
Chapter 1554: Imprison

When the yellow light was shining in the air, the expression of Elana, the leader of the mutant, became solemn.

It's just that in Raymond's feelings, the emotions that flashed in Elana's eyes were not panic or anger, but rather an extreme surprise that was suppressed.

But I don’t know why this yellow light is so powerful. After being covered, the leader of the mutant, Elana, who has maintained the fusion of the real body, is still in vain in the air like a sculpture, with her stretched wings. The airflow at the end is also frozen, and it can be clearly seen that it is the freezing of wind energy.

And as the Siren elder Nanya rushed forward in vain and released this yellow light, dozens of members of the elders group led by him also started the action with great tacit understanding.

After they left the elder group's queue, they came to the elder Nanya in a half fan shape and stretched their wings upwards. The light yellow energy halo emerging from the tips of their wings enveloped their bodies. , This light yellow energy halo is like the ink dripping into the clear water, spreading outwards to form a smudge and mixing with each other, making the half-fan-shaped area seem to be isolated.

However, the remaining members of the elders group appeared after the yellow light covering the mutant leader Elana, and they were a little at a loss, and then turned their eyes to the Siren who was blocked by the elder Nanya. The clan chief Karami, his expression gradually aroused heavy doubts, and a small part of the elders seemed to have seen some unbelievable situation, with weird expressions.

The siren Samuel who stayed beside Raymond before. At this time, he was also inexplicably shocked, and he actually uttered an unconscious murmur. "The Light of Killing..."

The elder Nanya, with her wings upright and a phantom of a leaf-shaped surgical instrument on her chest, roared excitedly at this moment. "Under the imprisonment of the light of killing. Even if you merge with the real body, you can't resist! The whole clan will immediately kill this monster upon the order! The mutant will destroy itself without attack!"

After the name of the elder Nanya was roared out by the elder Nanya, the members of the siren tribe outside the sharp-cone array of the siren tribe all changed their colors and immediately turned their gaze to the patriarch Kalami. Some of the pupils were confused and doubtful, and a few elders were pleased.

But no matter what the expression. None of the members of the Siren elders group present immediately launched an attack in accordance with Nanya's orders.

Karamy, the Siren patriarch, who had been a little gaffe before, suddenly retreated to the elite of the Sirens who had been dispatched back. Staring at the back of the elder Nanya asked sternly. "The'Light of Killing' that has been lost for three thousand years will actually be owned by the chief of the elders, Nanya, do you need to explain to all the people!"

The words that were cold as if they were frozen can be heard by every member of the Siren tribe. Those dozens of them in a half-fan shape protected the elder Nanya and released a pale yellow halo to unite with each other. Siren elders. When even turned his head too much. Some of them looked surprised and some were confused, but most of them looked very flustered.

The elder Nanya, who was facing Patriarch Kalami, suddenly burst into a light yellow force field, and roared without looking back. "Kalamy! What do you mean! Today is facing the scourge of genocide, how can you not tell the difference!"

It's just that the patriarch Karami, whose expression is getting colder, shouted in a deep voice. "'The Light of Killing' is a sacred artifact of the Siren that can only be owned and activated by a person with royal blood. As the chief of the elders, why do you own and activate it?"

The yellow light that seemed to be driven made it unable to move. The elder Nanya, who still had her back to everyone, said anxiously. "Kalamy! Do you have to expose the **** history in front of so many deportees? Are you so scared today that your brain is broken!"

It's just that before the patriarch Kalami speaks, the mutant leader Elana who seems to be imprisoned has an arc of laughter at the corner of her mouth, and shouted in vain. "It’s not that my sister’s brain is broken, but a certain generation chief of the elders’ regiment became unhappy in the past. Not only did he occupy the “light of killing” belonging to the royal family’s blood, but also gave you Nanya so much to be able to. The helper who jointly activates this surgical device, the pressure of blood inheritance, don't you, Nanya, know about it?"

The interrogation of Elanna, the leader of the mutants, caused a commotion in the stable array of the Sirens, but the mutants they faced, as if they had received orders, all resolutely withdrew backwards in vain.

"Nania! Hand over everything that doesn't belong to the elders, and tell the history of the past one by one, then as the patriarch, I can allow you to take your cronies and leave on your own!"

Such a statement made the expressions of the dozens of Siren elders with pale yellow halos changed horribly. They seemed to have heard extremely terrible news. The light on their bodies immediately became dim, and they turned to the patriarch Kalami. There was a desire in his eyes.

But the words of Karami, the patriarch of the Sirens, did not end. Her figure suddenly rose, so that all the members of the Sirens could see her, and then raised their wings and roared. "; The family rules concerning the descendants of mutants that have passed through thousands of years will be abolished immediately! As long as the descendants of the sirens are not a traitor, they will be regarded as members of the sirens! Anything in the past They will be completely written off from this moment! Those who dare to disobey will be regarded as the crime of treason!"

Speaking clearly and with a loud voice, the patriarch Karami, who swept the gentle posture before, had extremely strong majesty and seductive aura, so that all the members of the Sirens present were silent for a while!

But after a short silence, there was a deafening cheer.

It's just that this sound didn't appear from the array of the Sirens, but from the team of the mutants who had receded far away, and it became more and more violent and loud.

After scanning the team of mutants for a moment, Patriarch Karami, whose eyes became a little erratic, turned to the elder Nanya, who was facing her back, and said with a sigh. "Nania! Give it up! If the position of chief elder cannot be satisfied, then there is no authority in the Siren that suits you to take charge..."

The elder Nanya, whose complexion had completely lost her blood, immediately roared in furious anger. "Kalami! You are the traitor of the Sirens! The clan rules are formed by all the siren's votes. You are neither eligible to cancel, nor can you formulate new clan rules to replace them! You can't force me to force me. Expelled..."

"Shut up!" The mutant leader Elanna who yelled violently, but in vain began to twist her body, and in the blink of an eye she was freed from the imprisonment of the light, waving her wings and pointing at the elder Nanya and yelled. . "The reappearance of the Well of Eternity was when the Sirens re-formed the clan rules. As the head of the elders, you can’t forget such clan rules! My sister Karamy carried the mother’s last wish for so many years of suffering. And waiting~www.ltnovel.com~ finally made you reveal the'light of killing', do you have to force her to punish you in accordance with the family rules!"

The elder Nanya who heard the'clan rule' was frightened in her eyes, but the imprisonment formed by the yellow light released by it was broken, but she was instantly caught in a spellback. She was trembling all over and couldn't even speak, she could only stare at the mutant leader Elana with resentful and angry eyes, and two tears of blood flowed from the corner of her eyes!

The patriarch Kalami, who was standing in the air, had no joy at this moment but a deep sorrow. She pointed to the elders of the Siren tribe with a pale yellow force field and issued orders. "The clansmen obey orders! The elders who have problems will be captured immediately, and those who resist can be killed on the spot!"

The issuance of such an order caused the elites of the Sirens gathered at the side of the patriarch Karami to start their actions.

Although each of the elders with a light yellow force field luster was not low in strength, none of them dared to resist or raised doubts.

However, each of them cast their gazes on Nanya, who was trembling and seemed to have lost all abilities... (To be continued.)

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