
Chapter 1571: Reboot

Sometimes, the development of events is not deflected by a certain person, a certain plan and planning, or even a will.

Belozovo, known as the "dictator" by the outside world, after three months of preparation and a lot of hard work, even forcing the Senate to make a very unintentional promise, nearly 30,000 low-level The wizard apprentices have all been transformed with special secret techniques, so that they can suddenly be reorganized into a legion and become extremely brave elite.

However, after the talisman masters in the high tower land re-stabilized and opened up the plane channel of the prayer square at any cost, the unexpected sudden change occurred at the moment when no one was prepared, and then it was out of control. .

If we can bring the time back to the moment before repairing the interplanetary transmission channel, I believe that no matter what kind of existence it is, it will be willing to pay all costs to destroy the interplanetary transmission channel instead of making it reusable. .

It's just that before the change happened, no one in the high tower area realized it, and no one wanted to believe it.

Therefore, after long-term efforts by many talismans in the high tower land to accurately calculate the time when the interplanetary transmission channel was reopened, a grand ceremony was performed as expected in the square of prayer. Open on the south side...

Because of Master Lanmodo, who has the title of "First Talisman Master" in the land of the high tower, and the participation of many Talisman Masters led by Temul of the Talisman Association, the transmission channel is carried out on the interplanetary plane. During the final commissioning, the practice ceremony that took place on the south side of the Prayer Plaza after a year was no less than the posture when the Slayers and Beast Army opened. It is displayed again on the south side of the prayer square.

The Mumbia Legion, the Sharp Falcon Legion, and the Lan Zhijiao Legion. The secret forces of the Supervisory Office, the reserve army formed by the major families, witnessed the newly formed “Kuanglan” army under the leadership of its first commander, Donald, which was chartered like a torrent of steel. It entered its predetermined position from the south side of the Sunwheel Tower in the form of floating, and after landing, it waited for the upcoming opening.

There are countless young and excited faces, although all the members remain silent. But the pressure they brought to the leaders of many legions would not make anyone dare to ignore it.

The mammoth momentum and full spirit make these bodies have a raging legion that is no weaker than the second-level wizard force field Guanghua individuals. It has become the most beautiful scenery on the square of prayer.

He has already entered the land of high towers in the mid-winter season, and the feather-like snowflakes flying all over the sky obscured the vision.

Standing in the air, the very skinny Speaker of the Supreme House, Belozovo, was in place after the formation of the Crazy Rise Army in less than a week. This was directed at his first chief, Donald, slightly bowed his head. It's an affirmation of his hard work during this time.

As Belozovo’s right hand was raised, the fluctuations in the force field generated by the tops of the six wizard towers surrounding the square of prayer released a canopy-like barrier, which cut off the snowflakes, and made Nacong The cold wind from the northwest became weak until it disappeared completely.

After the whining wind disappeared, facing the major legions owned by the Supreme House, Belozovo's expression was deeply moved, and his eyes scanned with the slowly turning of his body. It seemed that I wanted to remember every face that appeared here today, but it took a long time to face the Kuang Tide Legion again.

"Everyone! The old man Belozovo must first apologize to the human wizards who fell during the invasion. It is because of the old man's self-confidence and underestimation of the situation of the nightmare that the expeditionary force is currently in In a dangerous situation, it is necessary to pay a greater price to enable the invasion operation to be carried out according to the established plan and to move towards success..."

Belozovo's unexpected opening remarks caused discussion among many forces except the Crazy Legion. Even Donald, who hovered above the Crazy Legion array, was a bit unacceptable for a while.

The thin body that has attracted much attention, although it looks thin but contains powerful power, so everyone who appears here at this moment will not forget their identity and ignore the rights they control.

But Belozovo, who looked a little guilty in his expression, once again scanned the many legion leaders present, then lowered his raised right hand and pointed to the square of prayer surrounded by isolated barriers. . "There is no need to wait any longer. The talismans headed by Master Lanmodo will open up the interplanetary transmission channel as scheduled, and will enable you to continue the efforts that have not been done before, when the expeditionary force is supported. , Is the beginning of the sweep of the Nightmare Legion in southern Xinjiang!"

Speaking of this, Belozovo was excited and excited, and suddenly he squeezed his right hand and shouted. "Here I solemnly swear! When the southern border of the nightmare plane is suppressed, it will be the final showdown between the elites and the natural disaster lords of the nightmare plane, and it will be the time for you to see the fruitful harvest! When all the incomprehension is relieved, all the pain is turned into joy, and the owner's pain is turned into glory!"

It was like reacting to Belozovo’s roar. The isolation barrier that had previously enveloped the entire Prayer Square faded as his roar gradually faded, and the words in Belozovo ended. At that moment, the situation within the completely lifted barrier was also seen by everyone.

The interplanetary transmission channel with a diameter of more than fifty meters, the previous transmission channel that looked like stagnant water finally produced turbulence and ripples. The strands of space energy were incredibly huge, making the space resembling an inclined plane. The surface of the channel was shining brightly like an arc.

At the beginning, those bright lights were a bit faint, but as the roar of Belozovo disappeared, the crackling sound became louder as the bright lights became denser.

It's just that Master Lanmodo, who has devoted himself to the stability of this interplanetary transmission channel, is already exhausted physically and mentally at this moment.

Although he had a long-cherished wish with Temmur, the vice president of the Talisman Array Masters Association, the two months of busyness were about to end, and he no longer had any grudges about those trivial things.

It was just because Lan Modo was indifferent by nature, so after placing the last top magic stone, he got up and spoke to Temur. "Everything is going well, you only need to restart to restore it, and the old man left first..."

After speaking, Lan Modo, who was flashing continuously, left directly from the north side of the Wishing Plaza, and he didn't want to stay here at all.

Stunned, Timur waited for Master Lanmodo to disappear completely, and then he reacted. After noticing the gazes from behind, he quickly straightened up and ordered the talisman formation surrounding the plane channel. The teachers ~www.ltnovel.com~ started to start according to the previous requirements.

The bright lights around the passages of the plane became more and more dense with the manipulation of many talisman masters, and the entrance of the water curtain-like passage that had already produced turbulence before also changed accordingly.

Temur, who was standing underneath, felt that everything was normal in the operation of the talisman, then turned around and nodded at Belozovo, who was inquiring in his expression, indicating that everything would be as before. The report goes on.

It was confirmed once again, which dispelled the uneasiness in Belozovo’s chest, and made his slightly rickety body slowly straighten up, raising his arms as if he were preparing to embrace, and directed at what he had done. The prepared Crazy Tide Legion leaned slightly to salute. "The glory of human wizards will start from the moment you set off. I wish everyone here can return here with glory and pride, and bring your fruitful harvests to accept everyone’s admiration for you. , And the family and friends you are willing to be proud of, work hard and get what they deserve..."

The extremely sensational and deceptive speech is about to be rendered by Belozovo.

However, the obscure fluctuations generated in vain from the direction of the interplanetary rune array have caused the uproar... (to be continued.)

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