
Chapter 1575: keep away

When the land of the high tower fell into charcoal, Raymond, who had already left the lonely cliff, was rushing to the meeting place scheduled by Semirio with Shariman and Adolf, the one-eyed sandman.

The vast sea area has many weirdness and various restricted areas set by the sea people...

Especially those areas occupied by some powerful or strange sea races, outsiders are not allowed to enter at all.

So when Raymond arrived at the assembly place and found Semirio, he learned about the many events that had occurred during the time he was on the road.

The tribes of Naga, Siren, and Medusa have already sent most of their tribes to the independent space of the Well of Eternity.

However, some members of the three tribes who stayed in the Red Sea Nagafar station regarded it as a contact place to accept the members of the three tribes, claiming that any unwarranted approach of the sea tribe would be regarded as a provocation against the tribes, and would be determined. Be killed.

"Jennifer, who is now regarded as the'king of the elves' by the three clans, is not so courageous. After most of the three clans entered the space of the well of eternity, such a ban was issued. Obviously, he is not going to give up the Red Sea. Naga’s original residence..."

On the beach of an isolated island blown by the sea breeze, the soft gravel has a unique tranquility under the bright winter sun.

Samario, who was sitting on the rocking chair and tasting some kind of fine wine, also had a little emotion in his expression when he said this.

The ringed seal Clemente, lying on the beach far away, was a little surprised at the beginning of the meeting.

Because this guy is actually a fat, short, and kind old man with a few faint scars on the corners of his mouth. It makes him always smile, and it looks harmless to humans and animals.

"The Supreme House of the Inland Human Wizard League is said to have been defeated because of the invasion of the Nightmare Plane Arachnid Legion. The news from there was completely cut off a few days ago. Even if there are some changes, it is also for the Supreme House. It won’t be beneficial..."

Hearing Leimen here shook his head, he had expected such an outcome before, but he didn't expect that the counterattack and invasion of the Nightmare plane would come so suddenly and so violently that the Nightmare Spider Beast Legion had not suffered. Too many obstacles smoothly completed the occupation of the high tower.

So Raymond asked. "Where did these news come from?"

"Naturally I got it through Frederica, the wood on Black Coconut Island. It's just that these news were also five days ago..."

After the explanation, Samario actually shook his head and exclaimed. "It's just said that Belozovo of the Supreme House is also a ruthless character. After the tower land was invaded. He even resolutely abandoned his family along with the many families in the tower land, relying on the tower of the sky. The formed defense system, with the invaders of the Nightmare Plane, sees and resists in the high tower, so that the invading nightmare creatures must reside there with a lot of combat power...

Hear Raymond here. Can't help but be surprised. "The family was destroyed during the invasion? How big was the loss?"

"The Hamilton family standing in the high tower. Why should there be hundreds of family members? The previous news said that Belozovo has a stronger appeal for this, and it has a stronger appeal for the inland east. Control has been strengthened, and with the help of the Sky Tower defense system, messages are continuously sent out to save the three cities closest to the tower from catastrophe..."

Hearing this, Raymond shook his head and said sternly. "This is the duty he should assume! If he hadn't invaded the plane of nightmare at that time, it wouldn't have caused the invasion of nightmare creatures!"

"Haha, if the invasion of the Nightmare Plane is successful, then the benefits will be huge. As a human wizard, Belozovo, the only way to reach the peak of power is to use this method. Otherwise, how can the human wizard be restored? Brilliance?"

As if he was joking, Raymond noticed the weirdness in Samario’s eyes. After thinking about it, he wanted to argue, but he laughed and stopped struggling with it, and raised up. Pointing his head towards Clemente, the ringed seal lying on the beach in the distance, basking in the sun, said. "What kind of ability does Clemente have? Why do you choose him to participate?"

"The ocean current flower is extremely difficult to obtain on the wizarding plane. Clement's strength should be able to do this trip. Therefore, the old man also promised that if he can obtain the resources he needs in the sea of ​​time and space, then he must be able to obtain the resources he needs. Let him choose first!"

"Just a free helper? For a powerful sea clan, your promise is not generous..."

Raymond said only half of his words, but Samario, who had a clear expression on his face, sighed. "Life is approaching. After all, there is a need for expectation. Although the old seal is taciturn, but has always been kind, don't worry about this trip, he will definitely not disappoint you!"

Since Raymond arrived here, Clemente, the ringed seal, who has been lying on the beach and bathing in the sun, has not moved, and its breath is so weak that it doesn't exist.

But the more so, the more Leimeng would not ignore it. The strength and realm of the seventh-level elementary level can definitely not be ignored.

Seeing Raymond's eyes have been watching Clemente, Samario, who put down the wine glass in his hand, chuckled lightly. "Raymond, the little guy you brought is so afraid of the energy of the water system. It's a bit wrong for you to take it into the sea of ​​time and space?"

"The sea of ​​time and space is not a place full of energy in the water system, and the environment there shouldn't be too big a problem for it..."

After the instinctive answer, he turned his face to see the single-eyed sandman Shariman who curled up with his back to the ocean and hid in a crack in a reef, but Raymond's voice was getting lower and lower.

Although the sea of ​​time and space belongs to a plane rich in spatial energy, he is actually not clear about whether the water system energy there is rich, and whether there is a landform similar to an ordinary ocean.

It’s just that the storage ring with the captives of the demon worms and the killer beasts cannot be allowed to stay in the sandman Shaliman for a long time, otherwise the magic worms will also cause harm to the sandman Shaliman. of.

Realizing that Raymond is also a little uncertain, Samario, with a slight smile in his pupils, laughed, and said when he changed the subject. "There are still two days to be the night of the full moon. Even if you reach the Far West directly through teleportation, it will take a lot of time to find the deep prison afterwards. If you have other helpers you can choose, or the ocean current flower If enough, the old man recommends that you consider it carefully. A Dawn-level helper who has weaknesses in the environment is sometimes not as useful as a Tier 5 wizard who can adapt to the environment..."

Semirio's tone was very sincere, turning his face to look directly at Raymond, who had been looking at him for a long time, he could only regard such advice as his kindness, and said with a smile. "It doesn't matter, a familiar helper is always more trustworthy than a makeshift companion..."

"As long as you think it's okay..."

After hitting a haha, Sen Mario no longer persuades ~www.ltnovel.com~ A light ball of memory is condensed by the flick of a finger. "There are some conditions in the extreme west. Although it seems to be deserted and the climate is bad, there are some weird existences that need to be paid more attention to. After being infected, it will be a little troublesome!"

Raymond, who received the ball of memory, couldn't help but smile when he saw that Sunmario's expression was particularly serious. "In terms of your strength, why do you still feel that some'weird existences' need to be paid attention to?"

"You can't say that. Strength and realm only represent the abilities you have, but many weird existences can still cause big troubles. It's not easy to say..."

Seeing that Samario said so cautiously, Raymond also reduced his previous contempt, and immediately extracted the information from the memory ball.

The strange phenomena mentioned in the initial stage did not make Raymond feel anything.

However, as the weird existence named ‘Gray Race’ living in the extreme west became known to him, Leimeng’s expression became serious and serious... (To be continued.)

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