
Chapter 1558: Siren's Death IV

The core area at the back of the siren queue, because there are siren eggs waiting to be hatched, it belongs to the future of the entire siren family, so its protective ability is also called the strongest in the entire queue.

More than sixty elite Sirens with Dawn-level strength not only have the most powerful defensive equipment support, but also have the protection of a defensive halo around them.

The container for storing siren eggs is placed on an ancient rune array removed from a lonely cliff. The various barriers formed by the layers of energy flow seem to cause headaches. Where can it be easily penetrated and destroyed.

Before the girl Becky sneaked into it, it was also before the talisman was activated. It would be a very difficult task if she were to change to the current situation and get her siren eggs from it.

But it is also because the defense here is the strongest in the siren queue, so once there are problems here, the commotion caused will become more terrifying, not only has a serious blow to the confidence of the siren members, but also Chaos appeared in the array that had been slowly retreating!

At the beginning of the commotion, he turned his attention to Mioli, the chief priest of the Siren tribe, with a frightened expression and despair in his eyes.

If the container for the siren eggs to be hatched in the clan is taken away or severely damaged, it will be a disaster for the siren.

Because those siren eggs are the future of the sirens and the foundation of the sirens, any slight damage will cause extremely serious consequences!

And because the rune array that housed the container is the most powerful one completely removed from the cliff, if even this rune array cannot maintain the safety of the container that stores the siren eggs, then the entire siren will be It is no longer possible to maintain siren eggs comprehensively!

The despair as if the sky had fallen, caused the priest Mioli's body to trembled and his teeth made a creaking sound, and the darkness in front of her couldn't help but slowly fell down, fainting because of the deep fear in her heart.

It's just the main priest Mioli who just started to fall downward. Raymond, who was aware that her condition was not right, grabbed it with the fleshy whiskers on the back of her neck, pulled it up, and threw it behind Adolf for his defense.

And following Leimen's thoughts, the talent ‘Shadow Score’ he had for promotion to the seventh rank was released by him. Two real bodies that were exactly the same, huge and resembling violent bears, made the sirens elder Nanya hovering by the gap in that space even more terrifying.

But Raymond is now through the spectrum analysis in the pupil. Found the cause of the abnormality that happened to the siren elite who had guarded the siren eggs before.

Therefore, while instructing Adolf to release the ‘Wrath of the Holy Light’, his ‘Shadow Points’ also disappeared from his side in vain, escaped into the mezzanine of the space, and began preparations for the construction and release of the spell.

The huge body that suddenly disappeared shocked the racers who were still continuing to retreat.

It is only because the patriarch Karami is currently unclear about his life and death, and the area where the siren eggs are stored in the clan has also changed, and the chaos of the siren array that is still continuing to retreat has reduced his morale to a freezing point. The original stability when facing the offensive team formed by the dry bones no longer exists, and the fleeing like a rout was also produced by Raymond's side, and there was a tendency to spread.

Adolf, who had a deep hatred for those dry bones, knelt on one knee after getting permission from Raymond, folded his hands on his chest and began to chant the spell. "Great Lord of Light, please use the power of thunder to deliver the holy punishment, forgive these lost souls, and let them rest in peace..."

The milky faint brilliance oozes from Adolf's body, and then forms a barrier of light around his body. After his pious and sincere prayer is recited. It also made his momentum begin to climb.

The holy and bright brilliance formed a light curtain on top of its head, just as it caused those withered bones who attacked the Siren array to have fear, and there was a slight slowness in their actions.

And Raymond who blended with his real body. At this moment, the three fleshy whiskers on the back of the neck suddenly extended into three tentacles tens of meters long, swinging and shaking on his side.

Moreover, between the rapid strokes of its tip, the various abilities brought by its talent are also exerted by Raymond. After the establishment of the three obscure spatial channels, they are not induced, just like three extremely thin mirrors. It was just at an angle that Nanya, the elder of the Siren tribe, could not see.

Only in the area where the siren eggs were stored, more than sixty elite siren people had been completely transformed into dead bones at this time. Their wing bones, which had lost their flesh and feathers, waved up and down neatly and shocked. While producing the light of the light black force field around his body, the gloomy light in the depths of his eyes became clearer and brighter!

And with the transformation of more than sixty dead bones completed. The invisible barrier that had stopped the sirens from rushing in before was finally revealed.

The area covered by it is exactly the symbol array where the siren egg container is stored. The sirens who wanted to rush in to retrieve the siren egg container all sighed with frustration. Under the command of the leader of their team, they were extremely unwilling to pull the distance between the two sides.

It was like loosening the dead bones of the body. After having the ability to move, they began to scan the siren around the body. The slender finger bones released the cryptic and huge energy fluctuations between the waves. , It made the siren gathered around them even more shocked.

There was a red glow in the eyes of Raymond. Although he did not seem to take any action, under his observation, the force field protruding from the almost invisible shadow beside the elder Nanya was thin. Silk finally mastered its trajectory under the spectrum analysis of the chip.

Therefore, after Adolf released the "Wrath of the Holy Light" and formed a covering blow like a light curtain, the shadow points that escaped into the space mezzanine to hide, also jumped out and appeared above the elder Nanya. The energy change caused by the huge real body suddenly caused the shadow hidden on its side to surge!

However, the spells constructed by the shadow points were released instantly. With the release of the power of imprisonment, the mental shock shock also shocked the elder Nanya who was fused with the real body. Those in her body The light black invisible thread surrounding it was also instantly broken.

And the three tentacles on the side of Raymond’s body also slid into the long-established spatial channel. When they appeared, they were the container for storing siren eggs isolated by the invisible force. Beside!

The members of the racers who gathered around the talisman to resist the outward impact of the dead bones burst into cheers and increased the attack intensity ~www.ltnovel.com~ With the help of the'Holy Light' released by Adolf 'Wrath', when most of the dry bones are about to be turned into dust

Three tentacles tens of meters long, after forcibly pulling the container for storing the siren eggs from the center of the rune, they threw them towards the rushing Leimen.

After flashing his body to catch the siren egg container, Raymond placed it in his storage space, and while retracting the three tentacles, he suddenly reversed the direction and rushed towards the trembling plug. Nania, the elder of the Ren clan.

The shadow point hovering above it is only one-third of the power of Raymond’s release of spells. Therefore, although the invisible thread lingering around the elder Nanya is broken, its spirit is shocking. The power did not cause the shadow hidden behind him to suffer severe damage, but instead caused him to be furious when he noticed that he was deceived!

It was an extremely vague shadow. As its edges became solid in vain, it was like a bulge formed from the center of a water film, making a person tens of meters high, as if wearing The lacquered black figure in the heavy robe appeared behind the elder Nanya.

The elder Nania, who has a distorted expression and only madness in her eyes, also lost control of herself, and was instantly incorporated into her abdominal cavity... (to be continued)

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