
Chapter 1568: doubt

As the dean of the Wizarding Academy in the Shadow City of the Underworld, Osvid is not as optimistic about the current situation as the representatives of the other academies who came with him, and after Seurat of the Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy left, he was faintly disturbed. It even made him feel that there should be no more hope.

Of course, Donald, who was ordered to take the people away, looked not only irritated, but even had a tendency to explode, but the etiquette that should be met was still not missed, making everyone like VIPs, and was led into the prayer square. The Sunwheel Tower on the south side.

The six wizard towers that are the foundation of the Supreme House’s core defense system. The Corona Tower originally belonged to the Speaker Rodríguez, but after she and the third Speaker were conspired by the “octopus” Raymond and fell into the void, the Corona Tower was Occupied by Belozovo, now known as the "Zhe", it has become the supreme core of human wizards on the surface.

Among the six wizard towers around the square of prayer, because the sun wheel tower was originally the remains of an ancient wizard tower, after Osvid entered, he smelled a kind of decay and felt it too. That somber atmosphere.

The dozens of representatives of the major wizarding colleges who arrived here from the underground plane, Osvid is not the highest among them in terms of strength.

But when Donald suppressed the anger in his chest and asked happily how the space crack was constructed successfully, Osvid, who noticed that everyone’s eyes turned around, only smiled to himself, stood up, Dean Seurat explained it before.

"Sura, the old dean of the Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy, possesses some peculiar magical tools, which can make her ignoring certain restrictions and tear the space to establish such an interplanetary passage, allowing her and the wizards she allows , Free in and out..."

"Ignore the prohibition? Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy is not well-known in the underground world. Why does she have such a powerful strength and... such a weird magic weapon?"

At the end of the question, Donald's tone seemed a little hesitant, and Osvid, who was sitting across from him, showed a strange expression and smiled and stopped answering.

Examining Osvid's expression for a long time, thinking of Belozovo's attitude towards the old woman before, Donald, who was deeply jealous and helpless, knew that it was impossible to get the truth from these people.

So after standing up and confessing a few words, he hurriedly left the meeting room. How to prevent problems like today from recurring in the future is the problem he needs to solve urgently at present, instead of wasting time with these problems. The underground wizards who used means to interrogate negotiated.

Donald, who left the meeting room with a grumbling mouth, eased the tension and depressive atmosphere that had pervaded the meeting room.

Osvid breathed a long sigh of relief. Although his eyes were still facing the door of the meeting room, his expression became dazed.

More than 10,000 wizard apprentices, hundreds of mentors in the academy, and the collective disappearance of those students who were dispatched to stay in various war zones, brought the final count to 104,000!

Such a number, for the underground world, is almost the number of war zone wizards that will be provided to each war zone in the next fifty years, but because of a light and flirty'calling order', these have potential, passion, and impulse. , The students with great prospects, one by one, came to the high tower, and after being selected, they joined the major legions.

in case……

If you just join the legion to become its reserve force, it is normal.

However, the previous feedback from the high tower land indicated that most of the wizard apprentices were sent to a secret base and fell victim to some extremely cruel experiment!

Thinking of this, Osvid's expression became awe-inspiring. After thinking about it, he raised his head, and after finding the vice-president of Huze Wizard Academy who provided the information, he went over and asked. "Are you sure that the leader of the resistance organization who provided the information is Twovna who originally ruled the Lan Zhijiao Legion?"

"It's true! Twovna was originally a confidant of the Grand Speaker Rodriguez. After Rodriguez disappeared, she lurked in the tower to collect everything about Belozovo! For those wizard apprentices who came from the underground world Whereabouts, according to her, the resistance organization has sufficient evidence that more than half of the apprentices were sent to a secret base, which was originally a base where the'killer beasts' were integrated..."

Although Osvid has asked this part of the information in detail more than a few times, every detail has been imprinted in his memory, but even now when he is in the conference room in the Sunwheel Tower, Osvid I still feel that the back spine is a bit chilly.

The Killer Beasts are the foundation for the Hamilton family to stand in the high towers. If the truth is really as revealed by Twovna, then these apprentices who were sent to the secret base want their whole body The possibility of retreat is slim.

Therefore, after a little calculation, Osvid continued to ask by voice transmission. "How many students entered the secret base last?"

"One thousand and two hundred, Tvovna has not been able to obtain all of the list, but a list of 60 names has been confirmed after identification, and it belongs to the highest potential three-pole wizard apprentice among the major colleges..."

The apprenticeship of the three-pole wizard is still in the final juncture before promotion. The potential is also specially taken care of in the major colleges. Students similar to this are actually sent to the secret base by the last batch, which contains The information is a little hard to judge.

"The total number of students in the apprentice realm who came in response to the call-up order exceeds 9,000, and many tutors from various colleges have come here. If these people will not be able to return in the future, then the underground world will be in the next 50 years. What will happen?"

Osvid, who spoke in vain, caused the vague discussion in the conference room to disappear instantly, and the representatives of the various colleges who had arrived at the tower in the early stage also turned their eyes.

Osvid, who slowly stood up, ignored the weirdness in those eyes, and he still thought about it for a long time, who was puzzled, and then he continued. "More than 10,000 students will become war zone wizards in the next fifty years. If one-third is lost, it means that the pressure on the three major war zones will double... But if all is lost, then in the next fifty years The pressure on the Three Great War Zones will increase more than five times the current level. Obviously, the Three Great War Zones will be in vain..."

"Osvid! If one-tenth of these students can be promoted to the level of a second-level wizard, let alone fifty years, even the three major war zones within a hundred years will be fine! You are a little too Are you nervous..."

A certain college representative who stood up and spoke to refute made the atmosphere in the conference room relaxed, but Osvid's expression became more and more weird, and he turned to face the person and spoke. "Do you think it is possible that the mystery of the fusion of the slayer beasts will be revealed by the Hamilton family?"

Such a secret topic was provoked in vain, and many representatives of the Wizarding Academy began to discuss it.

Although the rules of the underground world are not the same as those of the surface world~www.ltnovel.com~, they are all members of human wizards, so most of the representatives of the academy have a message on this aspect of the famous Hamilton family in the place of the tower. Relatively clear.

The strength of the Slayer's beast is beyond doubt.

The Hamilton family, who mastered this secret technique, has stood tall in the tower for thousands of years. Just think about it and you can know that this is the secret of its family, how can it be made public?

What's more, judging from the appearance of the Killer Beast, the term ‘fusion’ is not appropriate. For the representatives of these wizarding schools in the underground world, they are still willing to use the term ‘refining’.

But just as everyone was preparing to discuss this issue, the door of the conference room was suddenly kicked open from the outside!

A loud bang!

After the solid door flew up, Osvid, who was facing the door of the conference room, saw Dean Seurat’s iron face...

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