, it is a bit too thin and boring..."

Raymond, who had only asked'Shadow Points' to test the release time and frequency of his spells before, was excited in his expression.

As soon as his mind moved, the shadow disappeared strangely, and suddenly appeared on the edge of the cliff ten meters away after a few breaths.

The shadow points that are exactly the same as Raymond’s appearance are actually in the period of time when they disappeared, so that the spells they constructed shined between their hands. Such a special nature made the girl Becky. Even if I closed my mouth.

Standing in front of the wooden house, Lei Meng, after Ling Yingfen released the spell, saw a slender air current after letting go, instantly forming a tornado with only the height of Mich, and rushing towards the edge of the cliff without a sound. Boulder.

The incomparably hard sea reef, at this moment, was cut into by a tornado like tofu, and after the tornado came out of its back, it rushed towards the upper side and quickly disappeared.

Seeing that Raymond didn't move, Becky, the young girl who came to the side of the boulder in a flash, couldn't help taking a breath after seeing the appearance of the boulder.

Because inside the boulder, the area that the tornado passed through actually left a clear trajectory. The agitated and hovering shape made the inside of the boulder as if it had been cut by a rotating blade.

Through the shadow points, Raymond, who understood the effect of the previous spell, knew the result without getting close.

Therefore, ignoring the yelling girl Becky who wandered around the boulder, the shadow clone released by the use of the talent'multiplier' appeared extremely abruptly beside him.

For a time, four identical Raymonds stood in front of the wooden house, and the girl Becky who turned her face after feeling the energy fluctuations became more and more surprised.

It's just that what surprised her is still to come.

Because the four Leimen standing in front of the wooden house started the construction of the spell at the same time, after a few breaths, four more shadow clones were released.

Then, there are sixteen...



More and more shadow clones ~www.ltnovel.com~ make it impossible for Raymond before the wooden house to tell which one is the main body and which one is the shadow point.

Becky, the girl with her mouth in shock, was speechless.

It was just that Raymond, who had a red glow in his pupils, tried to manipulate more than a hundred shadow clones, but the final result was disappointing.

In terms of his mental strength, there is no difficulty in monitoring more than a hundred shadow clones.

But if you want to control it, that's two different things.

I saw the shadow clones in front of the wooden house, then they maintained the same rhythm as his body, or they were swaying like a puppet with broken joints...

The very distressed Raymond couldn't help but frowned, but the girl Becky, who had witnessed such a scene, quickly stumbled with a smile, clutching her belly and leaning against the huge rock.

Wanting to control all shadow clones, but the result is that the shadow points are revealed, and even he himself has no way to hide, obviously this method is wrong... (to be continued)

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