
Chapter 1569: Crazy

Raymond, who was making various attempts and rest in Guya, finally got a response on the fifth day after he left a message to the old dean Seurat.

Similar to what she had guessed when she was unable to get in touch at the time, the old dean Sura was moving fast before, and almost all the major wizarding colleges in the underground plane left her footprints. It was not until two days ago that she left the tower. To leave.

"The Belozovo of the Supreme House is crazy, and the old guys in the Senate are also blinded by the bright prospects he describes, and they are in the craziest moment..."

The old Dean Xiura in the interface of Shushuyou, with exhaustion and undisguised frustration, he roared like a vent, and then sent a record through that Shushuyou, saying that he had read it. After that, you should be able to understand the propelling effect of the'calling order', and you can know the reasons for the many strange phenomena that occurred in the high tower.

It has already entered the site of a tightly controlled tower, and within 50 kilometers from the center of the prayer square, it has become a forbidden area for ordinary wizards to enter.

The garrison force, dominated by the Lan’s Jiao Legion, surrounded the entire high tower. Those who entered from other areas must have the release document from the inspector’s office. Wizards who leave the tower without permission will suffer. To attack and kill.

The inspectorate is completely reduced to a secret force. Any suspicious person will be supervised or detained, and it is said that the communication in the current tower is blocked by some facilities.

"There has been panic in the place of the high tower. It is said that many wizards who have responded to the call-up order have disappeared one after another. Some well-informed wizard families in the region are trying to send away the low-powered members of the clan..."

When he was about to check the records sent by the old dean Sura before, Leimen couldn't help being a little surprised when he learned that the land of the tower had entered such a situation. "Could it be said that the fighting power of the Supreme House has been so exhausted?"

"The low-level students from the major wizarding academies that arrived from the underground plane. Except for those who were too low-qualified and were dispatched to the major legions as reserve forces, the rest were sent to the base for strong training. After you read it, It becomes clear..."

Speaking of this, the helplessness and regret contained in the old Dean Xiula's tone made Lei Meng even more surprised, but after he opened the previous part of the record, his expression became more serious.

The records made from the perspective of the old dean, Sura, are only fragmentary pictures.

Sura, the old dean, led by the Speaker of the Supreme House, Belozovo. After being directly transmitted to an underground base, such a record was opened, but the interference of many force fields made the screen deformed. Especially when crossing those thick stone gates, it is especially serious.

Since the old dean Xiura sent this record over, Raymond also turned on the chip to make real-time corrections, recording and analyzing the pictures in the record.

The inside of the base was barely exposed by the magic lamp. There is an extremely broad space.

Reclining in the crystal containers on the walls on both sides. There is a light green or light yellow solution, and in each container there is a young man with his eyes closed, as if sleeping, who is immersing. After the old dean Shura got closer, the screen showed these young people. Odd skin tone.

Clear but with various colors and lustre solutions, their skin complexion takes on a metallic bronze color.

It was like watching a silent animation. After the scattered pictures were processed by the chip, Raymond saw no less than thirty such laboratories.

In each laboratory, there are hundreds of young wizards. Although every one's expression was peaceful and serene, even some of his lips were smiling. But no matter how you look at it, it feels weird.

In these rooms resembling a large laboratory, there are only a few middle-level wizards who wear snow white wizard robes but whose faces are covered by a cryptic force field. They are constantly diluting various potions and then passing The tops of these crystal containers are poured into them.

I don’t know what kind of dispute the old dean Sura had with Belozovo after watching it. The picture suddenly became blurred. When it became clear again, the old dean Sura’s vision Two young men with dull expressions but with the brilliance of the second-level wizard field appeared on their bodies.

The two young wizards lying flat on the test bench had lifeless eyes and pupils. An extremely long cut in their chest from the left armpit extended to their right waist. The entire chest cavity was opened. Something faintly wriggled beside the heart!

Raymond was trying to check it carefully, but the picture was here in vain. Raymond, who raised his head, heard the old dean's inquiry.

"See those two young people?"

"Are they all students who rushed to the high tower from the Wizarding Academy?"

"They are all students from Hongze Wetland Wizarding Academy, and one of them is the most promising student in this class who will be promoted to a second-level wizard before the age of 30..."

Speaking of this, the old dean Xiura showed resentment in his expression, saying almost every word. "But after experiencing the'forced training' claimed by Belozovo, he has completely reduced to a killing machine, without pain, no fear, not being affected by the pressure field, and has a fanatical attitude towards Belozovo. Loyalty!"

With a thought in his mind, Raymond asked the chip to analyze the last segment of the picture, and said. "The mystery of the Killer Beasts owned by the Hamilton family is to integrate the wizard with some powerful beasts that have lost their lives, so that they have some of the talents and abilities of these beasts, but the gloss of the force field released by these two , Obviously means that they have become second-level wizards..."

"I don't know how Belozovo did it! But he not only made these wizard apprentices willing to accept such a transformation, but also made them a kind of creature completely loyal to him. In my opinion, they have already Can't be called a "human wizard"..."

There was a strong resentment in the tone, and the old dean in the magical secret, Xiura gave way a little. As the magical picture turned, the young man shown in the previous picture was actually in a stupid imprisonment. status.

"He was forcibly asked for it from Belozovo, but there is a kind of restriction in his spiritual space that I don't understand, not only makes his spiritual space completely locked, but also any attempt to carry out his spiritual space The penetration of will lead to the complete collapse of its mental space!"

Speaking of this, Old Dean Xiura's tone became cold. "In my opinion, this is a kind of mental manipulation. It not only makes these students willing to sign an agreement to become a test product, but also makes them maintain their original sanity~www.ltnovel.com~ to Belozor Wo has developed a fanatical trust and loyalty. Any comments or advice against Belozovo will cause them to attack without warning!"

"The mental space is locked? How did you know?"

Raymond's questioning made the old Dean Xiura more saddened, and she sighed and explained. "At that time, I was preparing for the last step of'forced training' inside. After I asked them to come over, I analyzed and probed another student. The abnormality of the mental space shocked me, but I was forcing it. Under investigation, the young man's mental space collapsed in an irreversible instant! No useful information could be obtained!"

Hearing this, Raymond understood the reason, and asked after thinking for a while. "It's impossible for the method of mental manipulation to increase their strength so much in vain. Could it be that Belozovo has mastered some new secret technique?"

There was a deep sorrow in his expression, and the old dean Xiura sighed after being silent for a long time. "In one week, these students will become a powerful combat force. If you say that they are enthusiastic and loyal to Belozovo today, then they will not be afraid of sacrifice and casualties after going to the plane of nightmare! When you meet such young people, you also need to be extra careful. It is said that the power of their self-detonation can cause severe damage to wizards above the dawn level..." (To be continued.)

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