
Chapter 1566: Break in

The six wizard towers surrounding the square of prayer are the core of the tower’s defense system, so when the butcher Vadim was knocked into the air in vain, the members of the Falcon Legion who gathered together to form an encircled situation were also the core of the tower’s defense system. Can't help but froze for a while.

Do it in such a place?

Could it be said that these wizards from the underground world have any reliance that makes them so bold?

A lot of speculation and suspicion, on the contrary, made the leader of the Falcon regiment who came in the first time not dare to issue an attack order, but sent a message to the regiment chief Donald.

And the owner of the hand that gave the ruthless butcher Vadim a fierce blow, only then walked out of the gap in the space, his stature was slightly swayed, and he was raised ten meters higher, and came to talk to the butcher. In front of the old man where Tim was talking, he asked in a deep voice. "Why are you here? Why don't those old things in the college come?"

"Return to the respected Dean Seurat, Osvid would like to apologize to you on behalf of the professors of the Shadow City Academy, because the surrounding area of ​​the Shadow City is not safe, so they can't leave for a long time..."

The humble old man bowed and saluted as he spoke, but he had already turned to face the old woman in the plaza, but there was emotion in his expression, as if he was thinking of something in general, standing there no longer. sound.

Only the breath released by him gradually revealed the trajectory of the force field around the old woman's body, and the high-level wizard's contemplative state also rose, and it was also directed at the members of the falcon legion that gathered around. Formed tremendous pressure and a faint shock.

Vadim, the butcher who was slapped away, was shocked at the moment.

Because of the invisible force of imprisonment, he couldn't move after being shot flying, and fell heavily into the flowerbed beside the main road. Aside from that, his face was completely swollen.

And after he got up, he saw the light of force field lingering around the old woman. He also understood the difference in strength between the two sides.

How could a group of middle and low-level wizards bring high-level wizards above the dawn level to come here? It is simply absurd!

Vadim snarled secretly in his heart. After getting up, he had no choice but to retreat to the side. At this time, going up and continuing to negotiate is definitely a brain-dead behavior.

And it arrived because the core area was torn apart by people. Therefore, the guards in the six wizard towers surrounding the Wishing Square quickly deployed a defensive posture. Donald, the deputy director of the operations department who took over the defense system of the entire High Tower Land, also hurried over.

Facing these intruders wearing scarlet wizard robes inside the defensive barrier, Donald's first thought was to deal with them in a repressive way.

But the crack in the space has not closed so far, and the old woman facing the square of prayer, the sheen of the body around the force field also made him feel great pressure, so after approaching, he came to the old woman's Sideways. Slightly leaned in a polite way. "Under the commander of the Falcon Corps, Donald, why did you break into the restricted area?"

Looking at the praying square that was cut off by many defensive measures, Shura, the old dean of the Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy, directly arrived here from the underground plane. After a glance at Donald, he sighed dumbly. "Go and tell Belozovo, that it was Seurat from Hongze Wetland who came to him..."

The very strange name made Donald a little suspicious.

It’s just that in terms of the opponent’s strength, it seems that the reason for appearing here is not to spy on the Wishing Square or to be unfavorable, so after dispelling the idea of ​​forcibly expelling the garrison troops, Donald sent the message. Get out.

Now Belozovo is the dictator of the Supreme House. Sorcery You are rarely used anymore.

Any information that wants to be known by him needs to be reviewed and transmitted, even Donald, a member of the Hamilton family. If you dare to send a message directly, you will also be punished.

Because the expeditionary force that invaded the plane of nightmare is out of touch, the entire tower is now under control, and all regulations are strictly enforced. Any violations will be severely punished, even the Hamilton family Members of, now all must fully comply with the implementation, the consequences of violations are quite serious.

So after Donald retreated, he arranged for many guards to arrive here. Check the execution status of the emergency plan prepared before, and wait for the message sent from the tower of the corona.

But what surprised him was that the affairs at hand had not been processed for long. A figure that flashed in vain from the top of the tower of the Corona, continuously jumped in space and appeared beside the old woman.

Black cloak. Donald's eyes widened after the ironed and stiff coat of the Speaker, after the figure condensed, he felt a little weird.

Regarding the many eyes that gathered, Belozovo, as the Speaker of the Supreme House, was accustomed to it, but his expression was surprised and slightly confused. "Sura, you have been reluctant to appear here for so many years. Why do you show up this time?"

When Belozovo appeared from the Tower of the Corona, the old woman who turned her face was angry. "You are now the dictator of the Supreme House! You have finally reached the peak of power, but why do you want to kill the apprentices of wizards in the underground world? Don't you know the shame?"

Belozovo became serious when he heard this and shouted in a low voice. "Sura! This is a necessary process for the human wizards to enter a new era! Any power has its place! No matter who it is, it needs to withstand the test, otherwise it can have everything in the future!"

"Why do you have to sacrifice these young people who are just apprentices for your ideals!"

Belozovo, who was questioned, shook his head, disappointed in his expression. "As the greatest power of human wizards, the Supreme House represents their future and needs to guide and correct their way forward. How can you still not understand until now!"

"Belozovo! I will not continue to talk about your ideals and desires with you. The only requirement for me to come here this time is to release those apprentices who belong to the major wizarding academies on the underground plane. Don't use their lives. Be your stepping stone!"

Hearing this, the disappointment in Belozovo's expression was replaced by surprise, and he raised his voice and shouted. "This is their honour! It is also what they will feel proud and proud of in the future! As long as they belong to human beings, they will regard it as a supreme honor to participate in it! How could they have such a despicable idea!"


Repeating the description used by Belozovo blankly, the anger in the expression of Shura, the old dean of UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com, was replaced by stunned expression. Angrily wanted to continue to argue, but his eyes showed pity. Belozovo, but spread out his hands, as if reluctantly slowed down and said. "Seura, you have been far away from the center of power on the surface plane for too long. I can understand this misunderstanding. But I hope you can think about it more carefully, think about it in depth... Although you are not It's a human being, but I believe that after so many years, you will see everything from the perspective of a human wizard, and you shouldn't be blinded by those illusions on the surface..."

"Illusion? Am I being blinded?" The old dean, Shura, whose mouth twitched, looked up and down as if he had seen Belozovo for the first time, before wondering a moment later. "Belozovo! Do you believe everything you said before?"

"These are my heartfelt words! What's more, I don't need to tell you any lie! There are so many things in the Supreme House, how can I have the thoughts and time to come here to be pretentious!"

With an expression of pleading, Belozovo made the old dean Shurajia more puzzled, but before she came, she had heard that the apprentices who had arrived in the high tower had been refined into shadows. puppet!

Could it be said that the dictator of the Supreme House really does not know the reason? (To be continued)

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