
Chapter 1548: the way

Above the sky, the slight spatial distortion produced by the center of the heavy lead cloud quickly converged and dissipated.

Although this space distortion lasted for a very short time, the vague and powerful aura that then escaped from the sky still destroyed the protective barrier that Lei Meng had set up in Dufeng before, causing everyone It was completely exposed.

And Adolf, who was still chanting instinctively, looked dull and blank, and unconsciously chanted all the'Prayers of the Holy Light'. Only then did he turn his face to cry without tears, and rushed. When Raymond was extremely depressed, he squatted and opened his mouth. "why why why……"

Raymond, who wanted to fuse the core of the light spot containing the original power, realized that the ancestor who Adolf called the "Lord of Light" might appear again, so he decisively found Adolf and made him Chanting the Prayer of the Holy Light in the Teaching of the Holy Light.

Sure enough, the phantom pupils of the eyes exposed from the sky, without hesitation, gave up the recovery of the light spot in the palm of Raymond's hand, causing it to disappear immediately after being exposed on the sky.

And the girl Becky who was in charge of looking after Adolf was also stunned by what had happened just now.

She originally had a natural fear of light energy, so when the space above the sky was twisted and the dazzling light appeared, she panicked and hid in Adolf's grotto. At this moment, she felt the relief of the threat, which was naturally a rush of anger. He came out and jumped on Leimeng's shoulder, grabbed the broken hair in his ear and started to yank!

A repulsive force was generated with a thought, and after wrapping the girl Becky, she pushed her away. And the ore containing the energy of the light system that appeared in Raymond's hand immediately attracted Adolf's attention, and his expression changed several times when his eyes were red. In the end, he sighed extremely helplessly, lowered his head and muttered extremely depressed. "Master Raymond! You can't cheat me like this... If this goes on, my faith will completely collapse..."

Raymond, who took advantage of the Lord of Light’s dislike of the "Prayer of Light" chanted by Adolf to relieve his threat, also had a fluke in his heart at this moment.

The light spot that contained the power of the original source belonged to a certain mark released by the Lord of Light in his guess.

It can make it respond to the call of its followers when they cast spells, thereby strengthening the power of its spells.

However, it may be due to the difference in the plane that led the Lord of Light to an omission when he responded to Adolf's call before, which caused the light spot containing the original power to be captured by Raymond.

It was just the disgust that the Lord of Light showed when Adolf chanted the "Prayer of Light" twice in a row. There was no fake or change in the slightest. Obviously, the Lord of Light hated the ‘Prayer of Light’ to an unreasonable level, even when he showed up for the second time and wanted to recover the light spot. Still after hearing the ‘Prayer of Light’, he decided to give up.

When Adolf mumbled, Raymond didn't show his expression. He stepped a few steps before Adolf and stuffed the ore into his hands, smiling. "Is it wrong to let you chant the'Prayer of Light' to welcome the Lord of Light?"

Adolf, who instinctively squeezed the ore, looked more and more grief and anger, panting heavily. Looking up and down at Raymond for a long time with a bitter and aggrieved look. Then he suddenly turned around, rushed into his residence, and closed the door severely.

A muffled bang!

The girl Becky, who was still annoyed around Raymond before, couldn't help but stunned. After thinking about it, she woke up and understood the root cause of everything that happened before, so she pointed to Raymond and started shouting. "You are simply too bad! Too bad! With the help of the Lord of Light's aversion to the Prayer of Light chanted by Adolf, the Lord of Light once again gave up the recovery of that light spot! "

Raymond, who laid his right hand flat in front of the girl Becky, motioned her to take a closer look.

I saw a light spot the size of a rice grain in the center of his palm. Although it is covered by the skin, its light penetrates the occlusion of the skin. The faint light can still be seen.

The girl Becky who came to Raymond to check was a little surprised. "This is the light spot you got before?"

"It should contain the power of origin, but it is quite difficult to integrate..."

After recounting the phenomenon that occurred during the suppression and fusion, Raymond once again asked the girl Becky about everything about the power of origin.

The girl Becky, who had mentioned the power of the origin before, thought for a long time before telling Raymond that the power of the origin was a kind of power that belonged to the ancestor, and it was said to be a mark of the ancestor, and could be felt by him. Its location.

When it comes to the end, the girl Becky is a little gloating and teasing. "Although you use Adolf to make the Lord of Light give up the recovery of this original power, if you can't refine it as soon as possible, you may cause big trouble!"

Facing the light spot in his palm, Raymond felt a headache for a while.

Because the light spot in the palm of the palm has no response to any of his prying eyes. It is like a pure light spot. Although you can see it, the'rules' that you could feel before are no longer possible. To be felt again.

But if this light spot becomes the mark of the Lord of Light, and can be felt by him, detected by him, and even positioned by him, then it is really troublesome!

It was just that it was easy to force it into the palm of the palm with both hands together, but now it is a bit difficult to expel it from the palm of the palm.

So after talking with the girl Becky, Raymond borrowed the secret place from the Sirens again, and began to understand this light spot. If it can’t be refined and integrated, then it will be necessary anyway. Its complete removal will definitely not allow the Lord of Light to worry about himself!

The Lord of Light, who can easily tear the space freely and make its phantom appear in front of him, will not be able to live if he is thinking about it.

Even if there is a true body that can be integrated, the gap between the ancestor and the eighth-order wizard can by no means be easily smoothed out by certain techniques or means.

Therefore, Lei Meng, who had set up various talisman formations to completely isolate his aura from the previous shock realm promotion, began an in-depth study of the light spot in his palm.

There was a red glow in the pupils, and the waterfall-like data was refreshed in Raymond's pupils.

The micro-primitive power contained in the light spot is like an existence that cannot be detected. Although it exists in the light spot, it is difficult to find and find!

Such a weird phenomenon irritated Raymond who seemed to be in an independent space.

Although the power of the source within this light spot belongs to the Lord of the Holy Light, even if one's own realm is not enough to understand or grasp, but this phenomenon can be seen but not touched~www.mtlnovel. com~ is really unacceptable.

It's just been tossing for a long time, but through many means, Raymond still can't find the power to unlock the source of this light spot.

And the chip searched and tried in various ways, and finally provided him with a way to use spectral analysis to analyze all the basic substances contained in this light spot!

After using mental power to wrap this light spot, the red light shining in Raymond's eyes seemed to be scanning.

After a light spot the size of a rice grain is inspected by the chip using spectral scanning, data collection and statistics are performed according to the wavelength and frequency of the light wave.

Faced with the various data collected by the spectral analysis, especially the invisible light being found and digitized, Raymond, who was a little impatient before, finally calmed down.

The general analysis method of dying and peeling the cocoon makes the amount of data huge and complicated, but the original power contained in the light spot, which could not be found before, is gradually triggered by the scanning and analysis of the chip. The layer of veil that covered it finally gave Raymond the possibility of insight and integration... (To be continued.)

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