
Chapter 1552: attitude

The battle broke out after the request of the mutant leader Elana was flatly rejected!

The sharp cone-shaped siren array, because the mutants cut off the back, it immediately demonstrated its powerful strength and the ability to inherit forever.

Of course, this is also full of the effects of a large number of surgical instruments owned by the Sirens.

Attack type, defensive type, increase/decrease state type...

There is also a sacrificial team headed by the main priest Mioli, which can give most of the sirens' auxiliary spells, so that the sirens who are at the forefront of the defense can gain strength, speed, endurance, agility and other qualities. The improvement of the speed of release and the blessing of the success rate.

The siren team gathered as a team, although the gap between them has become larger, but it also reduced the area they need to defend, so that the siren who are responsible for the attack can concentrate on the operation. Law construction, release all kinds of scoped spells.

The mutants who were besieged showed their individual strength at the beginning of the battle.

Although the strength of the mutants placed at the forefront is generally not high, their dodge, defensive abilities, and even the combat awareness and skills they possess are far superior to the siren of the same tier, the former leader of the mutants. The advantages that Elana said were perfectly displayed in a short period of time, which surprised Raymond.

Wind spells, water spells, and even individuals with mutations can release dark spells.

Therefore, at the beginning of the battle, the sea area between the offensive and defensive sides has become a sea of ​​complex and disordered energy. The brilliance produced by various spells when they collide with each other and annihilate is also dense and bright, just like a gorgeous firework. Has a cold and cruel beauty.

But at the beginning of the battle, the two sides seemed to have a tacit understanding between each other, actively excluding the high-end combat power of both sides.

The mutant leader Elana, who had merged with his true body, slowly retreated back to the array of mutants, but some hidden mutants that rose up from the sea use their bodies. The gloss of the force field of the watch shows that they have generally reached the realm above the three-pole wizard.

The group of elders led by Nanya, the elder of the sirens, and the elites of the sirens who were transferred from various places are also inside the array. They all adopted a wait-and-see attitude, watching the two sides just started. Long range attack.

Only in the early days of the battle, the casualties were the first to appear from the attack queue of the mutants.

Any area covered by the Sirens’ concentrated fire attack will be exploded by volleys and spattered like a rain of blood, and the intensive attacks also make the mutants who have lost their protective ability lost the ability to escape. Opportunity, after being defeated, there is only death, so the smell of blood permeating the air, as well as a touch of blood like a mist, become rich and clear.

Leimen, who had retreated to a later position in the siren array, had some knowledge of the mutants' strength after checking the rear of the siren's queue.

Like a cascading ocean tide, the interception team arranged by the mutants in the direction of the cliff is far stronger than the strength shown in front of it.

And this is not only in quantity, but also in strength.

The mutants are generally one class higher than the interception team in front, although Raymond did not see the existence of surpassing the strength of Dawn like Elana, and the mutants intercepting the rear did not move forward. The team launched a strong attack like that, but took the initiative to pull away from the Sirens. As long as the Sirens do not enter the area, all the mutants will continue to remain silent and calm!

This seemed to be an orderly battle, which made Raymond have some different views on the conflict between the same races in front of him.

Elana, the mutant who claimed to be the sister of the Siren patriarch Kalami, was apparently expelled but eventually survived. Not only was she successfully promoted to the realm of Dawn, but she also integrated the mutants expelled by the Siren. I got up, taking advantage of the opportunity that the Sirens were preparing to go to the Red Sea, the Sirens who had left the shelter of the lonely cliff had to communicate with them, and Elana tried to make the current Siren patriarch Karami accept her request and then Change the current family rules of the Sirens.

The matter was the internal affairs of the Sirens, so shortly after the fierce battle between the two sides began, Raymond took advantage of the familiar Samuel to patrol by her side, and called her to ask her why.

The high-level combat power of the two sides is the same as being restricted. Therefore, Samuel, who was sent by the Siren Patriarch Karamy to patrol back and forth, stopped by Raymond’s side, and was very helpless to tell the reason. .

As the Sirens were expelled from the Eternal Well space, the number of mutants in their clan gradually increased. Therefore, after the Sirens chose Guya as their residence, they formulated a plan at the request of a certain patriarch. A clan rule that expels individual mutants from the group.

"Generally speaking, mutants with royal blood will not be expelled, because they will be killed directly after birth to prevent the royal blood from spreading outside..."

Samuel, who spoke with the help of sound transmission, had a deep incomprehension when he said this, his eyes also turned to the patriarch Karami in front of the Siren array, and he paused for a moment before speaking. "But in front of the mutant leader Elana, the fluctuations in the force field released by him are exactly the same as those of the patriarch, and its fusion real body can only be condensed by those with the bloodline of the king, so its identity should be True..."

It’s just that Samuel has just said this, and I don’t know if it was Siren Patriarch Kalami or Elder Nanya who issued the order. Hundreds of Siren elites who had been prepared for a long time came from the Sirens in vain. The left wing of the clan array rushed out, rushing into the team of mutants that had just been defeated in a forward formation, and launched a strong attack!

The elite of the Sirens of Dawn level strength, the mutants within the area covered by the pressure area around the body immediately became stiff and sluggish, either they were killed on the spot, or they fell into the sea, and the mutants instantly The encircling circle formed was forcibly torn open!

The unexpected change naturally caused the siren who were on the defensive counterattack to cheer, and the elite siren who rushed out of the siren array quickly stabilized and continued to expand the opening. The mutants who will come up from the rear are firmly blocked, and there is actually a tendency to break through this gap!

The morale boosted by the Sirens naturally launched a covering magical attack on the edge of the gap. The rolling covering blows caused the mutants who gathered from all around and wanted to plug the gap. The most serious loss.

However, Elana, the leader of the mutant surrounded by a twisted force field, did not care about the changes that occurred there at all, but maintained the indifferent posture as before~www.ltnovel.com~Continue with the Serb Karami, the patriarch of the Ren clan, maintained a confrontation.

The bigger the gap, the more and more space for the dispatched Sirens elites to vacate, and the ordinary Sirens with clear command also turned the focus of the attack, and slowly ordered The formation began to move in that direction.

But when the mutant’s formation showed signs of instability and defeat, several silhouettes flashed out from the mutants who were ruined backwards, carrying a covering push-type spell attack. In a flash, he rushed into the elites of the Sirens!

These figures have a reddish light on their bodies, and after they forcibly rushed into the elites of the Siren, a dazzling red light burst out of their bodies in vain, which made them keep paying attention to the changes in the situation. Raymond’s pupils shrank slightly, and at the moment when these red lights flashed, the protective barrier released by him protected Adolf and others around him.

At the next moment, time seems to stagnate.

In the area where the red light flashed, the self-detonation of the five mutants immediately formed a powerful and chaotic shock wave, spreading to the surrounding...

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