
Chapter 1576: talent

Full moon night. *

The cold moonlight shone on the sea, and the continuous waves hit the beach, making most of the vast beaches swallowed up by the tide.

"The tide is rising..."

An hourglass was held between **** to time the clock. The whisper after all the fine sand on the top of the hourglass was spilled was like a reminder, making the plump ring sitting aside at night. Clemente, the harbor seal, slowly stood up. He took a deep breath, raised his hands in an embrace and started preparing.

The humming sound, along with the convergence of the spatial energy, the phantom of a ring that flashed in vain from Clement’s fat belly, after dozens of breaths, it became solid and stable, and was affected by it. The light and shadow reflected on the surface of the huge rock in front of Clemente actually formed a shape like a'door'

Clement, who was always smiling, waited for the'door' on the huge sea reef to stabilize before he retracted the ring on his chest that seemed to be a surgical instrument, panting heavily. , And finally took out a huge square towel to wipe his face full of sweat.

Seeing this, Samario, who shook his head, came to him and teased, "You should lose weight. What can you do if you get so fat..."

"It's freezing winter now, I'm used to..."

"Old seal! Now you are no longer the original ringed seal, you don't need to save so much fat to protect against the cold winter!"

After becoming a little annoyed in vain, the probe patted Clement's belly. I saw that the layers of fat were actually tumbling like waves, and even the fat on the back of his neck trembled.

Clemente, the ringed seal, smiled and stopped answering, but Raymond was quite impressed by his control of his own breath. After getting closer, he said. "Is the ability to precisely control one's own breath a talent of the ringed seal family?"

Raymond’s question seemed to confuse Clement, but Samario, who stood in front of him, said in an angry tone. "Where is the precise control, but it is because of the stingy habit that this old seal has formed over the years! He is an extreme glutton! Others eat after two mouthfuls, and he must eat again after he is full. Two eloquent temperaments!"

Such a comment is unceremonious, but Clemente smiled as if he was relieved, and folded the sweat-stained scarf away. This pointed to the ‘door’ on the sea rock.

Samario patted Clemente on the shoulder and turned away and explained. "After the moonlight shines on it, you can directly reach the northeast corner of the Far West. It is also the only area that can be reached by teleportation."

"The weird existences that you said entrenched in the extreme west, according to the path chosen this time, what are they likely to encounter?"

Raymond who asked the question came to the huge sea reef, which was like a ‘door’-like phantom formed on it because of the ring released by the ringed seal Clemente. At this moment, it has been completely imprinted on the reef. Although there was no energy fluctuation at the edge, it changed with the ray of moonlight transmitted from the sky.

The space energy, which is like smoke and dust, is slowly released outwards, as if it is infiltrating. Soon the ‘door’-like phantom on the reef becomes a water curtain-like barrier for spatial transmission.

Slowly came to Semirio next to Raymond, and while leaning closer to check, he responded casually. "The most annoying thing about this trip is the need to cross the territory of the Greys. The old man encountered their interception during the crossing several times before, which is quite annoying..."

When he heard this, Raymond frowned slightly. "Will it happen?"

"The area occupied by the gray race surrounds the deep **** in a ring. Only after reaching the edge of the hurricane can they leave their territory, there is no way to go around..."

After talking about this, Samario, who had straightened up, shook his head and sighed when he saw that Raymond wanted to continue asking questions. "Don't think about flying through the air, the Greys are more concerned about their airspace!"

After that, Samario, who saw the ‘door’ on the sea reef completely stabilized, turned his face and continued. "Although the Greys are weird, they can't cause harm to an existence like ours. At best, they are weak and frustrated..."

When Leimen heard this, he smiled bitterly, and waved his hand at Shariman, the single-eyed sandman who had been hiding in the crevice of the sea reef since he came here, and signaled it to come over and prepare to set off.

"The problem is the weakness and frustration caused by the gray race. According to your previous statement, it will last a long time, and the problems caused by the outbreak are also quite troublesome!"

"Gray races are strange creatures converged by certain emotions. If there is trouble in the past due to encounters, there is no way. Could it be that they don't go to the deep prison because they exist there?"

Looking directly at Raymond's questioning Semirio, although there was a smile in his expression, there was a sense of inquiry in his eyes, which made Raymond shook his head with dissatisfaction. "Semario! Since I have come here, I am planning to go to the sea of ​​time and space. With the same goal, there is no need to always try out..."

The inquisitive Samario Haha smiled in his pupils, turned around and waved at Clemente, the ringed seal, indicating that he could set off.

Clemente, who always had a smiling face, nodded his head, glanced at the single-eyed sandman Shariman who was shrinking from the crevice of the reef, and then walked directly into the door of the space released by him.

The seemingly solid surface of the reef rippled like water after being touched. The Clement's body surface that slowly entered it had a weak force field brilliance, and it disappeared after being completely submerged in it.

Since leaving the crevice of the reef, his eyes have been directed at the single-eyed sandman Shariman at the door of this space. Seeing that Clement has entered, even if he speeds up for a while, it seems that there is a terrible threat behind him , Instantly disappeared within the still rippling water curtain.

Haha laughed, Samario no longer teased, but waited for Raymond to enter before leaving the last one.

Raymond, who entered the door of the space, realized that the space passage was weird after entering.

The many spatial channels he entered before, even the spatial channels across planes, could not be parked inside them, and everything outside that channel was unrecognizable.

However, the spatial passage created by the ring-spotted seal Clemente using the ring-like surgical device, after entering, you can see through the translucent passage barrier, and you can see that there are many ant roads on the outside. The phenomenon!

And in this passage ~www.ltnovel.com~, there is no pulling force. The ringed seal Clemente who entered first stood not far in front of Raymond, and was alone behind him. Shariman Shaliman from Tongsha was also full of surprise, pressing his hands on the barrier of the passage and looking out.

Semirio, who followed Raymond into the passage, saw that Raymond did not move forward, but even laughed. "This is an innate ability unique to the old seal. He can prevent the mid-range space channel from being pulled by the suction at both ends..."

Speaking of this, pointing to those faint passages outside the passage, Samario continued to explain. "You see these are like ant passages. In fact, they are the trajectories of some space passages that have been left before. Unfortunately, the old seal can only be seen by people, but it is impossible to know where these space passages come from and lead where……"

Hearing this, Raymond pressed his hands on the barrier of the space channel with a little elasticity. After trying to release his perception, he found that his perception could not be separated from this spatial channel at all, and even here Within this space channel, the distance that its perception can release is only a mile.

Therefore, his eyes can see Clement and Shariman, but his perception is that they cannot reach where they are currently... (To be continued.)

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