
Chapter 1559: Siren's Death Five

The behemoth nearly twenty meters high is like a monster wearing a thick robe that even covers its face.

His thin body was as if his arms had been severed, and in the thick robe below his waist, there was also some kind of extremely large utensil hidden, making his lower body look very bloated.

And when Nanya, the elder of the Siren tribe, was taken into the abdominal cavity by him, the guy's bulging abdomen gradually calmed down, but the aura that he radiated became more and more dangerous.

And although this behemoth seems to be slow in action and extremely slow in reaction, there is a black smoke connection between it and the gap in the space, and when its figure is just beginning to stabilize, it is weak and possessed. The whispering sound with weird rhythm began to linger and echo in everyone's ears!

Raymond, who had rushed towards Nanya, the elder of the Siren clan before, stopped the rush when this guy revealed his body, and quickly moved away from the shadow points that were still above it.

Because the spectral scan was turned on before, the picture now seen in Raymond’s right eye pupil is completely different from what the naked eye sees.

Lines of various colors filled his field of vision, and even though the outline of the thin behemoth was specially marked by the chip, its edges were still blurred.

However, the abdominal cavity in which Nanya, the elder of the siren tribe, was included in the body had a very bright color, but its shape was very different from that of the previous elder Nanya.

"Could it be said that in just such a short time, Nanya, who was fused with the real body, was crushed and digested in the body?"

The doubts that arise in his mind are quite absurd to Raymond.

Nanya, who has completed the fusion of the real body with a height of several meters, should have the strength above the dawn level from any angle. If it can completely digest Nanya in an instant, then the realness of this behemoth What level of strength should it reach?

This is the wizarding plane.

Although the guardian of the plane is currently lacking. But the power of the plane will never ignore the powerful existence from other planes, and it will inevitably restrict and suppress it!

Raymond, who hovered a hundred meters away from the behemoth, confronted him, while swiftly analyzing in his mind. The shadow cent that retreated did not merge with it, but shortly after it escaped into the interlayer of space. He jumped out from behind Karami, the patriarch of the Sirens who was imprisoned like a faint, and the shock wave constructed between his hands was instantly released.


The filaments of the force field surrounding and wrapped around Kalami's body that could not be seen by the naked eye broke immediately under the impact of the shock wave, causing Kalami's huge body to plummet downward.

All the force field filaments generated in this sea area are all released from the body around the huge behemoth that even the face is covered by the thick robe. Therefore, when the Siren clan patriarch Kalami's body is the force field filament Being shattered, a low and angry roar was produced in midair. It's like thunder!

However, the spectral analysis in the pupil of Raymond’s right eye showed that traces of the power of the plane had appeared around the body of this behemoth, and it instantly formed a situation like a cage, making this behemoth ten meters around. The space is immediately surrounded by space cracks.

The low and rhythmic spell sound that had been echoing in the ear stopped abruptly.

The guy who had just stabilized and solidified his body, the parts of his pupils lit up in vain, and the two essence of light appeared to be silent again.

It's just that the strong sense of danger that Raymond felt before quickly faded and disappeared.

And as the breath of this behemoth can no longer be felt, the gap in space that summoned this guy. Because of the squeezing and impact of the force of the plane, the inward contraction and collapse began.

After Ling Yingfen threw the unbound Siren Patriarch Kalami to the Siren array, the shadow points made in accordance with the law also rescued the mutant leader Elana.

Just considering that it is currently unable to determine which side it belongs to. Therefore, Raymond ordered Yingfen to throw it to his side. After imprisoning him to make it temporarily unable to act even if he wakes up, he turned his attention back to the behemoth under the pressure of the plane.

At this time, this guy is already surrounded by a large number of space cracks, and the low and rhythmic micro-sounds can no longer be heard. Therefore, the dry bones that were transformed by the elder Nanya of the Siren are also Falling into a state of sluggishness, covered by the wrath of the Holy Light of Adolf who shouted "Purify all evil ones", it turned into bone meal-like debris and dissipated with the sea breeze.

The suppression of the power of the plane cannot be noticed by the lowly capable.

So after Raymond’s shadow points saved the brains of the two warring parties. There was cheers on the side of the mutant.

And aware of the gradual and intense suppression of the plane produced around the behemoth, Raymond was convinced that there was no need to fight against it and quickly only jumped into the gap and returned. Then he asked in Estayan. "The spell maker of the underworld?"

After being surrounded and suppressed by the power of that plane, the behemoth lost any sound, and its face produced ripples when heard the sound. A low and angry voice also roared directly in Raymond's mind. "shameless……"

Now that the other party was willing to communicate, Raymond's heart slowly smiled. "The suppression of the power of the plane will rise to the point where you can't bear it after a few more breaths, leaving everything that was carried by the siren that you swallowed before, and I will no longer intervene!"

"Arrogant! There is no reason to vomit everything that I swallowed!"

"The power of the plane has not reached its peak. If you attack you now, I believe that your journey back to the underworld will be more difficult. If you fall into the spoiler of time and space and be thrown into the endless void, nothing will be saved at that time. is you……"

Raymond who said these words confidently caused a glimmer of brilliance in the eye pupils of the behemoth, but the power of the plane around its mouth suddenly increased, making it after a cold snorting. He really didn't dare to release any breath anymore, trying his best to maintain the width of the space gap beside him, as if he was still working quietly.

Seeing Leimen, who became more determined in his heart, the shadow points escaped into the space mezzanine as soon as his mind moved, and the single spells that he quickly constructed between his own hands also caused huge energy fluctuations around his body. , And then he said leisurely. "Time is running out. The space gap formed by the previous summons will collapse as long as it is subject to a strong impact. The opportunity is not always available!"

Hearing this, the behemoth seemed to be extremely angry, and the invisible force field around its body suddenly expanded~www.ltnovel.com~ so that the space cracks formed by the power of the plane were pushed and all revealed. , And the roar like thunder also roared in Raymond's mind. "Say your name! Shameless! The immortal Nubis has never suffered such humiliation!"

Leimeng, whose pupils were shrinking slightly, was a little surprised, because the strength of the spell maker from the underworld obviously exceeded his previous expectations, so Dangdang even continued to force the way. "Hand over what you have devoured! Otherwise, you will definitely not be able to return to the underworld smoothly!"

It was as if the face was hidden by the energy barrier, but at this moment, it finally revealed an extremely old face, and the eyes were full of resentment.

It was just that the cage formed by the force of the plane that it had just opened up, but it was squeezed inward again and again, and the gap in the space that it was trying to maintain was also compressed in vain. It's one-fifth!

The huge body shrank inward instantly, and dozens of objects with fluorescent flashing were thrown out of the gaps in the spatial cracks formed by the power of the plane.

Only after seeing the leaf-shaped sacred artifact of the Siren tribe, the "Light of Killing", Lei Meng, together with the shadow points that jumped out of the interlayer of the space, slammed the constructed spell to the one that could pass through the underworld Space gap...... (to be continued)

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