
Chapter 1570: Exhort

The old dean Seura was quite depressed. —

I thought that even though the entire incident was strange and weird, in her original estimate, she should be able to help the students who arrived in the tower not long ago, and most of them were able to get help after they learned the real situation. , Can return to the ground with many representatives of Wizarding Academy.

However, since the enlistment order of the Supreme House was issued, it took just over a month for more than 6,000 students who were listed as the reserve forces of the major legions to gain strength because of the use of the promotion resources provided by the Supreme House. It has been greatly improved, but the price paid for this is that their mental space is passive.

The students from the underground planes found out from the major legions are completely normal in their minds and have no memory problems, but they are as if they have been brainwashed. For the Supreme Court, for ' The admiration and loyalty of the dictator Belozovo has reached the level of unparalleled fanaticism. Any accusation against Belozovo will lead to their rage.

"These students who have been used as the reserve forces of the major legions do not think that their mental space has been changed, and even the in-depth questioning of the elders with blood ties cannot involve the investigation of Belozor. Any accusations from Wo, otherwise these irritable and irritable students will become extremely violent, making the incident more and more unmanageable..."

Through the narration of the old dean Seurat, Raymond understood the dark clouds that are now covering the land of the tower.

This is an extremely terrifying change for those individuals who have undergone some kind of transformation in the Supreme Court. What fills his heart is the respect for the bright future, the unconditional loyalty to Belozovo, and the power that is not completely controlled by himself because of the improvement of his own strength. It filled them with the desire for war and the expectation of going to the plane of nightmare, and it also made them think that all their hostility to opposition needs to be completely destroyed!

"More than six thousand students who have undergone the transformation of the secret base in Belozovo have reduced to being like slayers and beasts. The sequelae caused by the forcible upgrade of their strength will fill their future. Because of the gloom and helplessness, only Belozovo knows how to deal with it or remedy it..."

I felt that the old dean's mood was quite unstable. Therefore, after Lemmon had a general understanding of the current situation in the high tower, he asked why she could get help from Belozovo.

"Belozovo was a very stubborn guy before he became the patriarch of the Hamilton family. Because of certain incidents, I had some intersection with him. Afterwards, because he owed me favor, so Even though he hasn't contacted for many years, he still gave a more relaxed environment this time. Many investigations have not been blocked too much..."

Speaking of the old dean, Xiura. It seems that some memories have been brought back, his expression first softened, then a bit sad, and finally he shook his head as if to dispel the memories in his mind, his eyes became clear and said. "Raymond, it is said that the Guardian of the Plane has been missing for a long time. If you are in the sea, if you have the opportunity, try to understand the plane where there is no Guardian of the Plane. You are at an absolute disadvantage when resisting the invasion of the Plane. Once the foundation of the plane is shaken, it will be a disaster for all living beings!"

When he heard this, Raymond couldn't help but wonder. "Do you also know that the guardians of the plane have been suspended for a long time?"

"Could it be that you learned something over the sea?"

"There is a scorpion scorpionfish, Sen Mario. He claimed that the current guardian of the plane disappeared after going to the sea of ​​time and space, so after learning that I had the ocean current flower, he invited me to go with him to the sea of ​​time and space. Exploring, the final preparation before Kai Chen is currently underway..."

After informing the old dean Seurat about the acquaintance with Rose Poisonous Scorpionfish Samario and what happened afterwards, Raymond asked him about the guardian of the plane.

"The sea area occupied by the sea clan far exceeds the land area, because the sea clan does not need to obtain resources from the inland, so although the sea clan is strong, it rarely enters the inland to show its strength. I only know the guardians of the plane. Since ten thousand years ago, it has been held by the Sea Clan. Only human wizards with considerable strength can overlap with the guardians of the plane..."

Speaking of this, there was a touch of regret in the expression of the old dean, Xiura, and it took a while to continue with emotion. "Leimeng, the sea clan is not well understood by human wizards due to the factors of longevity, and their likes and dislikes are also difficult to grasp. You need to pay attention to your interactions with the sea clan. Most of them hold hostility and contempt for human wizards. Only strength is the basis for in-depth communication, remember!"

The old Dean Xiura's advice warmed Leimen's heart. After explaining his preparations for going to the sea of ​​time and space, he smiled. "Becky may be the true spirit projection, and when Adolf is able to release the'Wrath of the Holy Light', it is possible that the projection of the Lord of the Holy Light will appear, plus the single-eyed sandman Shariman is promoted to the dawn. A helper of Grade 1 strength, I think even if it is dangerous to enter the sea of ​​time and space, it should not be caused by the rose poisonous raccoon Mario..."

After asking Raymond about the purpose of this departure, the old dean, Seurat, who did not understand the sea of ​​time and space, also urged again. "There are many rumors about the sea of ​​time and space. If you are really sure that you want to go, you need to be extra careful. Don't get lucky just because you just got promoted. Not all of the strange phenomena have explanations, otherwise those ancestors will also exist. It will not fall, let alone sleep for a long time..."

"I will pay attention to all of these, but the last time I left a message to you was because of a problem. Do you know anything about the crystal called the'seed of memory'?"

"The names of similar substances are very different. They are basically products of some kind of tight seal. Therefore, if they belong to the spiritual force that cannot be detected and solved, then they can only be triggered by blood, breath and other conditions. Power can easily cause complete damage, you need to be more careful in handling..."

After understanding, Raymond asked the old dean Xiura for some questions he encountered after being promoted, but he was told by the old dean Xiura to go to the sea of ​​time and space to pay more attention. After he promised, he finished repairing with the old dean. Pull communication.

After awakening Shariman, the single pupil sandman, from the submerged training, he took out the seed of memory whose shape had changed, and expressed his idea of ​​trying to extract content.

Shariman, a single-pupil sandman, led by Silas, Lord of the Desert, had no opinion on Raymond’s ideas. After learning that he could not obtain information from the Seed of Memory~www.ltnovel.com~ A few sand crystals containing its breath were extracted from the body, and he expressed his willingness to cooperate with Raymond to complete the analysis of this memory seed.

Leimen was also a little surprised at the attitude of Shaliman, Shaliman, who asked Shaliman, who scratched his head, and then said with embarrassment for a long time. "I believe that the master's setting is for my own good, but I am also very curious about everything that the Seed of Memory contains..."

With a clumsy expression and sincere tone, Lei Meng, who was relieved, simply started the research on the Seed of Memory in front of it.

The sand crystal with its aura, after being merged by Raymond in a special way, the spiritual power with such a breath penetrates into the seed of memory, causing the seed of memory with its multi-faceted crystal structure to change again. !

First, the color of the crystal changed, and after its shape became soft, many edges and corners were smoothed, and finally the Seed of Memory became an elliptical sphere, transparent and clear.

With the help of the sand crystals given by Shaliman, the single-pupil sandman, he disguised himself as its Raymond, and finally opened the prohibition set in the seed of memory, making the massive information contained in it in vain Time can be felt and acquired by him... (To be continued.)

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