
Chapter 1574: Invasion II

The defeat was already doomed from the moment the prayer square was occupied by the spider beasts. [

No one could have imagined that half a month ago, the spider beasts in the southern borders of the nightmare plane began to plan and act. Not only did they gather several legions in the space mezzanine of the wizard plane to wait, they also prayed accurately. May the interplanetary transmission channel on the square be repaired as soon as possible, and a forcible breakthrough was adopted to formally invade the wizarding plane!

The defensive system built around the Plaza of Prayer, headed by the Tower of the Corona, cannot be said to be weak.

The almost endless supply of energy, the covering blows shot from the tops of the six wizard towers, turned the entire prayer square into a raging ocean of violent energy. The chaotic and intermingled energies of the various elements are reaching a certain critical point. It will also produce an extremely violent explosion when it is worth it.

However, the giant cocoon-shaped sphere occupied by the entire prayer square is actually hard due to its strong protection and self-healing ability, with the help of its continuous expansion and expansion, and the help of the spider web continuously generated from the inside. It lasted ten hourglasses for a long time!

The giant cocoon-shaped sphere standing in the square of prayer, even if Belozovo uses a magical weapon like the Soul Eater to attack, it can only penetrate into its shell tens of meters in thickness, and at most make it ooze some viscous imitations. It's a syrupy liquid, but it can't be torn and cut.

Therefore, it was because of insufficient estimation of the spider beast strategy, which ultimately caused an irreversible defeat.

Hundreds of tunnels dug down from the Prayer Square crossed the many lines of defense set up by the Supreme House within ten hourglass hours. A large number of spider beasts and nightmare creatures suddenly appeared from all over the tower.

Tens or hundreds of spider beasts, whose general strength reached the dawn level realm, rushed to the gathering place of human wizards in a small group.

And the spider beasts that appeared in a legion state. Instead, they surrounded the human wizarding legions around the prayer square, using their powerful individual abilities to break through the defenses of the major legions, and then the massacre was unfolded!

The Rui Falcon Legion, the Xinlan Flood Legion, the Inspectorate, and even the Mumbia Legion had not been able to resist for a long time, so they had to withdraw back into the wizard towers to reorganize and resist.

It's not that the major legions of human wizards are weak. It was not that these legion wizards had reservations in the face of the invasion, but the spider beasts' fear of death, coupled with the **** devouring of humans on the battlefield. The human wizard, who had never fought with the nightmare creatures, was psychologically disadvantaged, and in the midst of fierce conflict, such timidity gradually gained the upper hand.

And the defense system formed by the six wizard towers of the Supreme House. Although it played a huge role in defense. And the newly formed Crazy Tide Legion, which is preparing to enter the plane of nightmare, also demonstrated its powerful strength, unparalleled courage, and determination to protect the towering place during the entire process of the battle!

There are more than 6,000 Krung Tide Legion, under the leadership of its new commander Donald, has been tenaciously resisting the instability caused by any line of defense at the forefront. It will make the members of the Fury Legion who are in a situation of engagement to adopt an extreme situation such as a self-destruction without hesitation, so that their defense line can be quickly recaptured and stabilized!

And the chaotic shock wave formed by the self-detonation. It has become a guarantee for many legions in the area of ​​the six towers to be able to retreat.

It’s just that most of the strength is only the members of the Crazy Wave Legion who have been forcibly promoted to the realm of the second-level wizard. Faced with the crazy impact of the Spider Beast Legion, they only barely supported them. They actually did not have the casualties and sacrifices. Under the order of Donald, he began to retreat and retreated into the tower of the corona with less than one-third of the remaining amount.

The attack system that was fully activated before has to be disarmed at this moment because it cannot withstand the fierce attacks of the spider beasts. Fortunately, the wizard towers in the ring of prayer square are extremely defensive. After a large number of middle and high-level wizards have poured into it, it will Its defensive power has been greatly enhanced, and this has finally stabilized the defensive barrier outside the wizard tower.

The thick defensive barrier of Damich hindered the arachnid beasts in pursuit, preventing them from directly attacking the wizard tower itself.

Belozovo, who stood at the top of the tower of the corona, was extremely pale at this time because of the use of the Soul Eater many times, and even the right hand holding the Soul Eater was trembling slightly.

It was just that after returning to the Tower of the Corona, he focused his eyes on the giant cocoon on the square of prayer, watching the various nightmare creatures swarming out of it spread out, but there was no way to stop it.

And the eight-eyed magic spider Kronin, suspended above the cocoon, already understands the defensive ability of the wizard plane. After cleverly using the talents of certain nightmare creatures to break through the previous defensive system here, it gave up. After commanding the third legion of the spider beasts, staying above the giant cocoon, instructed the nightmare creatures that invaded the wizard plane to encircle the six wizard towers.

The supreme commanders of the two sides looked at each other from a distance. Although they had only met once at the beginning, as the supreme commanders of the two parties, Belozovo and Kronin, their eyes naturally gathered together.

Even if there is no splash of sparks and no emotional interference, the invasion of the Wizarding Plane by the Nightmare Plane will rapidly unfold, and then affect all the creatures of the Wizarding Plane.

Because the violent Legion under his control could not participate in the defense of the Tower of Corona, Donald came to the top of the tower after rectification, and saw Belozovo looking at the eight-eyed demon spider Kronin. After that, he leaned over to report. "At present, the inner area of ​​the high tower has fallen into chaos. The police station and the combat power deployed from various bases cannot fight the invaders at all, so you are currently ordering them to garrison and resist on the spot according to your wishes. To help with the evacuation..."

Hearing this, Belozovo's right hand holding the Soul Eater suddenly clenched, and asked after a moment of silence. "How about the casualties?"

"Relying on the asylum effect formed by the tower of the sky, it can only last two days at most..."

"If you can evacuate, then quickly evacuate. These intruders from the plane of nightmare won't be given two days..."

Speaking of this, Belozovo had thoughts in his expression, and after a while, he put away the Soul Eater and turned around, facing Donald. "Notify! Give them another half day! All the secret bases must be closed after half a day!"

Donald was shocked when he heard this time, and even lost his voice. "Half a day is not enough time for them to complete the evacuation of the outer area. The base wizards who are resisting the impact of the spider beasts can't get rid of the entanglement in such a short time and rush over..."

"This can only be done! Those bases have as much defensive effect as here after being closed~www.ltnovel.com~ Although resisting invaders will cause great casualties, only keeping those secret bases is the top priority! "

After giving the order extremely decisively, Belozovo saw Donald's expression with amazement and unbearableness. After sighing, he patted him on the shoulder and whispered. "Since the nightmare creatures have invaded, how to preserve the foundation of the Supreme House is the most important thing to consider. The loss of resources and combat power is also lost. As long as the foundation of the Supreme House is still there, then there will always be a chance to turn over in the future. Otherwise, mankind will truly lose its leadership position..."

Donald lowered his head to fall into thinking, and asked after a while. "Then, what about the family residence?"

"It doesn't matter, many people in the family resident should have been sent to the senator's resident at this time. Even if it is discovered by the nightmare creatures, it is impossible to break it!"

Belozovo, who no longer paid attention to Donald, turned around and continued to observe the number of nightmare creatures pouring out of the square of prayer, and their approximate combat power.

And Donald, who left quickly, began to arrange various affairs... (to be continued.)

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