
Chapter 1549: Surprised

Nanya and Samuel, the elders of the Siren tribe, who had returned from the Red Sea Naga, also brought Shariman, the one-eyed sandman, by the way.

Shariman, the single-eyed sandman who has reached the dawn level, although his strength and realm far exceed the two of the Sirens, but he has a natural fear of the rich water system energy, and when he arrives at the cliff, he is still terrified and panic. The appearance of the girl made Becky laugh for a while.

It was just before the arrival of Shaliman, who had entered the secret place again, Leimen had no news.

Although Adolf was restricted by the effectiveness of the Oath of Obedience, he knew that Raymond had no problems, but Raymond’s breath was completely cut off by the various rune formations he had set up, and because it led to the secret place A large number of restrictions and talisman formations were set up in the passageway, so even the girl Becky couldn't enter. Although everyone eagerly hoped that he could come out, they could only wait patiently outside.

In addition, the sirens who returned to the lone cliff with Shariman, who was'escorting' the single-pupil sandman, also sent someone to notify them that the sirens would finish their outfits within half a month, and then they would leave immediately. Go to the Red Sea.

The girl Becky was quite puzzled about this, except that Shariman, the single-eyed sandman who came to the single peak of Ramon, told her experience on the main island of Naga in the Red Sea.

"The space in which the Well of Eternity is located is quite vast. Although its internal energy storm is extremely tyrannical and dangerous, it should be a fairly safe habitat after being transformed..."

When telling the story, Shariman, the single-pupil sandman, recalled the scene he saw in the independent space before, with shock and emotion in his expression.

"And the Well of Eternity is not buried in the ground. It is actually between the heavens and the earth in that space. It is not clear where the huge energy is drawn from. The concentration of free energy there is extremely alarming. I believe it will soon rise to the top. The elves will have a large number of strong men born. And in the future, they will continue to grow because of the existence of the well of eternity..."

The girl Becky was a little disbelieved when she heard this. "Does the Well of Eternity possess such power? You were not fooled by the Red Sea Naga Jennifer, did you?"

"Becky! You haven't seen the space, let alone felt the magic of the Well of Eternity! If Lord Lemmon were here, he would definitely be able to understand..."

After talking very disdainfully. Shariman, the single-pupil sandman, hid in the grotto prepared for Adolf before completely sealing the grotto. An extremely serious account, this grotto is only allowed to be opened after Lei Meng comes out of the hidden place!

Because Shariman, the single-pupil sandman, arrived at the lonely cliff the first time he blasted Adolf who lived in this grotto, and the girl Becky also had a dislike for the energy of the light system, so she moved into Raymond. Afterwards, Adolf was naturally not welcome to settle in the wooden house. Here, Adolf’s desire to enter Ramon’s wooden house to rest has become an extravagant dream, so he had to take those light concentrates that have not been absorbed by it and chose the wooden house. A corner beside it serves as his shelter.

So wait until in that hidden place through the way of spectral analysis. When Raymond extracted and integrated the ‘primitive power’ contained in the light spot in his palm, what he saw was a busy scene.

The resident of the sirens is undergoing demolition and relocation everywhere, and sirens with a nervous but smiling face can be seen everywhere.

The inexplicable busy scene made Raymond very puzzled.

But Adolf, who was the first to feel that he had left the hidden place, quickly informed the Siren about the situation after he arrived. "They will start migrating in at most three days. The first one has already left for a week..."

After quickly returning to the single peak with Adolf, Leimen summoned Shaliman, the single-pupil sandman, to learn more about his experience in the Red Sea Naga resident.

"The space where the Well of Eternity is located is quite barren, but the energy concentration inside it is extremely high. And it is quite pure. It's just because the space channel it builds is unstable, and it is impossible for those with low strength to enter independently. Passing through..."

Shariman, the single-pupil sandman whose realm has been improved, has become much more calm at this time. In its narration, Raymond learned about the overall migration plan of the three tribes currently underway in the Red Sea Naga.

Jennifer, who has gathered most of the people of the Naga group away, led the important members of the three clans into the plane of the well of eternity, and was officially recognized by the three clans as the elves of the upper elves. King’s, and because she has a tendency to become an eight-armed Naga, she also dispelled the suspicions of the Sirens and Medusa tribes and formally took over the power of the upper elves.

"Because of your sir, Shalena was also allowed to stay in the space of the Well of Eternity for scuba diving. Before I left, she told me. With the accumulation of resources, even her qualifications are slightly lower. But in the future, you will be promoted to the realm of a dawn-level wizard. It is also very possible..."

Leimen couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, Dang Even asked. "Time! How long does it take?"

"Within one year, she should be able to reach the second-level peak. Within twenty years, she should have the qualifications to impact the transformation stage!"

Shaliman, the single-pupil sandman, answered in the affirmative, causing Raymond to frown.

Shalena's realm has been stabilized at the peak of a first-level wizard, but this strength is also due to her royal bloodline, not because of her high aptitude, or her strength that has been improved by her penance.

"Salena's aptitude is not high. If it is said that within 20 years, he can have the possibility of assaulting Dawn-level wizards, then for the other higher aptitude individuals of the three races, wouldn't it be possible to break through the original within a few years? Realm shackles..."

"Yes, Shalena mentioned before I set off that the Naga tribe's individual strength is extremely difficult to break through the dawn level due to the blood curse suffered more than ten thousand years ago, but now it is according to the plan of the king of elves, Jennifer Said that it is very likely that there will be thousands of naga who reach or exceed the level of wizarding power without waiting for the space of the Well of Eternity to be completely transformed..."

When talking about this, Shariman, the only-pupil sandman, also had a dazed expression, and continued to say after thinking about it. "And the strongest of the Sirens and Medusa tribes, it is quite possible that after the migration of the tribe, many individuals of the Dawn-level realm will be born, and the Medusa wise Melinda you have seen before , It is likely to become an existence second only to Master Jennifer!"

"Can Melinda's strength break through so quickly?"

"Yes, after entering the space where the Well of Eternity is located, she then opened the seal of her own strength. Even Jennifer was extremely surprised. The on-the-spot promise will be suitable for the Medusa family after coming over. The realm impact area is more for the Medusas..."

Hearing Raymond nodded here~www.ltnovel.com~ Medusa has always been mysterious, and it is understandable that such a situation occurs.

Only in this way, the Siren will likely become the weakest ethnic group among the three ethnic groups. For the entire ethnic group, such a change will take some time to adapt.

Thinking about how long the fighting power of the three races would begin to swell, the door of the wooden house was knocked, and the chief priest Mioli, wearing a black cloak, walked in.

"Dear Lei Meng, my clan is about to complete the final reorganization. Three days later, the lonely cliff will become a place of abandonment. Do you need to start with us?"

The headless question made Raymond very confused.

But there was also an apologetic chief priest Mioli, but after bowing to salute, he led Raymond out of the wooden house and came to the south side of the lonely cliff, pointing to the southern sea area covered by the dark mist Said: "Master Lemmon, the mutants who were driven away by the Sirens seem to know that this place is about to be abandoned, so they are gathering quickly. It is not clear whether they are preparing to attack the migrating Sirens in the hurricane sea. To ambush, or to wait for us to take over the cliff after we evacuate..." (to be continued)

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