
Chapter 1572: Space mezzanine

In the mezzanine space outside the wizard plane, the spider beast legion from the southern borders of the nightmare plane, and a mixed army composed of many other nightmare creatures, have stayed in the space interlayer here for several days.

Because the appearance of the spoiler of time and space interferes with the stability of the space transmission between many planes, when the spider beasts broke the fortress built by the wizard plane in the middle of the nightmare world, the interplanetary plane transmission rune array located in the center of it , Was also snatched by the nightmare creatures and occupied.

Originally for the spider beasts, they wanted to destroy the rune array that was contaminated with the aura of human wizards, but the human wizard captives from the wizard plane that were actively surrendered in Lan Cihai before were given to Southern Xinjiang. The nightmare creatures provided very attractive suggestions.

Through the teleportation talisman in the captured legion fortress, all forces that have been awakened in southern Xinjiang can be transported to the wizarding plane, which not only solves the expansion of living space, but also obtains additional supplies of wizardry resources. , Thinking of coming is far less risky than going to conflict with the Sith people entrenched in the central area of ​​the nightmare plane.

And this prisoner was naturally Anderse who was captured by the inspectorate because of questioning Belozovov in the joint meeting.

A year ago because of impulse, because of the suspicion of the disappearance of Speaker Rod Rica, and because of the inadequate estimation of the despicable means of the Supreme House, Anderse, who completed the integration of family inheritance at a young age, believed that he had a certain right to speak and even entered later The possibility of the Supreme House holding an important position is quite large.

But only because he directly questioned Belozovo of the Hamilton family. This caused his entire family to fall into an irretrievable misery, and even himself was sent to the Lanci Coastal Defense Line, and fell into a situation of death!

and so. He is not reconciled!

Especially when the Lan Magnetic Coastal Line of Defense faced the spider beasts with an irresistible breakthrough, he even gave up resistance and expressed the request for surrender!

But just recalling the scene at that time, Anderse's body trembled involuntarily.

The time when he was watched by a spider beast whose size was larger than his own, with a hideous appearance and a huge aura, was the time when Anderson was most terrified.

Because these spider beasts used the method of devouring after killing the puppets of the Lan Magnetic Sea Defense Line, even some puppets used the method of self-destruction to attack and resist. But any part of their body, as long as it can be found, will enter the mouths of these spider beasts after the line of defense collapses. Reduce to their food!

Thinking of the sound of chewing that he heard at the time, Anderse had a shuddering fear.

And the horrible chewing sound hasn't stopped since the moment the Lanci Coastal Defense Line collapsed. After he waited tremblingly until the leader of the spider beast arrived, Anderse, who had been interrogated for a long time, was imprisoned with mana. Became a captive of the arachnid army. Became a prisoner under guard.

Of course, for the spider beasts, he believed that he might just be stored food...

Anderse, who was falling into fear of the past, suddenly heard a dull question in his ears. "Anderse! Why can't I find a gap to enter the plane? Could it be that the Supreme House, which occupies the leading position of the wizarding plane, abandoned the expeditionary force that invaded the nightmare world and stayed?"

"It should be that the Supreme Council has not completely repaired the interplanetary teleportation rune. The captured explorers from the wizard plane will not lie on this matter. All that is needed at the moment is to wait, as long as the interplanetary plane The teleportation circle is repaired and opened. The legion can find the gap into the wizard plane..."

Anderse answered instinctively, speaking slowly. The spider beasts in the southern border of the nightmare plane are powerful but not very intelligent, so as long as their tone is sincere and firm, then nothing will happen...

Although he was praying in his heart, but there was no change in his expression, Anderse noticed that there was a commotion from the right side of the legion’s station after he finished speaking. After turning his face to observe, he pointed in that direction. Improved the voice. "Master Clonin, there seems to be some changes over there..."

In fact, long before Andersy spoke, Clonin, the leader of the spider beast army, discovered the anomaly over there. It swayed and arrived in an instant. After seeing the sign that the space mezzanine was about to be torn apart , The hissing sound from its mouth also calmed the restless spider beast army in vain.

With the space interlayer with a little dark yellow color, the field of vision has become narrow because of the space barrier.

But when he came to the spider beast leader Clonin that produced the abnormal area, after seeing the crack formed by the spatial energy lock, the hideous face showed a cruel smile.

"The Third Army is ready to enter! The First and Second Reserves, the Fourth and Five Legions are stationed in place, and the Mixed Legion will all follow after the Third Army enters..."

The issuance of various orders caused the many nightmare creatures entrenched in the space mezzanine to begin to move. The third group of spider beasts that were asked to enter in the first batch were all of them wearing metal armor and extremely large bodies. Individual!

Following Clonin to Anderse where the gap in the space was revealed, he was finally relieved after examining it for a moment.

Now that there has been a spatial crack here, it is clear that the interplanetary transmission channel established by the Supreme House in the Plaza of Prayer has been repaired and will soon be used.

‘Belozovo! The Hamilton family...you will all suffer the harshest punishment in the world. Although I will bear the sin of betraying mankind, the destruction of the family will be paid for by the entire Hamilton family...’

He was secretly ruthless in his heart, but Anderson's expression became a bit distorted and hideous.

The spider beast Clonin, who was standing on the edge of the space crack revealing, was waiting, but the eyes of the eight spiders had fine awns and cold light, thick and thorny spider legs, and they also stepped lightly from time to time because of their excitement. , Making it even more fierce.

Time passed by the adjustments and defenses of many legions. The nightmare creatures that appeared here from the plane of nightmare through the interplanetary transmission channel of the fortress almost filled the space interlayer of the wizard plane, and there were many scattered forces. It is gathering here through plane teleportation.

The space crack in front of the spider beast leader Clonin was releasing a soft light at this time, and was also being watched by all the nightmare creatures.

The initial very thin space crack gradually extended with the passage of time, but its width did not change at all, but the light emitted was more and more dazzling.

Clonin, who was guarding the cracks in this space, waited for a long time, and finally couldn't help being anxious. The whole body trembled in vain, and the appearance of the real figure behind him also spread an irresistible breath. Coming to ~www.ltnovel.com~, many of the leaders of the Third Army that were closest to it had to retreat in embarrassment.

The human wizard Anderson, the closest to Cronin, was pushed the farthest because of the lowest strength. He staggered into the spider beast legion, causing the suppression of the spider beasts who had always been hostile to him!

Feeling the greedy and coveted gazes around him, Anderse, who was locked by many auras, dared to move, but this kind of situation was somewhat accustomed to him, so he shouted. "Master Cronin! This is not the time to force a breakthrough! The interplanetary transmission channel is the weakest only when it is opened..."

Clonin, who completed the fusion of his real body in a flash, has now become a giant eight-eyed spider with a height of 100 meters. It is like four spider legs made of metal and suddenly stepped down, the four with tongs. The forelimbs pierced into the space crack.

After hearing what Anderson said, it turned around and glanced at the Anderson who was trapped in the spider beast. The eight complex eyes with cold light had contempt and disdain.

Staring for a moment, Clonin, who turned around, smiled and opened his mouth before preparing to tear. "Don't be afraid of breaking your stomach and eat it, knowing that you have been waiting for this day for a long time..." (To be continued.)

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