
Chapter 1555: Siren's Death One

Hey Hey Hey……

An icy and angry sneer came in vain from the direction of the elder Nanya, and the obscure force field fluctuations that followed caused the Siren patriarch Karamida, who was on top of the siren array. shock.

However, those elite sirens who went to capture the elders behind Nanya in accordance with the command of the patriarch Karamy slowed down in vain, and then they could no longer move as if they were imprisoned.

"Kalami, ah Kalami, as the current Siren clan leader, he even colluded with the deported mutants in private and united. He did not hesitate to use the survival of the whole clan as a bargaining chip and bet, but also to let your relatives return to the group smoothly. It's really good calculations, good methods, and a good Siren patriarch who can tolerate..."

Nania’s sombre words swept back like a cold wind, and as she turned around, the yellow light released by the leaf-shaped phantom slaying light on her chest unexpectedly It faded and gradually disappeared, making the leaf-shaped surgical instrument solidified, and it seemed to be forcibly suppressed when suspended in front of his chest.

With two lines of blood and tears at the corner of her eyes, Nanya had deep sorrow in her expression, and her eyes were full of resentment and unwillingness. She raised her head and cast her gaze to Karami, the Siren patriarch, as if she had met her for the first time. Looking up and down, there was a deep confusion and puzzlement gradually.

Only when she and the patriarch Karami looked at each other, the roots of her wings protruded out of two arms strangely, and with the appearance of the real figure behind her, the elder Nanya actually completed it. Fusion of the real body.

A few meters high, the real body that has swelled several times in size, if it weren't for the two pale yellow arms under its armpits, it would be exactly the same as the real body that the mutant leader Elanna had integrated.

As the chief of the elders of the Sirens, Nanya is no stranger to any siren.

However, she originally only had the strength of the dawn level peak, but she not only possessed a real body, but even possessed a real body that could only be condensed by those with royal blood. This is extraordinary.

The suppressed exclamation and the gradually generated noisy discussion came from all over the Siren array.

Even those dozens of elders who followed her and started the ‘light of killing’. At this time, all of them were stunned and looked incredible.

"The migration of the tribe into the space of the Well of Eternity. It is the inevitable for the Sirens to return to the upper elves... But using this method to plunge the whole clan into death, forcing the tribe to accept the actions of the mutants, is it different from the traitors... "

The elder Nanya, who was mumbling to herself, her eyes became hollow.

And the patriarch Karami who witnessed her complete the fusion of the real body, seemed to be stunned before, but was furious when he heard this. "Shut up! The sins of the traitorous race cannot be concealed for any reason..."

"Hide it up? Why do I need to hide it! Your sisters worked hard inside and outside the clan to plan. If it weren't for the emergence of the well of eternity, Kalami would continue to pretend to come to you! As the patriarch, you will be expelled from the mutant Regarded as blood relatives. Where do you place the people? What danger do you put the fate of the group? What traps do you put the members of the elders in..."

The elder Nanya spoke extremely fast but organized many questions, making the patriarch Karami, who had always been poor at speech, dumb for a while, but the mutant leader Elana who maintained the fusion of the real body shouted in time. "Nania! Don't try to quibble anymore! Since the loss of the sacred artifact of the clan, the patriarchs of all generations have shouldered the responsibility of finding the truth. If it weren't for the discovery of the Well of Eternity, they wanted to do something. The chief of the elders, how can you automatically jump out to reveal the sacred artifacts!"

Speaking of this, the sheen of the force field on Elanna's body surface became more and more obvious, and her figure swayed slightly and approached some roars. "Say! Why do you have royal blood! How many secrets are there in the chief elder line!"

Elder Nanya, who turned her back to Elanna, the leader of the mutant, looked at Patriarch Kalami's eyes more and more compassionate, and there was a deep sorrow in her eyes. She actually ignored Elana who was ready to attack at any time behind her, and slowly shook her head and sighed. "Kalami, you really disappointed me. As the chief elder, I didn’t want to accuse you too much. If you can repent now, then the position of patriarch still belongs to you. ..."

The exit of these words caused the patriarch Karami who was hovering in the air to change suddenly, but the mutant leader Elana who was still slowly approaching roared. "Bold! The inheritance of the royal bloodline is the foundation of the Siren clan, and your chief elder dared to make comments!"

Amid the roar, Elana's stretched wings suddenly vibrated, and countless phantoms of feathers shot out like arrows. In an instant, the elder Nanya was enveloped in it.

The members of the Sirens, who had been shocked by the dialogue between the three, issued a warning when they saw it. And some elders in the group of elders also roared and questioned. The depressive emotions that have been permeating the Sirens before are also instantly aroused by this, causing chaos to form in an instant!

However, the elder Nania, who turned her back to Elena, did not turn around. Instead, she turned her gaze to the excited sirens. Her arm under her arm was stretched forward, posing a gentle posture that she wanted to embrace. Said the voice. "My dear people, now it is the decision of the destiny of the Sirens. Everyone is a treasure among the Sirens. Should they fight to the end with the deported mutants according to the rules of the family, or decide to fight with these filthy ones? Dirty, ugly, **** and witless beasts live together, vote..."

When Nanya spoke, the feather-like attacks released by Elana, the leader of the mutants, arrived behind her, but the yellow barriers that appeared behind her completely withstood these attacks. , Make it disappear completely in an instant!

Seeing this patriarch Kalami's expression changed drastically, the phantom of the real figure revealed behind him also completed the fusion in an instant, and his right wing suddenly waved back and shouted. "All the Sirens retreat!"

It's just that the elder Nanya's gaze scanning all the members of the Siren tribe in the field of vision, after being retracted by it, there was undisguised depression and sadness, and her vocal cords choked down and sighed. "Is it true that no member of the clan is willing to vote? Are you willing to accept the dominance of such an incompetent patriarch? It's too pitiful and too sad. You shouldn't continue to survive in a muddle-headed manner. You make me so sad. And disappointed..."

The voice became lower and lower, and more and more depressed, the elder Nania, who had not finished speaking, actually kept her head down and stopped moving.

However, Karamy, the Siren patriarch, who swiftly crossed the distance between the two sides~www.ltnovel.com~, looked serious and nervous after approaching her. The waving wings made two blue air currents like lightning. Shot at Nanya!

Elana, the leader of the mutant who maintained the fusion of the true body, seemed to have thought of something. Her figure retreated rapidly, but the wings gathered in front of her were shaking rapidly, causing a shock wave-like attack to be released. Come out and hit the yellow barrier behind Nanya like a crescent!

The Sirens living in the lonely cliff, although the patriarch Kalami has always been mild, his years of accumulation of prestige still caused the Sirens to slowly retreat, but when they were released by the patriarch Kalami After the cyan air current hit Nanya and revealed the yellow barrier in front of her, Nanya who suddenly raised her head to the sky seemed to be awakened.

It's just that at this time the expression of Elder Nanya was a little distorted, and the madness and determination revealed in her eyes suddenly began to rise in her aura.

I saw that the hands that were raised by her, the ten fingers shot out dozens of gleams under the rapid movement, but it caused the air to be twisted and deformed in vain for a hundred meters above her head. The gap in space reaching a hundred meters widened rapidly after it was revealed... (to be continued)

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