
Chapter 1564: Rest two

The origin of light, after being enlightened by Raymond, gave him many ideas.

After energy is regarded as the most basic attribute, the rules contained therein are those that cannot be felt before reaching a certain level. Therefore, after trying to superimpose the spells with opposite attributes, he has tried countless times. Experiments, adjustments and tests, the unsatisfactory results made Raymond a little disappointed.

As a result, he has doubts about the roots of the thoughts that have sprouted before.

In his thinking, since the most basic'rule' of energy makes it have plastic and reversible properties, as long as any superposition of energy maintains balance and stability among various energies, the final result should be Produce quantitative changes.

However, the results of a large number of magical experiments show that this idea is only his guess and the most idealized result. It is difficult to find the balance point accurately in actual use, so it causes the magical power after superposition. On the contrary, it is not as powerful as single-attribute spells.

However, although such a conclusion of the superposition of spells contradicts Raymond’s original intention and its power is somewhat unsatisfactory, the superposition of various types of spells has gone through the chip statistics and deductions, as well as the actual tests he conducted. Raymond, who has conducted a lot of magic experiments, discovered some interesting phenomena.

For example, after the fire spell and the light spell are superimposed, additional shock will be added.

The superposition of water spells and debuff spells will extend the duration of certain state spells.

After the earth magic spell is superimposed with the fire magic spell, the effect of the burn will be amplified, and the continuity has been greatly improved.

Such technical discoveries made up for part of Raymond's disappointment, and the spell tests he spent several days on were not completely unproductive.

It's just that he is in the retreat afterwards. Many times of thinking made Raymond think of new problems.

Because the two natural disaster lords I know in the far north of the plane of nightmare all have their own unique natural disaster spells.

Frozen Son Yongye’s natural disaster spell: Extreme Ice Hell.

The natural disaster spell possessed by Gracie, whose body is the mountain of ice crystals: Wanren Ice Wall.

These two natural disaster spells are the reason why the two are regarded as natural disaster lords, and they are also the proof that their strength has reached the eighth-order wizard.

The power of natural disasters. In the legend of the Far North, it belongs to the type of destroying the heavens and the earth.

Whether it is the area covered, or the power of the spell. They are all beyond the scope of ordinary spells, but even if they have such a killer, it is said that after they have the title of Lord of the Scourge, they will rarely use, display, and even in the concepts of certain nightmare creatures. Whether this natural disaster technique really exists is questionable.

It's just that the title of the Lord of Natural Disasters is too dazzling and deterrent, so no one wants to try or witness the release of this natural disaster spell.

If the natural disaster spells are the natural ability that nightmare creatures understand when they become the Lord of the natural disasters, then obviously the changes in the energy base are not enough to offset the difference in realm. Otherwise, low-level wizards can master some fixed stacking spells and possess the ability to challenge more!

Raymond, who was thinking like this in his heart, naturally ruled out such a possibility.

Because in the world of wizards, the difference in strength brought about by differences in realm is quite large.

Especially for the middle and low-level wizards, the gap in the realm indicates the intuitive difference in protection capabilities. Unless it is with the help of external forces, it is almost unrealistic to want to fill the trenches between the realms.

Thinking of Raymond here, he realized that his thoughts had fallen into a dead end. I can't sit still.

Girl Becky, although she can provide him with a lot of useful information, there are seals or gaps in her memory. Only under certain special circumstances can she recall something, and basically it can't help when it is urgently needed.

And Xiura, the old principal of Hongze Wetland, is currently in a state of being unable to contact. I don’t know if she is at a nervous juncture of contacting the many wizarding academies on the underground plane, or if she has already gone to the high tower and is in a state of communication obstruction. .

The attempts to establish contact with the plane of nightmare through the long-distance communication symbol array are still in a state of being blocked as before. It is not clear whether it is because of the shielding of the plane, or there is a spatio-temporal turbulence between the plane of nightmare and the wizard plane. Or it may be caused by some kind of tidal storm.

Among the high-level existences that Raymond knew, the guardian blue armor was the highest. It's just that since the last time I separated, I couldn't communicate anymore. Obviously, the distance between the planes was too large and the communication was not smooth.

Therefore, in the end, Raymond established a connection with Evangeline, the corpse demon of Bone Sea.

Evangeline the corpse demon with a calm and graceful expression. She was quite curious about Raymond’s previous experience, and for the existence that Adolf called the “Lord of the Light”, her guesses about her identity were similar to Raymond’s, but in some respects it showed what she did. Knowing far exceeds Raymond's expectations.

"It should be good that the Lord of Light is an ancestor-like existence, but in my opinion, he should belong to a deep sleep. Therefore, because of certain emotional reasons, he did not lose the lost light. Recycling of the original source can be regarded as a huge advantage for you..."

After speaking with a chuckle, the corpse demon Evangeline frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he asked in doubt. "According to what you said, on the plane where Adolf is entirely formed by the energy of the light system, all ghost-like creatures are regarded as dead enemies by the teaching of the light, so even if the ancestor of the light system falls into a deep sleep, It should be such an abomination to its followers..."

Thinking of the previous reaction of the Lord of Light to Adolf's Prayer of Chanting, Raymond's expression was unavoidable.

After thinking about it for a while, Evangeline the corpse demon smiled. "The behavior of the ancestor is unimaginable and understandable. Even the Blue Armor avoids talking about the information about the ancestor, but I know that he once provoked an ancestor out of curiosity, and finally paid a great price. Get out safely. If you haven't entered the realm of the ancestor, don't guess what the ancestor thought..."

With a soft tone and a hint of advice, Lei Meng smiled bitterly and temporarily let go of the guesses and ideas in his mind, and asked after briefly describing the situation of the previous battle. "As a strong man on the Bone Sea Plane, do you have any understanding of the creatures in the Underworld calling themselves the'Immortal Nubis'?"

Evangeline, the calm corpse demon before, raised her eyebrows when she heard the sound. "Nubis the immortal? Have you encountered this guy?"

"This is what it claims, what do you know?"

"It is an extremely ancient existence in the underworld! It is the most powerful one among the spell creators. It possesses extremely terrifying abilities and is quite difficult!"

After finishing talking about ~www.ltnovel.com~, the corpse demon Evangeline in the contact interface of the magic spell showed a fierce expression. It seemed that she was thinking of something in general. After a long time, she returned to the original calmness and continued. "Raymond, if the creatures of the underworld you encountered did not deceive, you need to be more careful in the future. This'immortal Nubis' is very stingy. It is said that because it is really near immortal, it's just because it doesn't It may become the ancestor's place in order to cause a problem with the mind, and it will be reported, which is quite annoying!"

"Could it be that this guy can break through the barrier of the plane himself and break into the wizarding plane?"

"Nubis, as the creator of the spell, has various ways to avoid the detection of the power of the plane. Didn't you say before that it shouldn't have been summoned by the Siren elder?"

Raymond woke up when he heard this, but Evangeline the corpse demon was only hearing about this ‘immortal nubis’, not having actual contact or confrontation.

But since the reputation of this guy can be known to the corpse demon Evangeline on the Bone Sea plane, then the strength of this guy is obviously extremely close to the ancestor.

It's just that there is a plane barrier, Raymond also believes that he will not easily give this ‘immortal Nubis’ opportunity... (to be continued)

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