
Chapter 1573: Invasion one

The interplanetary space teleportation channel that has just been repaired and completed the inspection, the humming and flashing light generated in vain from the center of the water curtain-like portal, caused the people who gathered in the square of prayers to wait for the army to march. Many members of the Supreme Council were shocked but extremely surprised.

But the big speaker Belozovo, who turned his face, had deep doubts in his expression.

But the brilliance that appeared around the portal before was suddenly dimmed, but the four corners of the portal, which was like a water curtain, shone like it was suddenly pierced by someone from behind. The dense and dazzling glare.

It was as if a general portal water curtain was pierced. After this strong light splashed, it disintegrated from the pierced place, causing many cracks in the center of the portal, following closely The creaking sound of a heavy iron plate being torn apart by brute force, it was echoed in the ears of everyone present like thunder!

Such a sudden change shocked the talisman masters who gathered in the prayer square. Because Master Lanmodo left and became the highest commander on the scene, Temur, only felt that his eyes were blackened!

Although his strength has only reached the elementary level of level 5, as the vice president of the Talisman Masters Association, his sensitivity to space energy far exceeds that of any Talisman Master present, so his body shape retreats at the same time. A heart-piercing warning was issued. "Enemy attack! Interplanetary enemy attack! Cut off all energy supply immediately, and all evacuate..."

Such a roar made the expressions of many legion leaders gathered on the south side of the prayer square changed drastically, and at the same time they gave all the troops guarding instructions to the troops under their control. He swiftly moved towards the center of his team, and the force field on his body instantly lit up.

And Belozovo, who stared at the center of the dazzling light, saw the four spikes pierced from the door of the water curtain-like space. His pupils shrank suddenly, and his right hand suddenly stood up, and a two-meter-long black giant axe was actually taken out.

The axe blade of the great axe, which was not inspired by Belozovo, actually had a layer of opaque force field luster, which caused the space around it to be distorted and deformed after it appeared.

And the many legions that were still being reviewed by Belozovo, only the Crazy Legion did not produce any commotion and anxiety. Even Donald of the Hamilton family who was suspended in front of its queue still focused his sight on Belo. Zovo. He didn't pay attention to the space portal that happened on the square of prayer.

But for Belozovo, when he took out the Soul Eater, he hesitated.

Because of the use of such a magical device, the interplanetary teleportation array set up in the square of prayer will be completely destroyed. No more than half a year can no longer be restored and put into use.

Therefore, he was caught in a dilemma whether he should promptly eliminate the threat of a cross-plane enemy attack, or be stationed in place to counterattack.

But it was just such a moment of hesitation, the four forelimbs of the spider beast Clonin that launched a surprise attack from the interlayer of the plane. But it has already suddenly torn that water curtain-like teleportation door. A void with a diameter of more than fifty meters appeared above Lingqi Plaza!

The huge body of a hundred meters high cannot pass through such a small gap.

However, the gap in the space that he tried to expand was able to make the members of the Spider Beast Third Legion rush in quickly.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of spiders and beasts gushed out of the gap in the space, and the faint black force field brilliance of an individual appeared like a torrent of black, forming an encirclement and garrison around the gap in the space. And the light black spider silk spurted from their tails also formed countless spider webs. To cover those Fuzhen masters who have not been able to escape.

The spider beast Kronin, whose smaller half of his body was already exposed, made Belozovo, who was hesitant before, greatly regretted, and was swung out by the soul-eater that was tightly held by his right hand!

I saw a dark brilliance, and instantly cut off a spider beast, and then arrived in front of Clonin, making its eight compound eyes flashed with surprise!

Already seeing the human wizards gathered on the square of prayer, there is a rich surprise on the hideous face of the spider beast Clonin at this time, and I don’t see what it does, but an invisible barrier is. The dark brilliance of the Soul Eater!

A muffled bang!

The surface of the invisible barrier instantly produced fine cracks, but the blow of the Soul Eater failed to break through. It only caused a very fine spatial distortion in the area it passed through, revealing the invisible barrier. !

It's just that the spider beast Cronin's eyes were also a little surprised. While Jiejie laughed, the four forelimbs suddenly exerted force, causing most of its body to support the space gap and suddenly expand outward again!

And the spider beast that is still constantly pouring out from the gap between its chest and abdomen, at this moment, it is as if it has gone mad, and the prepared spider web is released as soon as it emerges, making the space gap surrounded by layers of layers. Covered by cobwebs!

Belozovo, who knew the power of the Soul Eater's blow just now, finally began to retreat backwards and issued the order for a full-scale attack.

After retreating and re-forming the defensive array, the human wizard army, after receiving a reckless attack order, also launched a covering spell attack on the Wishing Square.

The release of the legion-level aggregation technique instantly made the square of prayer covered by various energies.

The violent and unrestrained Legion-level aggregation technique caused deafening sounds to reverberate between the heavens and the earth. After the dazzling light flashed, most human wizards fell into a state of temporary blindness.

The square of prayer surrounded by six wizard towers has become an area where turbulent energy converges. The energy shock waves formed by various types of aggregation spells are like a tsunami that can annihilate all obstacles.

However, he flew back and retreated to Belozovo, who was in the center of the Fury Legion, but his expression was as cold as if he was frozen. While starting the six wizard towers, he also kept issuing orders, starting many legions. Continue to disperse and begin to strengthen the attack according to the method of ladder attack.

But after such a full-scale offensive situation was launched, only the Fury Army regiment controlled by Donald did not retreat, nor did its members launch an attack. Instead, everyone gathered at Donald’s request. With the strength, the faint field of light around the body was produced.

But as the dull sound of the bang bang bang continued, the hearts of many legion leaders gradually sank.

The behemoth that appeared in the Wishing Plaza in this vain tearing space was obviously a spider beast in the nightmare world.

How do they appear here?

How can they attack as soon as the cross plane teleportation rune is repaired?

Could it be that they have already arrived here, just waiting for the cross-plane teleportation rune to be repaired in order to carry out the final positioning of the invasion...

Many doubts arose in the hearts of many people soon after the attack started~www.ltnovel.com~ and the six wizard towers surrounding the square of prayer also received orders from Belozovo After a few more breaths, the defensive field between the six wizard towers was raised, forming a closed environment, completely blocking the possibility of the space in the area being torn again.

And after Belozovo's order to stop the attack was issued, the countless rays of light shining from the top of the six wizard towers completely closed the square of prayer, isolating the inside and outside.

The power of imprisonment that can be felt by Pang Ke, the leaders of many legions finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, after the dust settled and the energy of the chaos calmed down, facing most of the human wizards in the Plaza of Prayer, his eyes widened and his face was inconceivable!

Because the area where the prayer square was originally located was already completely covered by dense and thick pale black spider webs.

The prayer square of nearly one million square meters turned into a giant silkworm cocoon. Although its outer layer was bombarded and shattered by many spells, its interior was actually like a heart beating, making itself. Shrinking continues... (To be continued.)

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