
Chapter 1560: Sequelae

It's a pity.

When the spells released by Yingfen and Leimeng were about to touch the creature in the underworld whose body had shrunk to the size of an ordinary person, there was a sly smile on that old face, and the solid body before it was instantaneous. It disintegrated, turned into a smear of smoke and got into the gap in that space.

The flanking attack formed by the two spells touched the space crack formed by the power of the plane after losing the target, causing a series of chain reactions.

After a muffled sound, most of the fusion was completed by the space cracks that suddenly expanded outwards, causing the space within more than 100 meters to completely collapse and disintegrate, and the invisible shock wave was immediately generated, causing the sea There was a storm above.

And under the space gap formed by the elder of the siren, Nanya, summoned the creatures of the underworld before, because the production of many dry bones also caused the mutants and the siren to retreat, so the storm did not cause much. Impact.

It’s just that the digital mutants who came from the mutant team with the brilliance of the force field made a request to Raymond in Nazga, and wanted to take the mutant leader Elana who was imprisoned by his side. Take it back.

As he did not know the plan of the Siren Patriarch Karami, Raymond hesitated.

Seeing the mutants who had come to ask for Elana before, they were a little nervous. They were just taking pictures of the power that Raymond had shown before. They didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction. They seemed very nervous and anxious.

Just when there was some stalemate like this, the chief priest Mioli, who had come from the Siren tribe array, approached and said. "Patriarch Kalami has awakened, she wants to communicate with Elana privately..."

The mutant leader Elana, who was guarded by the shadow branch, was still in a coma, and those mutants became more nervous when they heard this.

And the main priest Mioli, who was spreading its wings, said to the mutants. "Don’t worry, the return of the mutants promised by the patriarch Kalami has not changed. But there are some specific details that need to be negotiated with Elana. If you are a cronies of Elana, please join us. Go."

An invitation from the chief priest Mioli. These mutants were very surprised, after exchanging opinions with their eyes. The one with the highest strength retreated after giving a salute, so that the two mutants with dawn-level strength who followed it came to the front of the priest Mioli.

Leimen, who had put away the shadow points, took Elana, the leader of the mutant who kept his body, and went to the center of the Siren array with the chief priest Mioli.

Karamy, the patriarch of the Siren clan who had regained his physical fusion, was pale and frustrated. She was blessed by many of her personal guards.

"Thank you very much for your shot, otherwise let Nanya continue, the consequences would be disastrous..."

While speaking, it was directed at the Siren Patriarch Kalami who solemnly saluted Leimen. The guards who guarded him also gave salutes, and they all looked extremely grateful.

After taking out the container in which the siren eggs were stored, and the last collected utensils belonging to Nania, the elder of the siren clan, Leimen asked directly. "Do you know what kind of existence the creature of the underworld that swallowed Nanya?"

"The members of the elders who followed Nanya have all become dead bones. Even if there are still some of her cronies, it is not worth continuing to investigate..."

Patriarch Karamy, who was deeply saddened in his expression, shook his head and sighed. After inspecting the container where the siren eggs were stored, the guard leader reported very excitedly that the siren eggs inside were not damaged.

"Fortunately, there are restrictions and protective measures inside the container, otherwise I will not be able to forgive myself even if I die..."

While talking, Karamy, who began to check the mutant leader Elana, who maintained the fusion of the true body, showed a shining brilliance between the waving wings. After a while, Elana, the leader of the mutant, also woke up.

After awakening, Elana dissolved the real body fusion, and after learning about everything that happened when she was in a coma from the Siren patriarch Karami, she immediately sent her two subordinates back. The team of mutants blocked behind the siren array will be removed, and all mutants will be assembled and rectified at a predetermined location according to the original plan, ready to be inspected by the siren for subsequent return.

After Elana arranged the arrangement, Karami, the patriarch of the Siren clan, ordered the guards around him to strengthen their guards, followed by releasing the barriers, and told Raymond the inside story about the mutants.

The Sirens, who were forced to return to the plane of wizarding due to the collapse of the Well of Eternity more than 10,000 years ago, have caused an increase in the number of mutants within their clan due to changes in the environment.

At that time, there was no Siren who could occupy the lonely cliff in the central area of ​​the Hurricane Sea, due to many factors. After a family referendum, a decision was made to expel all mutants.

Because of this decision, millions of mutants have been expelled for thousands of years. Struggling to survive in the vast seas, the situation of self-existence and destruction is extremely miserable.

"The reason for the emergence of mutants. After years of research and deduction, the Sirens determined that it was because the siren eggs lacked the breath of the well of eternity when they were hatched, so when the well of eternity reappeared After the news was learned, I contacted Elana who was expelled and worked out a plan to return the mutants..."

Speaking of Karami, the Siren clan chieftain, his expression was sad. The wings stretched out by her patted Elana's back with emotion, seeming to be comforting.

Elana, who seemed to be much younger than Karami, the patriarch of the Siren, had red eyes, and she said softly after she lowered her head for a while. "It's all due to the sequelae caused by the collapse of the Well of Eternity...According to my estimation, after the whole family moved into the space of the Well of Eternity, a small number of mutants will have a chance to return to their normal siren appearance..."

Hearing that the chief priest of the Siren here, Mioli couldn't help but curiously said. "Master Elana, why are there so many mutants? Does it mean that mutants also have the ability to continue to multiply?"

"The mutant loses the ability to multiply, but it corresponds to a substantial increase in its strength and lifespan. It is a pity that there are too few people with royal blood, and the high-end combat power cannot be compared with the Naga clan!"

When Leimen heard this, he couldn't help but frowned. The Siren Patriarch Kalami who had noticed had a slightly apologetic expression, and he quickly spoke. "Master Raymond, although there will be no serious disputes between the integration of high-level elves, the strength of the people is also the key to ensuring the continued development of the group. You don't need to worry..."

I thought of the possibilities mentioned by the old dean Seurat before, so Karamy’s explanation made Raymond know that she had a misunderstanding~www.ltnovel.com~ Raymond, who had no point to break, changed the topic directly. . "Before you fell into a coma while maintaining your real body, can you tell me why?"

"Nania is the chief elder of the Sirens, but she does not know why she has the blood of the royal family, so with the help of the effect of the sacred tool "the light of killing", she can suppress our sisters to a certain extent, just why It will fall into a coma without warning, I don't know, it should have something to do with the creature of the underworld you expelled last.

Elana’s explanation made Ramon a little disappointed. Originally in his guess, he wanted to judge the race that claimed to be the "Immortal Nubis" by understanding the reasons why Elana and Karami were unconscious. But Elana's answer made this possibility disappear.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Raymond still said. "I suspect that guy is a spell maker, and his strength should be quite strong. It will definitely not be an existence below the seventh order! Do you know why Nanya can summon such an existence?"

Karamy's expression was shocked when he heard the "Spell Creator", and there was an undisguised shock in his eyes. "Impossible! Existences above Tier 7 cannot be actively summoned from the Underworld by the Sirens. Unless they have concluded a certain summoning agreement, creatures in the Underworld above the summoner’s own strength are absolutely impossible. It was summoned by breaking through the barriers of the plane..." (to be continued)

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