
Chapter 1567: Break in

Under a certain environment, the superiors will regard their ideas as standards, and require every subordinate to follow and recognize such standards so that their ideals can be realized.

However, if it is said that its concept is not correct, it is obvious that when it believes that such a concept is not wrong, it will be extremely stubborn to label itself as justice, and any other concepts will no longer be accepted by it, even any Those who refute his ideas will also be ruthlessly obliterated.

Therefore, after the old dean Sura faced Belozovo Natan with a slightly annoyed expression, the previous inferences in her heart also wavered.

The total number of apprentices of low-level wizards among the various colleges that went from the underground world to the land of the towers exceeded 10,000.

After contacting and gathering through her, there were still about five thousand apprentice wizards who were out of contact before she set off, and no one could get in touch with these apprentice wizards.

And from a certain organization that has a deep hatred of Belozovo in the land of the tower, it also claimed that these wizard apprentices have been refined into puppets, and they are in the process of receiving training and adjustment. The form launched an impact on the plane of nightmare and rescued the expeditionary forces trapped in the plane of nightmare.

Thinking of the old dean Xiura here, I thought that if the Belozovo in front of him was not so frantic that he took such evil deeds for granted, then he should have no idea about it.

Therefore, the old dean Sura decided not to waste time anymore and moved directly to the topic. "Has the more than five thousand apprentice wizards who came from the underground world been refined into shadow puppets without consciousness and sanity?"

Hearing the last Belozovo, there was a serious expression in his expression, and he immediately asked. "I was refined into a shadow puppet? Who told you?"

"There are more than 10,000 apprentice wizards and apprentices who arrived here in response to the sign of the Supreme Court, but half of them are in a state of disconnection. Can you say that you don't know about this?"

"All wizards who have received signs, regardless of their strength, are working hard for the bright future of human wizards. Even if it is impossible for the old man to know each of their names, the state of any person who has been the sign is absolutely in the old man. Control!"

An extremely affirmative reply. After receiving the news, the old dean Shura, who arrived here quickly after receiving the news, felt relieved. After a sigh of relief, he was about to speak, but Belozovo continued. "Sura! For these young people who came from the Wizarding Academy of the Underground World in response to the call-up order, the old man has given the greatest support. Those who are missing you mentioned should be undergoing concentrated and intensive training, soon Then will follow the legion formed by the Hamilton family to set off to support the nightmare plane!"

Hearing the last old dean, Xiura, Dang even annoyed. "You let these apprentices go to the plane of nightmare? Are you crazy!"

Not paying attention to the rebuke in Seurat's tone, Belozovo, who smiled, raised his right hand and announced proudly. "Sura! When they have completed the strong training, their strength will reach the standard of a legion-level wizard! The old man saves them decades, even hundreds of years of hard training, and allows them to become witnesses to human wizards. The possibility of entering glory!"

"The standard of a legionary wizard? How could it be possible!"

Seurat, who exclaimed in amazement, made Belozovo's expression of pride even more obvious. He put his hands behind his back and turned to the direction of the prayer square, looking at the tightly protected prayer square. It took a moment for the central plane channel to ask leisurely. "Is it hard to reach the realm of a three-pole wizard?"

The old dean, Xiula, who sank in his heart, was not confused by the confidence and arrogance of Belozovo's expression. The fists in his sleeves were instantly tightened, and he took a deep breath before speaking. "Belozovo! Don't treat those apprentices in a cruel way! They are a group with a future, a dream, and a bright future! They really want to improve their strength as soon as possible, but also for the'dream' you claim Come, but you must not use their passion and impulse to make them become puppets!"

The old dean Sura, who was talking almost word by word, made the feeling of regret in Belozovo's expression more intense, and he sighed in a low voice after thinking for a moment. "Seura, don't you want to believe the old man's behavior?"

"This has nothing to do with personal emotions, nor with past friendships and friendships! I need to see their situation with my own eyes before I can feel relieved!"

The old dean, Sura's resolute answer, made Belozovo's expression embarrassed, and his eyebrows curled up into contemplation.

Seeing this, I became more convinced that the old Dean Shura, who had previously revealed the news from the organization that opposed Belozovo, became more apparent in the strength field around his body, although his aura had been lost before Belozovo’s arrival. She restrained, but at the moment it made Donald who was not far away a little nervous.

"Currently, the strong training for them is at a critical moment, although it is logically impossible to allow outsiders to enter there..."

Belozovo seemed to perceive Seurat's emotional changes, and Belozovo, who spoke in vain, looked at her eyes straight here, and then hesitated. "In order to dispel your doubts, the old man will take you to have a look!"

Unexpectedly, Belozovo would suddenly agree, and the old Dean Sura with anger in his chest couldn't help being taken aback.

But Belozovo, who seemed to want to understand the general, turned around and waved at Donald, the leader of the Falcon Legion. After he rushed over, he shouted sharply. "This is the core place. Not only can such people gather quietly, but they can also tear the space for direct arrival. As the garrison chief of this place, what's your explanation!"

Donald, who has reached the fifth-level wizard, just sent someone to understand, but so far he has not been able to get an accurate answer. He can only tell the reason for the general, but he does not dare to shirk himself. .

After a short temper, Belozovo pointed to the underground wizards who were within the protective barrier below. "Take them out of here. If you don't know the reason, don't want to participate in the affairs of supporting the expeditionary force!"

His complexion changed, and Donald's body instantly tensed. "Sir! Your subordinates will do their best to find out why!"

Belozovo, who was extremely dissatisfied with a wave of his hand, led the old dean Sura into the tower of the corona, led her to the top platform, and then activated a short-distance teleportation array.

Regarding the Hamilton family under the control of Belozovo, although the old dean Sura has no knowledge of most of the members of his family, the Donald whom he saw before is not only the commander of the Falcon regiment, but also the highest The post of Deputy Minister of the War Department of the House, so the doubts she had along the way caused her to question before entering the talisman formation. "Could it be that leading the support army to the plane of nightmare~www.ltnovel.com~ is an honor for members of your family?"

"Yes! The old man's long-cherished wish has suffered setbacks for many years, so for the bright future of human wizards, every member of the family needs to do their best! What's more, in terms of Donald's current strength, he leads those young people who have undergone strong training. Going is an extremely easy task for him. It can be regarded as the selfishness of guilt and oversight towards the family..."

There was a little emotion in the tone, and there was no concealment in his expression, which made the old dean Xiura more confused.

Donald’s position in the Hamilton family is second only to its patriarch Belozovo. If such a powerful and powerful combat force is about to be sent to the plane of nightmare to rescue the expeditionary army, then it should obviously be full grasp.

However, whether the expeditionary army currently trapped in the plane of nightmare still exists is still a matter of question. What source of information does Belozovo have, so that he will have such a strong confidence in the army that will be sent to the plane of nightmare. ?

Facing the Belozovo who was standing in the talisman and waiting for her to enter, the old dean Sura was at a loss...

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