
Chapter 1553: call

Between heaven and earth, only the dazzling red glow that burst out in vain was left.

The five mushroom clouds that suddenly appeared in the ranks of the elites of the Sirens, seemed to show off and manifest. The mushroom bodies surrounded by countless air currents hovered and rose, causing the space covered by them to be distorted and deformed. , This formed the sharp wind whistling sound.

And what followed was that layer upon layer of shock waves that were like ocean tides. The elites of the Sirens who were killed, lifted off, and pushed away far away can make screams or make noises, all of individual strength. Exceeding the existence of dawn-level wizards, and all individuals below this level of strength had been torn, torn, and evaporated the first time the shock wave spread.

It's just that the sharp cone-shaped array formed by the ordinary siren guards showed its powerful protective ability at the moment when the shock wave swept over it.

Although there are also many protective barriers released by the teams that have been defeated, because of the distance, these teams can respond in time, either retreat or quickly gather with nearby teams, relying on the weapons and individuals in their hands. With the protection ability, the shock wave caused by the self-detonation will be greatly reduced after reaching the forefront of the queue, and will not cause excessive damage to the defense line behind him.

However, the strong wind that struck after the shock wave forced the siren’s sharp cone-shaped queue to retreat. The originally extremely stable formation produced a deep depression inward, making the Sirens who had been on the sidelines before. The members of the clan elders group had to dispatch some and quickly joined the compressed array. Prevent the collapse of the entire queue.

It's just that those mutants didn't start a strong attack on this, but contracted and adjusted, re-stabilizing the front that was torn apart by the elites of the Siren. In addition, some individuals with Dawn-class strength field luster appeared in the queue, apparently in response to the raid carried out by the elites of the Sirens.

The advantage of the previous swift assault completely disappeared due to the self-detonation of the five mutants, and the elites of the Siren who were dispatched also lost one-third of the strength, and the remaining dozens of them reached the strength. Most of the elite sirens in the realm of dawn-level wizards have lost the ability to continue fighting because of severe injuries. After being accepted back, they were sent to the center of the array.

Faced with such a result, the Sirens who were still excited and cheering before, also fell into sluggishness and horror. At the beginning of the battle, the self-confidence and pride in their expressions were hard to see again, and their high morale dropped to a freezing point in vain, making other directions still resisting the mutants' attack. Unknowingly, he was completely on the defensive.

Elana, the leader of the mutant who maintained the fusion of the true body. Only then did he raise his voice in vain and ridicule. "My dear sister, can it be said that this belongs to the siren family of high-level elves? Is this the reaction to a war..."

It's just that Karami, the Siren patriarch, who was indignant in his expression, roared before Elana's words were finished. "Shut up! You are the deported! You are all eliminated individuals from the Siren! The affairs of the clan have nothing to do with you!"

"We are not afraid of injury! We are not afraid of sacrifice! We are just trying to get justice! Dear sister, don't be addicted to it anymore. Now it is discovered through the Eternal Well space, which is the best integration within the Sirens. Don’t force me to wipe out all of you here. Then the Sirens will become a shame and a joke for the higher elves..."

After talking halfway, Elana waved her wings, and followed the mutants to stop the attack. The mutants rising from below the sea level in the farther area surged forward like a tide. The expression of Karami, the patriarch of the Siren clan, who was about to rebut, suddenly changed!

The sudden sound of flapping wings, however, has a rhythm.

After these mutants who appeared again from the bottom of the sea formed a defensive line at the outermost periphery, the leader of the mutants, Elana, said with a chuckle. "Here has a hundred thousand powers to fight. If necessary, the abandoned people who reside in the southeast of the hurricane sea can also rush to fight for hope at any time. Sister, you feel that you have lost the shelter of the lonely cliff. In the face of the battle of genocide, how many sirens can escape?"

Almost five times the number of comparisons made the Siren patriarch Karami's complexion horribly changed, and the shaking of his body seemed to be a blow to his mind.

However, from the area where the elders of the Siren Clan was located, an obscure and cold aura suddenly emerged, followed by the distortion of the space above it, and a dark arm protruded out of nothingness. , And grabbed Elana, the leader of the mutant.

Beyond a distance of one hundred meters, that dark arm actually formed countless spatial afterimages, and its speed surprised Leimen who was in the middle of the Siren queue.

Adolf, who was only protected by the barriers he released, exclaimed in exclamation. "Evil one! Evil one..."

And seeing Elana's expression on her dark arm, there was a look of contempt. Even if the snow-white wings were stretched out, the airflow suddenly generated by the tips of her wings looked towards it like a clever arm. After he came out, wrapped the inky black arm, he pulled back in vain!


The pitch-black arm was tightened and pulled straight in an instant, followed by the sound of kakaka sounded in the air!

"The souls of the underworld are summoned. With the current strength of the Sirens, the Dawn-level existence can come at most, but this one hasn't even touched the edge of the Dawn-level realm. How can you summon it? ?"

While Elana was talking, the owner of the dark arm was actually slowly pulled out of nothingness, because the space distortion range was only less than 30 meters in diameter, so it was the shoulder blade of the owner of the dark arm. When it appeared, the power generated by the distortion of the space crushed a small part of its body!

The soul of the underworld formed by the rich dark energy is actually a guy with a single horn on the top of his head, but after his upper body is pulled out, the surface of his body has been cut off a lot, making it as black as ink. The liquid sprayed out and spread out, and another sour smell permeated in an instant.

The one-horned spirit that screamed screaming, its upper body was a hundred meters long, and the dark right arm that was held by Elana was held by the tip of Elana’s wings. Surrounded by the generated airflow, it was impossible to break free, so I had to use my left hand to hold the edge of the space channel tightly, so that his entire body would not be pulled out, and his face was shocked and shocked!

Seeing that her expression became more relaxed, Elana was carefully examining the unicorn soul who was holding her right arm for a moment, and said with a sigh of relief. "Fortunately, this is just the soul summoned by the elders, and its destruction is not an irreparable loss for the Sirens..."

Karamy, the patriarch of the Siren clan, who heard this ~www.ltnovel.com~, exclaimed. "Don't..."

It’s just that she hasn’t finished her words yet, but the figure of the mutant leader Elana, who maintains the fusion of the true body, is blurred, as if performing fast back and forth in an instant, causing the dark arm that was being pulled in an instant. tension!

With a snap, the right arm of this one-horned soul spirit, which was summoned by the Siren elders, was like the internal skeleton was completely shattered. After it became soft and elongated, it was hardened from its shoulder blade. The raw tears caused the dark liquid to spray out wildly!

The one-horned spirit who wailed sternly, his body suddenly peeked outwards, but immediately shrank back, and in the blink of an eye, he sank into the spatial passage, and was actually frightened and returned to the Nether Realm.

However, the escape of this one-horned soul caused the siren elders who summoned it to suffer backlash. They groaned one by one, and fell down on the spot, ordering the siren who covered them for cover. The patriarchs exclaimed in shock!

Nania, the elder of the Siren clan, who wanted to use the soul summon to take the mutant leader Elana down, was furious, and appeared in front of the patriarch Kalami in a flash, and a sudden light on her chest A group of yellow rays of light enveloped Elana, the leader of the mutant, in an instant... (To be continued.)

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