
Chapter 1551: Enclose

If the siren's array is a sharp cone, then the surroundings arranged by the mutants are the flanking attacks from the two wings.

Guarded at the center of the Siren array, in addition to a large number of resources and various reserves in the clan, there are also various materials removed from the cliff, as well as the old and weak of the Siren who are specially taken care of.

Of course, the tightly guarded core area that was intruded by the girl Becky before is the future of the entire Sirens, with a large number of Sirens eggs that have not yet been hatched.

Compared with the numbers, the mutants won.

However, according to the comparison of the combat power of the two sides, the combat power possessed by the orthodox siren should be able to steadily suppress the mutants, but when the proportion of the numbers reaches the current situation, it is impossible to do it completely. Crushed.

But Raymond, who had a red glow in his pupils, couldn't help but feel a little surprised when he conjectured the result of the war between the two sides provided by the chip.

Because in the conclusion given by the chip, the two sides are actually in a balance of strength, and the Sirens are not regarded as the winning side.

This is a bit strange...

Lei Meng, who was thinking like this in his heart, couldn't help but turn his gaze to the mutants who were intercepting in front.

Most of the mutants are still human-faced bird bodies, but their bodies are larger or smaller, and the color of their wings tends to be cool.

The faces are mostly ugly and hideous, and the emotions revealed in the pupils are also biased towards the beasts without wisdom.

Only after careful observation, Raymond finally discovered that the second-tier individuals in the mutant array. Most of the body surface has a faint red glow, it is as if they are ready to self-detonate, and can form an extremely effective impact in the most tragic situation at any time!

No wonder Nanya, the elder of the Siren tribe, who rushed forward in anger before. Now I returned...

Knowing the reason, Leimen saw that the mutants were still silent, and the priest Mioli, who was not far away, had a strange expression, so he sent a voice to ask.

The weird-looking chief priest Mioli couldn’t tell the reason, but told Raymond that when Nanya, the elder of the Siren tribe, rushed over with the elders, the mutants issued a warning, or they followed the passage. go away. Either it is waiting for the arrival of its leader!

"Although there are various groups of varying sizes among the mutants, today's gatherings of this size actually have their leaders, so the patriarch asks everyone to exercise restraint. Wait..."

When the chief priest Mioli explained, the siren guards at the edge of the siren's array had taken a defensive position, and the protective barriers released by various defensive devices were like a cone-shaped curtain. Protected the front Siren guards who were in a confrontation situation. In addition, some elite sirens were also drawn from the back of the team, hiding in an unnoticeable position in the queue, obviously ready to launch an assault.

The mutants who intercepted the siren team have always remained silent and still, allowing the siren to make such arrangements in front of them, without any emotional disclosure in their expressions.

Only with the passage of time, the fierce light in the pupils of these mutants became more and more bright. Even if he remained silent, the ferocious aura released by the gathering. But it was the Siren guards who resisted at the forefront, and there was a small commotion one after another.

The chief priest Mioli, who sensed the guards' change, returned to the sacrificial team led by him.

And Raymond, who had expanded his vision through the chip, finally saw a figure approaching quickly from the southwest side of the mutant team.

He is more than three meters tall and has an appearance that is extremely similar to the image of a siren, but the huge pair of wings has a spread of as much as five meters, and the whole body is pitch black with an obvious force field light!

The extremely fast mutant passed through the array of mutants within two breaths after being seen by Raymond, and appeared calmly in front of all the Sirens.

The Siren Patriarch Kalami's expression changed drastically when he saw this mutant, and most of the members of the elders group in front of him also gave out suppressed exclamations.

The mutant who slowed down in vain and hovered in front of the Siren team, without any deviation, looked directly at the patriarch Karami who was guarded in front of him. After the huge feathers were slowly gathered, he owed the gift slightly. , And then spoke in Nazga. "My dear sister Carami, how is it all these years?"

The plain tone made the Siren guards who had formed a protective barrier with a certain kind of magical device uneasy, but Karami, the patriarch of the Siren, greeted him and shouted at the mutant. "I have never had a sister! Whether it is good or not is naturally judged and affirmed by all people!"

Hearing this, the mutant's expression became cold, and he glanced at the elite sirens who followed Karami to guard her in the center, and said coldly. "An egg twin, Elana's body is also flowing with the blood of the royal family of the Siren. This is not because you say it is not!"

"You have already been expelled! You have never had any connection with the Sirens! Could it be said that these mutants have been gathered by you?".

The angry question from Karami, the patriarch of the Siren, made Elana's dark face, who stood alone in front of the mutants, revealed a touch of sorrow. The sharp glow in the pupils of the eyes was unexpectedly bright and surprising .

She had been slightly lowered before, and straightened up, the mutant Elana, who seemed to have made a certain decision, shook her head and said indifferently. "As a royal bloodline, I have more power than any siren now. Even your sister, you, cannot stop me from abolishing the unfairness that has existed in the siren for many years. Family rules..."

Speaking of Elana here, the faint light of the force field on the body surface began to brighten, and a huge phantom appeared behind her, which actually had a quite perfect outline of the Siren!

Beautiful face, exquisite facial features, a pair of jet-black feather wings stretched out, they have a wingspan of more than ten meters. Although his body looks fragile, the powerful force field fluctuations that linger in Shao unexpectedly make the space. A slight distortion and deformation.

Just before the siren array, Elana, who completed the fusion of the real body with a slow and elegant gesture, finally became a siren with a delicate and fair face with a height of ten meters and a wingspan of 16 meters. After fading the original darkness, it was actually similar to Karami, the patriarch of the Siren clan.

Repressive but one after another screams ~www.ltnovel.com~ came from the queue of the Sirens, and the futile commotion from the rear of the team also attracted the attention of the Sirens, the elders The one-year elder among them flashed away from his position with a swaying figure, and after a few breaths, he reappeared in the same place with a panic and leaned into Karami's ear. "Encircled! The number of mutants appearing behind the team is far more than here..."

"In terms of quantity, those who are expelled are ten times as many as those who remain here; in terms of strength, most of the general bottlenecks of the deportees appear in the transformation period; and in terms of combat power, the deportees are facing You individuals who have grown up on Lonely Cliff are confident that you can win..."

As if hearing what the Siren elder said, Elana, who was condescendingly looking down at Karami, the Siren patriarch, had a flat tone as if she was telling the truth. After a pause, she continued proudly. "What's more, all the deportees have the belief that they must die, and they can treat themselves as necessary means for the survival of their companions without mercy! Even if they die, they will pass away without regret..."

The tone became colder and colder, but the emotions released by Elana became angry, and following the voice of her words, the mutants who had been silent before also let out a low roar... (To be continued...)

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