
Chapter 1547: Try two

The shadow clone that had been released multiple times before, Raymond, who was shaking his head with a wry smile, gradually converged.

The shadow avatars standing in place one by one burst out in vain and disappeared like soap bubbles.

When the number of shadow clones was reduced to half, Raymond re-adjusted the control method and continued to try.

However, with more than sixty shadow clones, it is not that difficult to make each of them act like Raymond himself.

Therefore, after Raymond tried hard for a long time, these shadow clones before the wooden house are still like puppets with marionettes. Flexibility is not mentioned at all, at most they can be expressed when Raymond orders them to move.

The girl Becky, who had long been unable to laugh, noticed that Raymond’s expression had become serious, she reduced her smile and sat on the boulder to watch. She seemed a little behaved without saying a word, but her smile was Lei Meng was very speechless.

But when Raymond had collected enough data for the chip, he stood in vain and fell into contemplation.

Only the red glow in his eyes is getting more and more prosperous and brighter.

There are dozens of tiny monitor screens displayed in the pupils of the eyes that are not noticed by anyone.

The shadow clone can be monitored and managed by the chip, but the management of the chip has an upper limit.

In addition, the chip can only be commanded according to a certain fixed procedure, resulting in the shadow clone being incomparable with the control of Raymond himself in many aspects such as flexibility.

Of course, the talent ‘Shadow Points’ released after the promotion is just like a cloned individual. However, it cannot be controlled by the chip. It must be ordered by Raymond before it can take actions such as evasion and dodge. And the release of its spells also needs to be controlled by Raymond.

It’s just that through the previous data collection, Raymond also noticed that the shadow score itself has a characteristic, that is, it can stay in the interlayer for a short period of time when making short-distance space jumps, and will The spells that need to be released are completed in this process!

The girl Becky, who hadn't noticed at the beginning, released his spells after seeing Raymond's ‘Shadow Points’ appearing continuously from space jumps, and quickly understood the power of this ability!

"Gosh! This is equivalent to adding an assistant to the auxiliary system. Any spell can be constructed while it is hidden, so it's hard to guard against..."

Raymond, who was still testing the abilities of the film branch, had no concealment of joy in his expressions.

Because of the short-distance space jump time after ‘Shadow Points’ escaped into the space interlayer. It can maintain up to 20 breaths, which is enough to make it complete a single 7-level spell or an increase or decrease type of spell.

The girl Becky, whose interest was hooked, is constantly looking for the location where the "Shadow Points" will appear. Pinching his fingers, calculating the time to construct his spell. And its success rate.

However, Raymond, with chip assistance, can master these data without using such a method, so after controlling the "shadow score" for more than ten consecutive practices, he directly put it away and made the girl Ji puffed up annoyed.

He just turned his attention to Raymond on the ordinary shadow clones, but at this time, through the chip's statistics and analysis of a large amount of data, the chip gradually obtained the number of shadow clones that it can effectively control.

The six shadow clones, whose strength is close to the level of a second-level wizard, have extremely low attack effects.

It's just because there has been no research on this series of spells before. So this kind of result makes Raymond quite satisfied.

It's just that the chip controls the six shadow clones that can be controlled, for Raymond, who has reached the seventh-level wizard. It seems a bit too weak, so he can't be interested and spend energy to continue research.

Therefore, all the shadow clones were lifted by Raymond, and the original emptiness and calmness of the wooden house was restored.

After driving away the pouting girl Becky, Raymond returned to the wooden house, and after sealing the entire room, he began to set up the talisman formation in the center of the room.

After a while, after activating the rune formation with the isolation effect, Leimen took out the light spot obtained from the'Master of Holy Light', and after raising its spiritual strength to the extreme, Suddenly penetrated into that light spot!

The light spot with the powerful ability to repel and assimilate suddenly became violent and arrogant.

The strong impact caused Lei Meng, who was holding his hands around the light spot, a little pain in his expression.

The light spot containing the ‘rules’, I tried my best to assimilate Raymond’s spiritual power, but the spiritual power that is constantly pouring into it to envelop the light spot is undaunted to compete with it!

A thin layer of sweat loomed on Raymond's temples, but Raymond, who closed his eyes and tried to infiltrate and fuse this light spot through the feeling of mental power, the surprise in his expression became more and more prosperous!

Although what is contained in this light spot is an extremely pure light system energy, the aura released from its core is the true source of power!

The power of origin!

That is the power that only the ancestors can nurture.

This is a category of rules, a special rule that overrides energy itself!

Feel the light, feel the warmth, feel Hexi, feel the softness...

The origin of light originally surpassed the existence of ordinary energy!

Although Raymond himself is spatial affinity, when his mental power completely suppressed the light spots and began to merge, a faint brilliance like haze flashed around his body in vain, causing the entire wooden house to be covered. Shine instantly.

There was joy in his expression, but also invisible doubts.

The understanding of the energy of the light system originally seemed to Raymond not to be proficient, but it was definitely not unfamiliar.

However, the original power contained in the light spot seemed to open a gaped door in vain, so that he could vaguely see the brilliance in the door, but he was always dimly blind. Really!

The light spot between his hands that was held by him, the brilliance of its outer layer has been completely extinguished at this time, but the core wrapped by his increased strength of spiritual power has been stubbornly resisting its spiritual power. The breath that penetrated, and released from its interior, also appeared to be cold and stern in vain.

I don't understand why Lei Meng was so, but even if he released his real body, relying on the strength improvement brought by the fusion of the real body, his spiritual power suddenly increased by half a class!

The spot of light held by his hands finally couldn't resist Raymond’s full suppression at this moment. Only a soft crack was heard, and the core of the spot of light shattered, so that the aura contained in its core was finally able to Feel by Raymond!

It's just that at the same time that the core of the light spot shattered, UU read www.uukānshu. Com's breath, which seemed extremely powerful, also overflowed from between Raymond's hands.

The strong light bursting out in vain, just like the light magic spell with substantial existence, destroys all the runes set by Raymond in an instant, and even its colossal power makes the solid wooden house in an instant Turned into a fan!

The extremely strong light caused Lei Meng's eyes to fall into blindness in an instant, and lost the restriction of the isolation talisman. The strong light escaping from his hand also became violent and uncontrollable in an instant.

Lei Meng, whose mind was hit in an instant, couldn't help but feel a little at a loss. Even if he released his own breath, he wanted to suppress the uncontrolled bright light.

However, the strong horror that came from the sky above shocked Raymond, who was feeling the power of the original source. He suddenly closed his hands and pressed the remaining core of the light spot completely. In the palm of the hand, the fusion of the real body was immediately lifted, and a continuous flashing appeared beside Adolf who was under the care of the girl Becky. Tao.

"I will chant the words that greeted the Lord of the Holy Light in full..." (To be continued.)

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