
Chapter 1556: Siren's Death II

The shocking situation developed and continued in front of Raymond's eyes.

From the appearance of the leader of the initial mutant, Elana, and the fusion of the real body to reveal the strength, to the elder Nania of the Siren clan showing a powerful strength in vain, Raymond felt that the development of the situation would be surprising.

When Karami, the Siren patriarch, also removed his previous disguise and launched an attack in a state of fusion with his true body, Raymond couldn’t help but become more shocked because he was in contact with the Siren patriarch Karami. Among them, he didn't even notice that his strength was hidden.

But when Nanya easily resisted Elana and Karami's forward and backward attack and tore the space apart, Raymond knew that the situation had gone out of control.

Therefore, he did not retreat with the siren's array, but made the girl Becky escape into the picture of the **** the side of the river, and threw the sandman Shaliman, the single-eyed sandman who dared not even open his eyes in the sea, into the storage Space, after preventing Adolf from leaving him, he controlled Samuel and the priest Mioli who wanted to support the Siren patriarch Karami, and pushed them far to the end of the Siren array. .

Just when Raymond settled down, within the gap of the 100-meter-long space, there was a strong black gas. After occupying a range of more than 100 meters, an arm protruding out of it in vain , Actually pinched the right wing of the chief elder Nanya of the Siren tribe, and dragged her into the black air!

Among the Sirens, apart from summoning the creatures of the underworld through the altar, only the elders have some special ways to summon the creatures of the underworld for assistance in battle.

So after the gap in that space was torn apart, everyone on the scene thought that the creatures of the underworld summoned by Nanya would target Elana, the leader of the mutant, or Karami, the patriarch of the Sirens. . So when she herself was dragged into the dense fog by that arm, a shocked cry came from the Siren array that was retreating in an orderly manner, and it became louder and louder.

But Raymond witnessed this scene. The warning signs produced in vain in his heart made him release his true body without hesitation. And quickly completed the integration.

Suddenly, the huge bear-like body that appeared in the siren array made many siren who didn’t know Raymond’s identity nervous, and there was no siren within 100 meters of his body. .

But when many sirens were suspicious and wary of Raymond's true body, disaster came immediately!

A loud bang!

The thick black air that had previously blocked the gap in the space seemed to have collapsed inside. After condensing one-third of the volume inward, it expanded downward at a speed close to light.

The first to bear the brunt are those dozens of elders who followed Nanya to inspire the sacred weapon of the Siren tribe. They were bound because they were captured, so they may struggle when the black air approaches. nothing. Was swallowed by the black energy.

And next, the elite siren who were imprisoned by Nanya, and then the siren members at the front of the siren array that were retreating in an orderly manner.

In the blink of an eye, the black energy expanded for more than 300 meters, and its concentration finally decreased slightly at this moment, and the bodies of the elders and elites of the Siren tribe who were swallowed in an instant were able to be slightly distanced. Seen by recent Sirens.

It's just that these sirens, who were impacted by the black air and wrapped in it, have become dead bones in an instant, hovering in the air in their original posture, seeming to be restricted by some kind of power. Falling down because of the loss of life.

And the mutant leader Elana and the Siren Patriarch Karami were touched by the black air. At this time, it seemed to have lost consciousness. Although the body surface had a dazzling force field brilliance, it looked dull and dull. Obviously caught in a weird state.

But the black energy that was still advancing quickly to both sides like a sea tide suddenly increased its speed at this moment.

There was no opportunity for the Sirens at all, and they touched the front end of the original sharp cone-shaped array, tumbling and jumping, and wrapped the members of the Sirens who had been in small groups.

And those mutants who were slightly lower in strength but obeyed Elana's order to remain silent, at this moment, also caused a commotion because their forward line was touched by the black energy, and one by one began to hesitate to retreat.

But at the same time, the black energy that touched the front lines of the two warring parties once again increased the speed of diffusion. In an instant, it suddenly expanded more than 500 meters outward, and the mutants and members of the Sirens within the range covered. At least three to five thousand!

And Leimen, who hovered in place, was swallowed by this black energy at the moment. The brilliance of the force field on its body surface was corroded, and quickly dimmed. With the rapid passing of mana in the body, Raymond couldn't help but be a little shocked by the erosion effect of this black energy.

But Adolf, who was within the protection of his force field, had a glimpse of astonishment in his eyes, and the muttering in his mouth was actually an instinctive chanting of the prayer of ‘Wrath of the Holy Light’!

Resisting the black energy from eroding the force field on the body surface, Raymond couldn’t help but hate him when he heard the familiar prayer. Without hesitation, his right hand stuck out and pinched Adolf’s neck, making him chant. The prayer of chants came to an abrupt end!

For the Lord of Light with the strength of the ancestors, Lei Meng had lingering fears, so he was naturally rude after speaking. "Shut up! If you dare to summon the Lord of Light, I will immediately seal you up and throw you back to the Nether Realm!"

Adolf, who was pinched by Raymond's giant palm, could not get rid of Raymond's palm even though his face became red, but after a short while, he reacted and raised his hands and shook his hands to indicate that he had understood.

However, his eyes were directed at the area covered by the black air. At this moment, his pupils shrank. Therefore, from the direction of the gap in the space that was torn before, there was an obscure that made him feel a little frightened. And a powerful breath.

"Since you are not willing to march towards glory, let's destroy it together..."

It was like the whispering echo from within the abyss, it actually echoed in everyone's ears. The black energy that covered more than a thousand meters before suddenly rolled backwards, after a short while They all returned to the area where the original space gaps were, revealing everything that had been covered before.

The mutant leader Elana and the Siren Patriarch Karamy, who hovered in the air to maintain the fusion of their true bodies, had very little force field on their bodies, and seemed to be in a coma.

The mutants and the members of the Siren tribe covered by the black air were stripped of their skin and flesh and turned into a pair of withered bones, but in the eye sockets of their skulls, there was a deep gloom shining. Mtlnovel’s stillness also started to move~www.ltnovel.com~ It’s just these skeleton-like dead bones, but they are like young children who have just learned to walk, staggering, shaking their limbs as if they are looking for a target, and the cervical vertebrae are turning. In between, there is still a stagnant sound, which can not help but make people a little creepy.

And the dense black air that was rolled back and gathered in the gap of the space, after the whispering echo ended, it once again converged in vain, making Nanya who had merged with her real body reappeared.

Nania, who was originally in the shape of a siren royal family, now has a pair of pitch-black wings that are more than 20 meters wide. The dense black air that resembles a smoky snake quickly flows around her body. , And the arms that came out from under the armpits have changed from the original pale yellow to black like ink. They folded their hands in front of their chests, holding the leaf-shaped sacred weapon of the Siren tribe, the "Light of Killing" , Looks indifferent and there is madness in his eyes!

"Follow me to return to the underworld and become the immortal creature. Since the glory of the high-level elves can no longer be possessed, then plunge into the underworld is the only way out..."

As if she was chanting a certain kind of spell, Nanya, who started chanting in the Estayan language used by the Lich, the distortion of the space around her body became clearer and clearer... Continued)

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