
Chapter 1565: Break in

The land of high towers.

The Wish Field, guarded by the inspectorate of the Supreme House, has the central plane channel leading to the plane of nightmare, because it cannot be restored after a few months, so the inspectorate is stationed here. Tim, after this period of time will rarely be stationed there personally.

For years of tolerance, after the former deputy speaker Belozovo became the actual dictator of the Supreme Chamber, he naturally had the power to enter and exit the tower of the corona.

Being able to enter and exit at will was originally the tower of the Coronation that belonged to the Speaker Rod Rica, which is a kind of enjoyment for him who has always had a vanity.

So as long as it is a wish that the plane channel on the Guangchang is not abnormal, he will generally stay on a terrace on the south side of the Tower of the Corona, and he will be able to grasp the dynamics of the Guangchang from afar.

Vadim, who has reached the dawn level for a long time, is not annoyed that he is called a "butcher", and even a little proud of his title.

Therefore, this represents merit, also represents strength, and even more represents its glorious past experience, as well as its bright future in the future.

It’s just that he doesn’t like being called face to face, because the Inspectorate is a secret agency, so Vadim, as the actual chief officer of the Inspectorate, only regrets that he can’t show up frequently, let alone on some important occasions. Show up, otherwise it will cause unnecessary tension and misunderstandings, and even riots!

Thinking of the Vadim here, there was a little frustration, because he was bored a week ago, and took his guards to the recently more famous Star Wheel bar at night to see where the most famous place is. The dance of the fairies caused an uproar in the end.

I don’t know who revealed his identity, which caused riots in the Star Wheel Bar. Several recluses who came from the southern grasslands actually fought and finally ignited two blocks, making Rui stationed in the high tower. The Falcons were forced to dispatch. Only then did those **** be captured!

Thinking of the chaos that night, Vadim's eyes became more and more gloomy. He was from a secret organization. How can you not think that you are being framed by others, which has led to the current ban!

"Don't let me know who it is"

Think of Vadim here. There was light in the pupils, and the wine glass in his hand was shattered with a snap!

It's just that the wine that should have been splashed did not splash away with the crumbs of the crystal glass, but was surrounded and wrapped by an invisible force, making it still maintain the original form in the wine glass, and still It trembled slightly and seemed to be shaking.

Looking at Vadim who prayed for the wide field, the anger in his heart gradually calmed down, and the liquor in his palm was wrapped in invisible power. But it turned into a wine line in vain, and it slowly moved closer to his lips, and it would enter his mouth with a single inhalation.

But just when Vadim wanted to inhale the wine into his mouth, the many figures that appeared in vain on both sides of the avenue leading to the wish [Guangchang] made his pupils shrink suddenly and his expression tightened. !

No order is not allowed to enter the avenue leading to the Wishing Field. In an instant, dozens of wizards in scarlet wizard robes appeared. After they gathered in a ring, there was a faint brilliance of the spatial force field. It emerged from the crowd in vain, creating a gap in the space above Mich. And after the rapid expansion, a figure jumped out of the gap in the space.

The liquor he was about to inhale was spilled on his clothes because of Vadim's absent-mindedness. But Vadim, the butcher who was poked hard in his butt, jumped up from his chair!

How is this possible!

This is the seat of the Supreme House!

The space here has long been completely sealed off!

No one can tear up space in an area so close to Wish [Guangchang]!

The astonished butcher Vadim roared in his heart!

But when these puzzles in his mind were noticed by him, panic and horror followed!

May [Guang] Field be the area where he is stationed, if that plane channel is attacked

No no no!

Even if it is only interrupted, it is an unforgivable serious negligence!

Thinking of this, Vadim suddenly raised his right hand, ready to release the warning.

But because of the accumulation of inexplicable spatial energy, the protective rune array set up in this area has already issued an alarm!

Ohh Ohh ohh

The sound like a low horn, instantly began to echo around the wish [Guang] field. After the highest level of warning was issued, it surrounded the top of the six wizard towers around the wish [Guang] field. 〗The light that shoots out. In an instant, they merged with each other, causing a protective barrier that looked like a canopy to appear around the praying field. While being closed, it also cut off the contact with the outside world.

The butcher Vadim, who realized that he was already on the verge of dereliction of duty, flashed a fierce expression in his expression. With a sway of his body, a continuous spatial flashing began, and he appeared on the avenue in an instant, floating in the air and looking down at the defensive crowd in a circular shape!

There are men and women, mostly gray-haired and old-faced, but these dozens of intruders wearing scarlet wizard robes have no fear in their expressions, and they have jointly released the force field barriers. It also covers a radius of 100 meters, so that the exploration breath released from the wizard tower can't penetrate into it at all!

After seeing the faces of these people clearly, Vadim, who was relieved in his heart, made his expression kind and asked slowly. "The old man is Vadim, the Inspectorate. What is the reason why you broke into this place in vain? If it is not a particularly important matter, can you communicate in a peaceful way in a different place? There is nothing that cannot be solved, right"

The wizards who formed a defensive posture in a ring shape, the gap in the space at the central position is still expanding outward, and the old man who jumped out of the gap in the space before, raised his face and looked at the tile. Tim said for a moment. "You can go and inform Belozovo right now, saying that the deans of the major wizarding academies on the underground plane are gathered, and he needs to explain himself!"

The scarlet wizard robe is such an obvious feature that Vadim would not know where wizards like to wear it, but after hearing the other's request, he burst into laughter. "The major wizarding academies in the underground plane of the wizarding ground? Are some deans still driving here? Do you think this is the underground world? Or do you think you are qualified to face Lord Belozovo?"

The only old man who spoke, ignored the threat in Vadim’s words, turned his face and after inquiring about the people around him, turned his gaze to the tower of the corona and lifted off until the butcher Vadim paralleled, then He said slowly with his hands behind his back. "Butcher Vadim, don’t blame me for not reminding you in advance! Hurry up and send the list of personnel from the Wizarding Academy of the Underworld ~ www.ltnovel.com~ Otherwise, after Belozovo comes, your troubles will not be small. !"

Vadim, who was called the "Butcher" in front of his face, couldn't help being furious!

From the corner of his eye, he noticed that the assistant troops coming out of the six wizard towers were about to complete the encirclement, but he put away the annoyance between his expressions, and laughed very easily. "The major wizarding academies on the underground plane, if they are placed in the high towers, it would be a little difficult to even flow in. You stayed in the dark crypt for so long, don't you have the sun and your brains are moldy?"

The words full of ridicule and contempt made everyone inside the protective barrier furious, but the old man who had spoken before had a touch of regret in his expression, and he lowered his head and sighed. "It seems that we are really forgotten. Even the guy hiding in the stinking ditch dare to laugh at it."

Before the old man's words fell, a hand protruding from the gap in that space, before the whole body came out, slapped Vadim the butcher fiercely!

Vadim, who did not expect to be attacked under such circumstances, only felt that his skinny palms suddenly enlarged in his eyes, and his body seemed to be imprisoned in an instant, and he flew backwards in an instant. (To be continued)

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